檢視 李彥廷/月考準備2 的原始碼
<div class='tright'><img src='https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b0/Colonization_of_the_Americas_1750.PNG/452px-Colonization_of_the_Americas_1750.PNG' width=300px /></div> 同學的簡報檔在:[http://jendo.org/files/6year/教學資源/同學備課/ 同學的簡報檔] #境外行動學習策畫與國中期末行動學習 #*日程與食宿規畫:第一到第三天在漁人碼頭,其他的在市區參觀博物館.古蹟等。 #*學習的重點:看舊金山的風土民情.歷史,看歷史.地理.文化。 #*網站:6years.jendo.org/~李彥廷/usa #歐洲人發現美洲大陸是哪一年?美國脫離英國獨立是哪一年?<br/>Ans:前者是 1492 年,後者是在 1776 年7月2日宣布13個殖民地脫離英國獨立,7月4日通過《獨立宣言》。 #簡述[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/Colonization_of_the_Americas_1750.PNG 1750 年美洲大陸上的歐洲移民分布]。 #美國第一代移民來自哪一個地區? #*歐洲 #說出源於美洲的食材:火雞、馬鈴薯、玉米、可可與巧克力 #說出源於歐洲風行於今日美國的食物:蘋果派、pizza、漢堡 #美國食物在料理上的特色,以及原因。<br/>Ans:平民建國,祖先大多是農夫,吃飯簡單解決,所以食物不需要太複雜烹調技巧。 #:<div class='tright'><img src='https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6f/U.S._Territorial_Acquisitions-zh-classical.png/311px-U.S._Territorial_Acquisitions-zh-classical.png' width=300px /></div> #在美國地圖上標出美國[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/U.S._Territorial_Acquisitions-zh-classical.png 地區]菜的分布位置: #*新英格蘭(美國東北角六州,在紐約州以東,不含紐約州)菜 #*中西部菜 #*南方菜 #*德州-墨西哥菜 #*加州菜 #簡述美國人的三餐。 #*早餐:麵包.牛奶.雞蛋.果汁.麥片.咖啡.香腸等為主 #*午餐一般在工作地點用速食,一般有三明治、水果、咖啡、漢堡包、熱狗、薯條等。 #*晚餐是正餐,比較豐盛,有一二道菜,如牛排、豬排、烤肉、炸雞等,配麵包、黃油、青菜、水果、點心等。 還有人上餐館用晚餐。 #簡述[http://blogs.teachersammy.com/Blogs/entry/comedy-gourmet-English-word-turducken#.WFk-6X2eYa8 特大啃](Turducken)是哪三個字和哪三種肉組合而成的?是美國哪裡的地區菜?<br/>Ans:火雞(turkey)、鴨(duck)、雞(chicken),南方菜 #梵谷的畫風可分為哪三個時期,各有什麼特點: #*荷蘭時期:畫巴比松派科學風景畫。巴比松派是法國浪漫主義畫派轉向寫實與現代主義的一個起點。如米勒的[https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Millet_Gleaners.jpg 拾穗]、梵谷的[https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vincent_Van_Gogh_-_The_Potato_Eaters.png 食薯者]。巴比松派的作品使世人被鄉村中的優雅感動,同時也因當時巴黎和歐洲都飽受戰亂,人心思慕隱居生活,所以巴比松派成功地為風景畫打下了良好的基礎,也為印象派自1860年起的發展鋪平了道路。 #*巴黎時期:以印象派為主,著重色彩、線條、構圖,如[https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/夜晚露天咖啡座 夜晚露天咖啡座]。印象派這個名稱是由法國畫家莫內的一幅風景畫《[https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Claude_Monet,_Impression,_soleil_levant.jpg 印象·日出]》得來的。<br/>1874 年,有 30 位巴黎的青年藝術家為了挑戰當時學院派的繪畫原則,獨立舉辦了與官方沙龍相抗衡的畫展。<br/>這次畫展受到了輿論的奚落,人們隨便地以莫內的這幅畫為他們取上「印象主義者」的稱號。其實印象派藝術家的氣質和造詣各不相同,追求的理想也各自有異。<br/>印象派畫作常見的特色是筆觸未經修飾而顯見,構圖寬廣無邊,尤其著重於光影的改變、對時間的印象,並以生活中的平凡事物做為描繪對象。<br/>印象派繪畫的特色在於借助光與色的變幻來表現畫家在瞬間之際所捕捉到的印象。<br/>他們認為從表現光的過程中,就可以找到繪畫藝術的一切。<br/>因此,印象派繪畫技法的基本原理就是色彩分解,換句話是運用光譜中的七種純色作畫。<br/>像這樣,在畫布上只並列不同純色而讓觀者憑自己的視覺自行加以調合的做法,可以保持每一種純色的新鮮和光彩,從而創造出更強烈的發光度。 #*全盛時期:只有兩年的時間(1888~1890),畫作富靈性,恍如神、魔附身。畫松如綠燄,畫麥如黃濤,畫星空如一叢叢燃燒的菊花。代表作為[https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Van_Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg 星夜]。 #梵谷為什麼會畫很多自畫像? #*梵谷的自畫像有35幅,主要是他沒有錢可請模特兒,而且他一直默默無聞,沒有人願意花錢請他畫肖像,他認為要提高繪畫技巧最快、最可靠的方法就是畫人物,因此他就看著鏡子畫自己。 #梵谷和高更為什麼反對印象派?<br/>Ans:印象派畫家的風景畫,把過去被忽略的許多現實的色調變成為主角,這無疑是印象主義作出的巨大貢獻。<br/>但是由於藝術家的全部注意力都集中在光線和空氣對色彩的影響,使得畫布上所描繪的受光物變得越來越不重要了。<br/>印象派畫家不關心作品(作品裡人物)的思想性,是一個根本性的缺陷。<br/>梵谷和高更的作品是把人受的苦難繪畫出來,他們比較著重人物的思想性,而印象派卻剛好相反,這也是梵谷和高更反對印象派的原因。 #簡述梵谷和高更同住的過程,與演變成「割耳事件」的關係。<br/>Ans:高更反叛、我行我素、自負甚深,本來家財萬貫,搞到妻離子散,被朋友遺棄,而且落魄潦倒。梵谷悲天憫人、憂鬱、對所愛的人又很固執、很神經質,其實兩人相處在一起時是很大的磨難。<BR/>這樣的相處,不到三個月,高更就受不了想離開了。於是梵谷上演藝術史上很有名的「割耳事件」。 #簡述梵谷的個性與一生中挫折之間的關係。<br/>Ans:梵谷的個性:神經質、憂鬱、悲天憫人。人生總有挫折,但梵谷會鑽牛角尖,走不出來: #*1853年出生於荷蘭。父親是荷蘭歸正宗教會的神職人員。 #*1874年,21歲時到倫敦幫他叔叔開的「古柏畫店」幫忙賣畫,開始接觸繪畫。畫店就開在泰晤士河旁,國會的附近。此時愛上房東的女兒,向其求婚但被拒絕(人家已有未婚夫),他還是不放棄,仍想讓房東的女兒回心轉意,最後被房東太太逼迫、而被趕了出去。即使已經離開了舊房東的家(到蘭開斯特),但是梵谷為了要再與她見面,曾經多次孤獨地走了二天一夜的路,到她家門外偷看她,可見梵谷對愛情的執著。 #*梵谷的父親帶他回到荷蘭在一間學校學習(學當牧師),但梵谷的分數都不及格。 #*學校牧師介紹的礦區去當傳教士。他在那裡十分開心,但後來卻發生礦區主人不給礦工薪資的事,梵谷就把食物給他們,自己卻變得又瘦又弱,加上他也得不到任何支援,因此心情糟透了,直到有一天他看見一個老礦工的背影,並對此感到了興趣,從此,他開始了他的畫畫生涯。 #*去海牙學畫畫,從此愛上了陽光,被眾人稱為「太陽的戀人」。 #*荷蘭時期,1884年秋季,鄰居的女兒瑪戈特·貝格曼(比梵谷大十歲)愛上梵谷,兩人決議結婚,但遭到雙方家人反對。瑪戈特企圖以番滅鼠藥自殺,但梵谷緊急將她送到醫院。 #*1885年3月26日,梵谷的父親死於心臟病。梵谷因而哀慟欲絕。此後生活大多由弟弟接濟。 #*1885年九月,梵谷遭指控,指他讓他的一名年輕農家模特兒懷了身孕,天主教村神父於是禁止村民為梵谷做模特兒。 #*1888年2月赴法國南部的阿爾勒旅居。高更於10月來訪,12月離去,隨後梵谷的左耳於1888年12月聖誕節被割去一大半。 #*1890年接受治療,7月舉槍自殺。 #*一生支持他的弟弟由於過度悲痛和精神失常在1891年1月25日逝世,死後葬於其兄墓旁。 #簡述單車胎壓高、低各有什麼優缺點。<br/>Ans:胎壓高,路感清析,滾動阻力小;胎壓低,對地面的接觸面積大,抓地力高。 #單車約略可分為分哪三個類型? #*專業車.通勤代步.其他。 #專業單車有哪幾種?<br/>Ans:登山車、公路車、鐵人三項車、場地車、極限單車(BMX) #登山車的特點為何? #*舒適、適合爬坡、操控容易,適用於各種路面。為應對各種坡度和地勢,著重避震器、變速器的配置,有著抓地力絕佳的寬車胎跟堅固的車架。 #公路車的特點為何? #*速度快、省力、車身輕(約8KG)。現在的主要的競賽車種,而且輕量彎把加上窄輪讓行進的速度更快,也更能夠享受高速的快感。 #三鐵車的特點為何? #*考量到選手在騎乘後要繼續進行跑步,以降低風阻的設計讓選手能獲得較舒適的騎乘姿勢,使得呼吸順暢、腿部肌群不緊繃,有利於騎車和跑的轉換,也較為省力。 #場地車的特點為何? #*更具各種的室內場地,特製輪子,沒有煞車,沒有變速。 #極限單車的特點為何? #*車身較小,適合做各種極限動作,輪子都有火箭炮,讓人能夠穩固的在車上,不會座極限運動的時候掉下來,或飛出去。 #通勤代步單車有哪幾種?<br/>Ans:摺疊車、淑女車(如U-bike)、小徑車 #摺疊車的特點為何? #*便於攜帶的折疊設計,適合市區騎乘或搭配其他交通工具移動。 #淑女車的特點為何? #*通常沒有變速功能,或變速段數較少。多附菜籃可載東西,相當便於日常生活運用。結構簡單,好操作,可以載東西 #小徑車的特點為何? #*輪徑較小,與摺疊車最大差異在於車身構造無摺疊設計,可保持車架之完整性,故鋼性普遍較摺疊車佳。起步快,輪徑小好轉彎,機動性高。 #保齡球起源於何時、何地?有沒有全球性最高管理機構?近期內有沒有可能成為奧運會的比賽項目? #*埃及,前7200年前。沒有。沒有可能。 #中世紀歐洲保齡球變成了宗教儀式,球瓶代表什麼?用球擊倒球瓶代表什麼? #*惡魔。除魔。 #中世紀宗教改革後在德國,保齡球逐漸發展起來成為幾瓶運動? #*九瓶運動 #「保齡球在16世紀傳入美國,然後1930年代逐漸由九個球瓶演變成為現在的十個球瓶的保齡球運動。」請問以上敘述有何錯誤? #*保齡球在16世紀傳入美國有誤,那時美國還沒成立。 #9瓶制與10瓶制保齡球球瓶擺法有何不同?為什麼? #*9瓶制是把九個保齡球排程正方形,3乘3。10瓶制是把10個球瓶擺成這三角形,1+2+3+4。 #解釋以下保齡球術語:(考試時只提供英文) #*洗溝(gutter ball):球沒有擊中任何的球瓶。 #*全倒(Strike):每一局第一球,場面上所有球瓶被擊倒。 #*火雞(Turkey):連續三次全倒(全中)。 #*犯規(fouling):投球中或完成時腳超過犯規線,該次投球0分。 #*補中(spare):每局第二球,場面上剩餘球瓶全被擊倒。 #簡述保齡球的記分方式。 #*局保齡球的計分方法以十格計分格為計算原則 , 球手需在每一格儘量打中全部球瓶。如未能一投全中,可多投一球。 #*每一個計分格所得的分數是該格所投球瓶總數(即在該格的投球擊倒球瓶多少支就有多少分數),但如果能在第一球打全中,該格所得分數會加上後面所投二球所擊倒的瓶數;如打補中,該格所得分數會加上後面所投一球所擊倒瓶數。每一個計分格的分數會累積到下一個計分格。 #*在第10個計分格亦以同樣方法計算,即如果在第10格打到補中或全中就可額外多打一球或二球以計算第十格的累積總分。 #*在擊倒球瓶前,身體任何一部份踏中或踏過犯規線就沒有分數 #*全中(一個計分格中的第一投擊倒十支瓶) , 當格分數會加上後面所投二球所擊倒瓶數 . #*補中(一個計分格中要用二球擊倒十支瓶) , 當格分數會加上後面所投一球所擊倒瓶數 #為了保護球道,球道用什麼材質構成?還要再加上什麼防護措施?為什麼不乾脆用水泥或鋼鐵來造球道? #*材質一般為可耐保齡球撞擊的漆樹或松樹。在球道上漆一層防護漆,因為球會壞掉。 #保齡球的球不能用什麼材質做?直徑多少公分?重量由幾磅到幾磅?球上的三個洞分別要放入哪三指? #*金屬材質,直徑21.5公分,8~16磅。拇指.中指.無名指。 #計分計算題。 #什麼是共享經濟的三要素,請用此三要素解釋什麼是共享經濟。 #*閒置的產能.媒合平台.使用者。 #請從食、衣、住、行、育、樂、健等方面,各舉出一個以上共享經濟的例子。 #*食:一個人買食材,邀外人去他家吃飯,吃完後SHARE錢。 Feastly>食物銀行 #*衣:ThredUP #*住:Airbnb.Homeaway.沙發衝浪。 #*行:youbike.uber.JustPark #*育:技能 Skillshare #*樂:生活用品共享 Yerdle. #*健:病友社群。病患導向研究,大幅降低雙盲臨床實驗的成本並提高速度。 實作題: #在指定的位址上搭建網站 #建立 banner 、導航列、內容區三大區塊 #製作 banner 圖、文。 #製作 導航列:三大項、六小項 #製作內容頁: #*由資料表內容投射 #*由 wiki 頁投射 #*撰寫 php ,須帳號、密碼才能看的頁。 #圖照與相簿 #*布署圖照資料夾 #*布署兩個程式 #*修改圖照檔名使之有說明意義 #*上傳圖照 #*操作相簿 ===英文=== ====一、填充題==== *_______________ 1. The train station was closed for three hours because of a s_____ alert. *_______________ 2. The fire caused c_____ damage to the factory. *_______________ 3. The employment agency sent a r_____t for the secretary who quit. *_______________ 4. She has just added a painting of Picasso to her art c_____. *_______________ 5. We should leave i_____, or we’ll miss the train. *_______________ 6. He is a well-_____ person. *_______________ 7. The board took i_____ action to solve the problem. *_______________ 8. Every citizen has_____ rights as well as _____ duties. *_______________ 9. Local government e_____s will take place in May. *_______________ 10. When the general gave the s _____ for an attack, the soldiers rushed out. *_______________ 11. The tightrope walker spreads out his arms to keep his _____. *_______________ 12. I know what we are doing is legal, but _____ it doesn’t feel right. *_______________ 13. There has been s_____t increase in population in recent years. *_______________ 14. This theory has no s_____ basis at all. *_______________ 15. He narrowly e_____ death/ being killed in the accident. *_______________ 16. The police are w_____ war on drug dealers. *_______________ 17. The country’s greatest wealth is its natural r_____s. *_______________ 18. I had a j_____ summer in Hualien. *_______________ 19. The fan is powered by a small electric m_____. *_______________ 20. George and Mary announced their e_____t at the Christmas party. ====二、翻譯: 2016年美國總統大選==== *1.In the heat of the election campaign, the final presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump took place in Las Vegas at the University of Nevada on October 19.According to the CNN po0 ll, Hillary Clinton clearly won the debate, which mainly targets the undecided voters.[http://www.worldone.com.tw/publish.do?ecId=10 文章段落引用自【The U.S. Presidential Election of 2016】:2016年美國總統大選] **競選活動進入白熱化階段,民主黨的希拉蕊•柯林頓與共和黨的唐納•川普間最後一次總統辯論於 10 月 19 日在內華達大學拉斯維加斯分校舉行。根據 CNN 的調查,希拉蕊•柯林頓很明顯在這次針對未表態選民的辯論中獲勝。 *2.Hillary Clinton had strong experience in politics before becoming a presidential candidate. She served as the 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, U.S. Senator of New York from 2001 to 2009, and First Lady of the United States during the presidency of husband Bill Clinton.[http://www.worldone.com.tw/publish.do?ecId=10 文章段落引用自【The U.S. Presidential Election of 2016】:2016年美國總統大選] **希拉蕊•柯林頓成為總統候選人前,在政治上有很豐富的經驗:2009 年至 2013 年她擔任過第 67 屆美國國務卿、2001年至 2009 年擔任美國紐約州聯邦參議員、比爾•柯林頓總統就任期間是美國第一夫人。 ====三、根據Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)美國電影制度分級,寫出中文意思==== *G (General Audiences) *PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) *PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned) *R (Restricted) *NC-17 (No One 17 And Under Admitted) ====四、 根據上課提到First Date對話,回答問題==== *1. What kind of movie is the girl going to see on her date? *2. At what theater is the movie playing? *3. How is the girl getting to the movie? *4. What time does the movie begin? *5. What time does she have to be home? ====五、請用too, so, either, neither寫出肯定、否定附和句。==== *1.We are tired.(Bob) →___________________________________________________________________________________ →___________________________________________________________________________________ *2.I am going home.(They) →___________________________________________________________________________________ →___________________________________________________________________________________ *3.We were late.(She) →___________________________________________________________________________________ →___________________________________________________________________________________ *4.Learning is fun.(Playing) →___________________________________________________________________________________ →___________________________________________________________________________________ *5.He has been to America.(I) →___________________________________________________________________________________ →___________________________________________________________________________________ *6.Mom slept late.(Dad) →___________________________________________________________________________________ →___________________________________________________________________________________ *7.You were not sick.(I) →___________________________________________________________________________________ →___________________________________________________________________________________ *8.Mom hasn’t come.(Dad) →___________________________________________________________________________________ →___________________________________________________________________________________ *9.He won’t come.(We) →___________________________________________________________________________________ →___________________________________________________________________________________ *10.We didn’t have tests. (Sue) →___________________________________________________________________________________ →___________________________________________________________________________________ ====六、根據上課街舞(Street Dancing)文章回答問題?==== *1.Where do street dancers usually perform? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ *2.One typical style of street dancing is break dancing, where did break dancing originate? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ *3.Who created “Good Foot” in 1969? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ *4.What is the most important feature of street dancing? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ *5.Why the gangs started to use break dancing? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ==2017.10.26月考== ===一、 將片語填入題目中,並做適當的變化=== *1. Chris is a handsome young man. He loves meeting and dating new girls. _________________________he sees a nice girl, he tries any way he can meet her. *2. Susan is from Germany. This is her first trip to California. She must need someone to _________________________. *3. Here’s my number. You can _________________________. *4. They danced at a pub _________________________. *5. I don’t know how to _________________________ for his company’s loss. *6. The weather is awful. Bring an umbrella with you. It’s _________________________. *7. Mary waited for at least one hour, but George still hadn’t _________________________. *8. Victor _________________________ milk yesterday. He wants get some at the supermarket. *9. I was angry. I refused to _________________________ her reason. *10. Don’t go too far away. You might _________________________. *11. A lot of drugs _________________________ quite common plants. *12. The phone is _________________________ again. Where’s the pay phone? *13. Don’t you feel tired? You’ve been on your case _________________________. *14. My parents are _________________________ for the next two weeks. *15. I wants to go to the theater with you tomorrow. Can you come to my place and _________________________? ===二、 回答問題=== *1. 寫些兩個與道別相關的說法? *2. 寫出兩個關於問好(打招呼)的說法。 *3. 當別人跟你問好(打招呼),該如何回答? 請寫出兩個回答。 *4. 寫出兩個關於道歉的句子。 *5. 寫出兩個關於「不知道」的說法。 *6. 請用英文寫出訂票的過程(四個)? *7. 如果不確定機票可以預訂幾天,要怎麼問? *8. 訂機票有分成reserve(預約)&預定(book),請解釋reserve(預約)&預定(book)的不同? *9. 搭乘飛機有提供特別餐的選擇,請解釋嬰兒(Baby)、幼兒(Infant)與兒童(Child Meals)的不同。 *10. 請解釋嚴格素食(Vegetarian Vegan Meal)。 ===三、 數量單位=== *1. 一片披薩: *2. 一塊木頭: *3. 玻璃碎片: *4. 一粒鹽: *5. 一片小紙: *6. 一盒牛奶: *7. 一點灰塵: *8. 三罐蜂蜜: *9. 五壺茶: *10. 一塊混凝土板: ===四、 翻譯=== *1. Greg lives a very unhealthy lifestyle. He smokes two packs of cigarettes every day. He drinks a lot of whisky and beer, and he eats really bad, high calorie, high cholesterol food. If he carries on like this, he will end up having a heart attack and dying at an early age. *2. In large, crowded cities, it’s almost impossible to find homes with backyards. But in smaller towns, you’re more likely to have a yard behind your house. Standard features in yards for children include dog houses and swings. In hot areas of the world, some families even have swimming pools. For some privacy, most owners will build fences around their yards. *3. Bob fell ill a few days ago, and as he was still feeling sick, this morning, he decided to go and see a doctor. The doctor listened to his symptoms and said that she didn’t think it was a serious problem. She gave him a prescription for some medicine and told him he should feel better soon. *4. Life is so unpredictable. One day could be filled with lots of fortune events, while the next with unexpected trouble. Sometimes even when we don’t deliberately pursue wealth or fame, it just happens. So buckle up—you never know when you’ll just get lucky and strike it rich, or when fate will deal you a fatal blow. *5. I think the traditional market is a very interesting place. You can find various food stands, including vegetable stands, and meat stands. Of course, there are also different seasonal fruits at good prices. If the markets are near a harbor, you can sometimes even find fresh and delicious seafood. Traditional markets are truly housewives’ favorite food shopping places. ===五、 文意選填: 將適合的選項填入,並回答下列問題。=== *(1) This is a hard statistic to swallow, but fortunately Los Angeles, California, is doing something about it. In October 2012, the city adopted a ban that __________ pet stores from selling commercially bred cats, dogs, and rabbits. The new law requires all pet stores to sell only rescued animals, and anyone violating it will be __________ US$250 for the first offense, double that for the second time, and double that for the third. This is sure to reduce the number of killings the city performs while promoting the benefits of adopting rescued animals, many of __________ came from pet stores in the first place. Hopefully, this __________ will become popular and more cities in the US and around the world will do the same. *(2) If you're traveling through London, England, you might __________ old-fashioned, green shacks on the streets. The first of these small buildings, which are no larger than a horse and cart, were built in 1875. Their original purpose was to make piping hot food and drinks __________ or the drivers of horse-drawn carriages. At that time, British law __________ coachmen rom leaving their carriages on the roadside while grabbing a drink or a bite to eat. __________ a charity called the Cabmen's Shelter Fund constructed these shacks to make the drivers' lives a bit easier. They could remain __________ in their carriages as they were served food from the window. This convenient concept worked so well that by the 20th century, there were 61 shelters in __________ around the city. (A) operation (B) prohibits (C) movement (D) available (E) seated (F) which (G) prohibited(H) As a result (I) fined (J)spot *(3) 根據(1) 在文章中提到hard statistic to swallow,請問在本篇文章中指的意思是什麼? 請用中文解釋。 *(4) 根據(2) 在文章中提到grab a bite to eat ,請問在本篇文章中指的意思是什麼? 請用中文解釋。 ===六、 閱讀理解=== This K-pop girl group has drawn talent from all over the world. With nine members, TWICE is one of the largest girl groups in the world of K-pop. They have won fans around the world with their high energy sound and fancy dance moves. Unlike most girl groups in K-pop today, a few of their members aren't Korean. Mina was born in America, Momo and Sana are both from Japan, and TWICE's youngest member, Tzuyu, was born in Taiwan. The group is called TWICE because they have two ways to make fans happy. One way is with their amazing singing skills. The other is with creative dance steps and their cool clothes. Each girl in TWICE has her own look and personality. This tells their young fans they should feel free to choose their own style, too. The group was started in 2015 on a popular TV show. Sixteen girls tried to win a spot in the group, but only nine made it. In 2015, their first album hit number 15 on Billboard's World Albums Chart. Last year, they had the top-selling album in Korea by a girl group. Now this year, TWICE became one of the biggest pop groups in Japan. Their next goal is to take the world by storm. *1. How many people are there in TWICE? *2. Why is the group called TWICE? *3. How many girls competed for a spot in the group? *4. Who are not Korean in TWICE? ==共同考題== <sqltbl> dbname=jendo sql=select 提供者,question,answer from testQuestionBank where common=1 order by 提供者 wikicols=answer tblhead=提供者;題目;答案 </sqltbl> ==文言識讀== #世說新語選與將進酒作業規定中的全部注釋。特別強調: #*色的各種解釋: #*然的各種解釋: #*之的各種解釋: #*乃的各種解釋: #*謂的各種解釋: #能說明任何一段課文的意思。 #能說明世說新語選五則故事的寓意。尤其是「晉明帝」那一篇。 #理解與思考: #*「天生我材必有用」為什麼要接「千金散盡還復來」? #*「惟有飲者留其名」為什麼要接「陳王昔時宴平樂」? #北京話與河洛話有什麼不同? #今天河洛話為什麼比北京話保留了更多古代中原的古音? #能以河洛語唱將進酒四句以上,請事先錄音,月考時上傳至指定位置。 ==中國歷史== #簡介中國歷史的五個階段。 #簡述中國的「資訊工具」的發展次序。 #紙的普遍使用和科舉制度有什麼關係? #什麼叫三公九卿制?什麼是三省六部制?兩者各適用於哪些歷史階段(或朝代)?兩者有何不同? #探討「第二次大分裂時代」的以下問題: ##「第二次大分裂時代」始於什麼事件?終於什麼事件? ##請說明為什麼東漢末年政治混亂。 ##請說明在政治混亂,百姓生活痛苦時,什麼性質的組織,容易串連百姓,起來起義造反。 ##造成東漢末年軍閥割據的是哪兩個事件。 ##第二次大分裂時代的核心課題是「胡、漢關係到底該怎麼辦?」請問除了五胡十九國胡、漢互砍外,還有哪些朝代或國家提出哪些方針來解決這個問題?誰沒有成功?誰成功了?是用什麼方法成功的? ##在胡漢關係找到解答之前,即使西晉司馬家沒有內鬨(八王之亂),天下仍能維持統一嗎?試說明你的理由。 ##在胡漢關係找到解答之前,即使前秦符堅打贏了淝水之戰,他就能夠統一天下,建立長期穩固的王朝嗎?試說明你的理由。 ==實作題== #插入一張圖,查出其 exif #能從中正山遠眺照片中,辨識鄰近的山頭及地點。 #能以河洛語唱將進酒四句以上,請事先錄音,月考時上傳至指定位置。 #榫的辨識 #齒輪繪圖 #韓國國旗繪圖