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第 1 行: 第 1 行:
====verb chant/ irregular verbs (part I)====
====Verb chant/ irregular verbs (part I)====
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第 67 行: 第 76 行:
#a few (片語):一些(可數)
#a few (片語):一些(可數)
#bake [bek] (動):烘烤
#bake [bek] (動):烘烤
第 87 行: 第 97 行:
#matter [' mætɚ] (名):事情
#matter [' mætɚ] (名):事情
#possible [' pɑsəb!](形):可能的
#possible [' pɑsəb!](形):可能的
#That the earth is round is true.  
#That the earth is round is true.  
第 94 行: 第 104 行:
#閱讀(一)Mrs. Johnson's Glasses
#Mrs. Johnson's Glasses
#閱讀(二)Ted's Wish
#Ted's Wish
#as usual 一如往常
#be fond of 喜歡
#be curious about 對...感到好奇
#by mistake 不小心地
#get up 起床
#have no idea 不知道
#look for 尋找
#on one's way to 到...的路上
#at the age of 在...的年紀
#be crazy about 瘋狂喜愛...
#be eager to 渴望做...
#be satisfied with 滿意...
#come true 實現
#for example 例如
#in fact 事實上
#in person 親自

2016年5月3日 (二) 20:51的最新修訂版本


  • 班級3::劉國安、溫書桓、丁禾、張胤閎、李彥廷、楊京典、沈昀羲、莊坤霖、施馨檸、洪郁絜。


  • 班級1:許皓程、吳文瀚、范鎮鈞、謝酲洊、曾明哲、蔡依緁、洪仁益、張子宜、陳又甄、莊惟智。


  • 班級2:胡英文、柯智懷、孫紹傑、黃玟淇、李哲寬、施棋澧、柯欣妤、張祐豪、邱申晴、陳思諭。


  1. 複習不規則動詞三態
  2. 不規則動詞三態檢核

Verb chant/ irregular verbs (part I)

編號 原形動詞 過去式 過去分詞
1 be was, were been
2 bear bore born, borne
3 beat beat beaten, beat
4 become became become
5 begin began begun
6 bite bit bitten
7 blow blew blown
8 break broke broken
9 bring brought brought
10 broadcast broadcast broadcast
11 build built built
12 burn burnt,burned burnt,burned
13 burst burst burst
14 buy bought bought
15 catch caught caught
16 choose chose chosen
17 come came come
18 cost cost cost
19 cut cut cut
20 dig dug dug
21 do did done
22 draw drew drawn
23 dream dreamt, dreamed dreamt, dreamed
24 drink drank drunk
25 drive drove driven
26 eat ate eaten
27 fall fell fallen
28 feed fed fed


  • 1200單字複習
  1. a few (片語):一些(可數)
  2. bake [bek] (動):烘烤
  3. bread [brɛd](名):麵包
  4. couch [kaʊtʃ] (名):沙發
  5. down [daʊn] (副):向下
  6. flute [flut] (名):長笛
  7. gate [get] (名):大門
  8. feed [fid] (動):餵食、給予 (feed-fed-fed)
  9. duck [dʌk] (名):鴨子
  10. ham [hæm] (名):火腿
  11. husband ['hʌzbənd] (名):丈夫
  12. job [dʒɑb] (名):工作
  13. businessman [' bɪznɪsmən] (名):(單)商人*備註:businessmen (複)商人、businesswoman(businesswomen) 女商人
  14. ever [' ɛvɚ] (副):曾經
  15. glass [glæs] (名) : 玻璃、玻璃杯 (glasses:眼鏡)
  16. hit [hɪt] (動):打、擊、碰撞 (hit-hit-hit)
  17. kite[kaɪt] (名):風箏
  18. lawyer[' lɔjɚ] (名):律師
  19. matter [' mætɚ] (名):事情
  20. possible [' pɑsəb!](形):可能的


  1. That the earth is round is true.
  2. I believe that he is a nice boy.
  3. It is true that the earth is round.


  1. Mrs. Johnson's Glasses
  2. Ted's Wish


  1. as usual 一如往常
  2. be fond of 喜歡
  3. be curious about 對...感到好奇
  4. by mistake 不小心地
  5. get up 起床
  6. have no idea 不知道
  7. look for 尋找
  8. on one's way to 到...的路上
  9. at the age of 在...的年紀
  10. be crazy about 瘋狂喜愛...
  11. be eager to 渴望做...
  12. be satisfied with 滿意...
  13. come true 實現
  14. for example 例如
  15. in fact 事實上
  16. in person 親自