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# 水療中心
# 水療中心

2018年4月24日 (二) 10:00的最新修訂版本

  • 一、 單字
  1. 水療中心
  2. 眼睛癢
  3. 三溫暖浴室
  4. 腹瀉
  5. 商務中心
  6. 頭痛
  7. 大廳、休息室
  8. 便秘
  9. 會議室
  10. 嘔吐
  11. 禮品店
  12. 胃痛
  13. 健身房
  14. 麥片
  15. 壁球室
  16. 糖漿
  17. 流鼻涕
  18. 煎餅
  19. 噁心
  • 二、 句型
  1. 您想要哪天辦理入住?
  2. 您打算住幾天?
  3. 這個房間會住幾個大人?
  4. 這裡有大廳(休息室)嗎?
  5. 您好…我想點歐陸早餐。
  6. 浴室的電燈不亮了。你能派人來修一下嗎?
  7. 空調有點問題。
  8. 淋浴間沒有熱水。
  9. 我的抽水馬桶堵住了。
  10. 我能借變壓器嗎?
  • 三、 寫出畫線的單字中文意思,並翻譯。

Cologne Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church in (1) Cologne, Germany. It is the seat of the (2) Archbishop of Cologne and the (3) administration of the (4) Archdiocese of Cologne. It is a (5) renowned (6) monument of German (7) Catholicism and (8)Gothic architecture and is a World (9)Heritage Site. It is Germany's most visited (10) landmark, attracting an average of 20,000 people a day. Construction of Cologne Cathedral (11) commenced in 1248 and was (12) halted in 1473, leaving it unfinished. Work restarted in the 19th century and was completed, to the original plan, in1880. It is 144 metres long, 86 m wide and its towers are approximately 157 m tall. The (13) cathedral is the largest Gothic church in Northern Europe and has the second-tallest spires. Its two huge (14) spires give it the largest (15) façade of any church in the world. Cologne's (16) medieval builders had planned a grand structure to house the (17) reliquary of the Three Kings and fit its role as a place of (18) worship for the Holy Roman Emperor. Despite having been left incomplete during the medieval period, Cologne Cathedral eventually became unified as "a (19) masterpiece of exceptional (20) intrinsic value" and "a powerful (21) testimony to the strength and (22) persistence of (23) Christian belief in medieval and modern Europe”. As a World Heritage Site, and with its convenient position on tourist (24) routes, Cologne Cathedral is a major tourist attraction, the visitors including many who travel there as a Christian (25) pilgrimage. Visitors can climb 509 stone steps of the spiral staircase to a viewing platform about 98 m above the ground. The platform gives a scenic view over the Rhine. Touring the Cathedral is forbidden during (26) Mass. Entry into the cathedral is free but you will be asked for a (27) donation.