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Going to a restaurant has changed over the years. These days, graphic designers work hard to manipulate what you order and eat. They use many different tactics to get customers to order more expensive dishes. Here's how they do it.
Going to a restaurant has changed over the years. These days, graphic designers work hard to manipulate what you order and eat. They use many different tactics to get customers to order more expensive dishes. Here's how they do it.
You probably didn't notice that the menu at the fancy restaurant you went to last week was leather-bound and a bit heavy. That's intentional. A more attractive and weightier menu gives the impression of luxury and high-class dining. Opeaning the menu, you might have noticed that the leading items in each food category—appetizers, entrées, and desserts—are often the most expensive. These are the items that we scan first. Also, prices are no longer written out. For example, something for the price of US$13.00 is written as "13." Avoiding the dollar sign makes customers not realize an item's true cost.
You probably didn't notice that the menu at the fancy restaurant you went to last week was leather-bound and a bit heavy. That's intentional. A more attractive and weightier menu gives the impression of luxury and high-class dining. Opeaning the menu, you might have noticed that the leading items in each food category—appetizers, entrées, and desserts—are often the most expensive. These are the items that we scan first. Also, prices are no longer written out. For example, something for the price of US$13.00 is written as "13." Avoiding the dollar sign makes customers not realize an item's true cost.
That's just for starters. Which would you rather order: "steak with mashed potatoes" or "free-range Iowa farm beef steak with traditional Idaho mashed potatoes?" Of course, the more descriptive a menu item, the more likely we are to order it. Such descriptions contain several psychological factor.
That's just for starters. Which would you rather order: "steak with mashed potatoes" or "free-range Iowa farm beef steak with traditional Idaho mashed potatoes?" Of course, the more descriptive a menu item, the more likely we are to order it. Such descriptions contain several psychological factor.
The font, color, and layout also play a role in how you order food. The names of dishes or ingredients written in italics are meant to draw your attention. Red and yellow have been shown to make people hungry, so those colors are often used on restaurant logos and menus. Any items written in the upper right corner of the page or in a box also attract the customer's eye when reading through the available options. The next time you go to a restaurant, be aware of these engineered tricks when reading a menu!
The font, color, and layout also play a role in how you order food. The names of dishes or ingredients written in italics are meant to draw your attention. Red and yellow have been shown to make people hungry, so those colors are often used on restaurant logos and menus. Any items written in the upper right corner of the page or in a box also attract the customer's eye when reading through the available options. The next time you go to a restaurant, be aware of these engineered tricks when reading a menu!

2018年11月9日 (五) 21:06的修訂版本



Sarawak's capital city, Kuching, offers a different experience. It's packed with bistros, bars, and all of the conveniences of most modern cities. Yet Kuching retains its old. world charm because it doesn't suffer from major traffic or pollution problems.

As you travel around Kuching, you're certain to notice numerous cat statues around the city. That's because the city has had a long love affair with their feline friends. In fact, the name of the city, kuching, means 'cat' in Malay. No one knows for certain why the city was named after cats, but there are different theories. Some think that many shorttailed cats were living there when the city was built. Others believe the city got its name due to a miscommunication during the colonial era. In either case, the residents of Kuching embraced the name and their connection to cats.

Affections run so deep that when the city's feline population started declining in the 1950s, residents demanded action. In response, the British Royal Air Force parachuted 14,000 cats into the city to stabilize the population in a mission called Operation Cat Drop.

To learn more about Kuching's history with cats, check out the Kuching Cat Museum. It has more than 4,000 cat-related artifacts on display. This collection includes contemporary paintings, giant replicas, and porcelain figurines. There is even a mummified cat that was imported from Egypt. Before leaving the city, you can spend time with real cats at one of the city's many cat cafés. Petting a happy Kuching cat as you sip a cup of coffee is a great way to end your "purr-fect" vacation.







Losing Touch with Nature May Make You Sick

For something that’s not actually a recognized medical condition, Nature-Deficit Disorder (NDD) has gotten a lot of attention since it was first coined in 2005. Writer Richard Louv, who acknowledges that NDD is mostly a metaphor for a lifestyle lacking in contact with nature, came up with the term in his book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Louv explained that children who play outside often are less likely to become ill, stressed, or aggressive compared to those who watch a lot of television and spend most of their free time indoors. Indeed, studies appear to back up that claim by noting that children who spend a significant amount of time outdoors tend to have better mental and physical health. Experts believe that problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be relieved through contact with nature, whereas they may be worsened by staying inside watching TV, playing video games, or being glued to a smartphone. What’s more, research also suggests that getting a nature fix can help boost the immune system.

According to Louv, the effects of NDD can be lessened or even reversed by making sure parents encourage their kids to enjoy playing outdoors as much as they can. However, mothers and fathers shouldn’t force their kids to go outside or use it as a type of punishment. Rather, they should lead by example, spending time with them in the park, at the beach, camping, and doing other activities, Louv said. He added that children learn many important and practical skills while interacting with nature, like risk-taking, independence, and decision-making. In turn, this aids in the development of confidence and overall good health.

對於還未受到認可的醫學狀況下,大自然缺失症在2005年第一個被創造以來,它得到了很多的關注。作家Richard Louv認為大自然缺失症主要是對缺乏接觸大自然的一種隱喻,在《失去山林的孩子:拯救大自然缺失症兒童》這本書中提到的術語。Louv說明,和那些一直看電視和大部份休閒時間都待在室內的小孩相比,時常在戶外玩的小孩更不容易生病、感到有壓力、個性好鬥。事實上,有研究支持了這個說法,提到小孩長時間在戶外玩心理和生理都會更健康。專家相信像是注意力不集中和過動症,都可以經由和大自然接觸而得到緩和,而在室內看電視、玩電動遊戲和一直看智慧型手機的人會更惡化。此外研究也指出自然就像一劑藥能幫助增強免疫系統。




A New Kind of Eating Disorder

Taking things too far can become a problem even if the reasoning behind the extreme behavior is for your own good. Health nuts obsess about exercising and diets. They count the number of carbohydrates in every meal and how much body fat they burn at the gym. Caring about what kinds of food we put into our bodies can be healthy, or it can go so far as to become an eating disorder of its own, known as orthorexia nervosa. First described by Dr. Steven Bratman in 1997, it refers to people who are so fixated on eating healthy food that it negatively affects other parts of their lives.

Focusing on eating fresh foods or avoiding certain unhealthy meals has become a lifestyle choice for many. Some people don't know where to draw the line and end up spending absurd amounts of time or money on making sure they are eating right. Orthorexia rears its ugly head when people give up living a normal life to eat only pure food and avoid what they see as contamination. Not trusting perfectly good food is another symptom of the eating disorder, along with pathological behavior like self-punishment for eating the "wrong" kind of food, and other obsessive tendencies.

It took many years for the disorder to be recognized. It was first mentioned in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in 2004. Although the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association doesn't list orthorexia as a diagnosable medical condition, more and more people are discussing it on social media. With this open communication, maybe those suffering from orthorexia will find it easier to seek help.

把事情做得太超過可能會變成一個問題,就算在極端行為背後的理論是為了自己好。健康狂熱者對於運動和飲食過分在意。他們計算著每一餐碳水化合物的量和運動讓燃燒調多少體脂肪。關心我們吃進什麼樣的食物能變得健康,但是太過的話甚至會變成一個叫健康飲食癡迷者的飲食失調。這個病第一次在1997年被Dr. Steven Bratman描述,他指出太專注於食用健康食品,導致在自己生活其他部分中產生負面影響的人。不相信完美的食物是飲食失調的另一個症狀,以及對於吃下「錯誤」食物而自我懲罰等病態行為和其他強迫傾向也是其中一個症狀。





The Cadbury Story Tasty Chocolate with a Lot of Influence

Just how delicious is Cadbury chocolate? Here are a few clues for you: it has the stamp of approval from the Queen of England, it inspired author Roald Dahl to write Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and there are two tourist attractions based on the company's products.

Let's start with the Queen. In 1854, 30 years after Cadbury was founded by John Cadbury in Birmingham, England, Cadbury was awarded its first Royal Warrant from Queen Victoria. A Royal Warrant indicates a particular company supplies goods to the Royal Family, which suggests they are of superior quality. It's a bit like saying, "The Queen approves of this product."

Cadbury wasn't always a leader in the world of chocolate. In fact, Cadbury was originally known more for selling tea and coffee. By the time John Cadbury's sons, Richard and George, took over the company in 1861, the future looked bleak. Sales had fallen, and Cadbury was actually losing money. The sons managed to turn the company around in the span of five years by focusing more on chocolate and improving quality.

As a type of market survey in the 1920s, Cadbury would send samples of their new chocolates to school kids to get their opinions on them. One of these testers was none other than Roald Dahl, who was inspired to write Charlie and the Chocolate Factory decades later. Cadbury also introduced Fancy Boxes, packaging candy in containers designed to look pretty, including heart-shaped ones for Valentine's Day. Other candy and chocolate companies continue to copy this marketing concept to this day.

To further their branding, the company opened two tourist attractions called Cadbury World. The first Cadbury World was opened in 1990 in Birmingham, England, while the second followed in Dunedin, New Zealand, in 2003. Perhaps a young visitor to one of those facilities will someday go on to create a famous piece of fiction about chocolate as well!



吉百利公司不是一直是巧克力市界的領導者。 事實上,吉百利公司原本是出售茶和咖啡而聞名。當約翰吉百利的兒子,理查德和喬治,於1861年接管公司時,公司未來看起來很黯淡。銷售額下降,吉百利公司實際上正在虧錢。兒子們更專注於巧克力和提高品質,成功地在五年內扭轉了公司的局面。

1920年的一個市場調查,吉百利公司將會給學校的小孩一些試吃品,尋求他們的想法。其中一位試吃者Roald Dahl,他受到啟發,在數十年後寫出了查理與巧克力工廠。吉百利公司還推出了各種花樣的包裝盒,把糖果包裝在看起來很漂亮的容器裡,包括情人節的心形盒子。其他糖果和巧克力公司到現在還繼續用這一種營銷理念。




Italians were singing and dancing in the streets of Naples in joyful celebration. Dozens of pizza chefs gave out free pizzas to enthusiastic crowds of locals and tourists. Why all the fuss? Neapolitans, as natives of that southern Italian city are called, invented pizza 250 years ago. The United Nations World Heritage Committee finally announced its official recognition of pizza-making, granting it UNESCO World Heritage status. In Naples, according to the UN culture body, there are some 3,000 professionally trained pizza chefs. The pizza chefs learned their craft by the apprentice method. They are passing down the tradition from one generation to the next.

The earliest pizzas were plain, unappetizing offerings, with added lard, created to cheaply feed masses of poor people in the early 18th century. By mid-century, pizzas were being sold in taverns.Before the turn of the 19th century, the first pizzerias began popping up in the city. Since that time, traditional Neapolitan pizzas have been based on a few simple ingredients. Flour, salt, water, and yeast are carefully combined with the best available produce.Authentic pizzas require distinct steps. Dough preparation must include kneading by hand, rolling the dough into a pizza crust, skillfully tossing the unbaked dough to "air" it, baking in a wood-fired stove, and rotating the pizza in the oven to make sure it is evenly cooked.

Perhaps surprisingly, there are millions of pizza eaters all over the world who don't even know that the pizza they are so fond of originated in Italy. Neapolitans are happy because, thanks to UNESCO, that is about to change. Neapolitans want the world to know that pizza was born in Naples. They are confident now that the word is finally out.

拿坡里的街道上,意大利人唱歌跳舞愉快的慶祝著。數十位披薩師傅發送免費的比薩給熱情的當地人和遊客。這麼大驚小怪是為甚麼呢? 拿坡里人,義大利南部當地人的稱呼,250年前發明了披薩。聯合國世界遺產委員會最終正式宣布認可比薩製作,並授予它聯合國教科文組織世界遺產的地位。根據聯合國文化機構,在拿坡里有大約3,000名受過專業訓練的披薩師傅。披薩師傅通過做學徒的方法學來這個手藝。他們將這個傳統從一代一代傳承下去。






Going to a restaurant has changed over the years. These days, graphic designers work hard to manipulate what you order and eat. They use many different tactics to get customers to order more expensive dishes. Here's how they do it.

You probably didn't notice that the menu at the fancy restaurant you went to last week was leather-bound and a bit heavy. That's intentional. A more attractive and weightier menu gives the impression of luxury and high-class dining. Opeaning the menu, you might have noticed that the leading items in each food category—appetizers, entrées, and desserts—are often the most expensive. These are the items that we scan first. Also, prices are no longer written out. For example, something for the price of US$13.00 is written as "13." Avoiding the dollar sign makes customers not realize an item's true cost.

That's just for starters. Which would you rather order: "steak with mashed potatoes" or "free-range Iowa farm beef steak with traditional Idaho mashed potatoes?" Of course, the more descriptive a menu item, the more likely we are to order it. Such descriptions contain several psychological factor.

The font, color, and layout also play a role in how you order food. The names of dishes or ingredients written in italics are meant to draw your attention. Red and yellow have been shown to make people hungry, so those colors are often used on restaurant logos and menus. Any items written in the upper right corner of the page or in a box also attract the customer's eye when reading through the available options. The next time you go to a restaurant, be aware of these engineered tricks when reading a menu!



