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小天后的全球話題MV!泰勒絲-看看你的傑作 (Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do) (歌詞/lyrics)
**annoy  (vt.)使煩惱
**edit  (vt.)編輯
**exclude  (vt.)拒絕
**victim  受害人
** receipt  收據
**I don't like your little games我討厭你的小把戲
**Don't like your tilted stage討厭你傾斜在空中的舞台
**I don't like your perfect crime我討厭你犯罪不留痕跡
**How you laugh when you lie討厭你說謊時嘴邊總有一抹微笑
**You said the gun was mine說我才是真正的幕後操手
超有感觸!你的父母一定也會做的事!(THINGS ASIAN PARENTS DO)
**differently  (ad.)不同地
**subscribe  (vt.)捐獻
** always  (ad.)永遠,
**anything  什麼事
**around  在…周圍
**What's up guys?大家好嗎?
**Dad was always at work.爸爸永遠都在工作。
**Taking a shWait!要洗澡囉!
**Wait! I have new shampoo!等等!我有新的洗髮精!
**Here! Good bag.給你!這是個好袋子。
*[http://jason1058.pixnet.net/blog/post/53094060-Galantis%20&%20ROZES%20-%20Girls%20on%20Boys%20%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E7%BF%BB%E8%AD%AF Galantis & ROZES - Girls on Boys翻譯]
回顧韓國光州世大運:柯P完整英文致詞 (Gwangju Summer Universiade: Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je's Full English Speech)
**authorize  (vt.)授權與
**behalf  代表,
**build  (vt.)建設
**extend  (vt.)延長
**honor  榮譽
**good evening!大家晚安!
**You have demonstrated what excellence is all about.你們是最棒的主辦國
**I am Wen-je Ko, mayor of Taipei City.我是臺北市長柯文哲。
**I am here to receive the Universiade flag on behalf of Taipei.我代表臺北來接旗。
**A big thank you to you, all the athletes:感謝所有的運動員
[http://jason1058.pixnet.net/blog/post/39029202  Wantaways - Relove Relax中文翻譯]
「所以魚可以吃吧?」清點那些人們會對素食者講的話 (Things People Say to Vegetarians)
**believe  (vt.)相信;
**license  執照
**option  選擇
** subscribe  (vt.)捐獻
**already  (ad.)已經
**Wait, you're vegetarian?等等,你吃素?
**But where do you get your protein from?那你從哪裡取得蛋白質?
**Wow, I could never do it.哇,我才做不來
**So like, what do you eat?那你吃什麼?
**How can you be a vegetarian?那你怎麼可能會是素食者?
[http://jason1058.pixnet.net/blog/post/43166736 R3hab - Hold Me 抱著我翻譯]
【SMOSH】神中肯:1997年和2017年的差別 (1997 VS 2017)
**download  下行裝載
** load  (vt.)裝載
**tight  (a.)緊的
**band  樂隊
**check  檢查
**Hey guys! Hey guys! Watch this!嘿 各位 看清楚囉!
**YEAH! That was hilarious! Way to go champ!耶耶,那真是太爆笑了!幹得好!
**That was so good buddy!不錯喔 兄弟 你整到我了
**It's unacceptable!完全無法接受!!
**Is this yours?這是你的東西?
【TED-Ed】動物生殖器演化,比你想像得複雜多!(The evolution of animal genitalia - Menno Schilthuizen)
**apparently  (ad.)表面上,
**appeal  (vi.)呼籲,
** ass  驢
** assess  (vt.)評價
**attempt  (vt.)努力
**The evolutionary tango of animal genitalia.變化多端的動物生殖器演化
**Can you guess what you're looking at?你能猜到這是什麼嗎?
**If you answered "duck vagina," you'd be right.若你回答「鴨子陰道」,那你就對了
**We see similarly unbelievable genitalia in insects,類似的奇特生殖器同樣存在於昆蟲
**Apparently, no organs evolve faster and into more variable shapes很顯然比起其他器官,生殖器官演進速度更快
貓奴必看!貓咪的真心話竟然是… (What your cat really thinks of you.)
**anything  什麼事
**appreciate  (vt.)欣賞
**crazy  (a.)瘋狂的
** dead  (a.)死的
**enough  充足
**Ok, you can pat my belly now, please. Thank you.好,你現在可以拍拍我的肚子了。謝啦!
**No, you're doing it wrong. You're patting my belly wrong.不對!才不是這樣呢!不是這樣拍!
**Can you please just...? Ok, stop, stop, stop!你可不可以…?好,停、停、停下來!
**Why are you so bad at this?你怎麼那麼不專業啊?
**I know. I know. It's crazy! Ok. I like dry food, but I'm not gonna just go for dry food every day.真的!真的!我快發瘋了!好,我喜歡乾糧,但我不想每天吃啊!
如果大家都跟Instagram發文一樣地講話? (If People Talked Like Their Instagram Captions)
**whole 全部
**jean 牛仔褲
**adidas 阿迪達斯
**freedom 自由
**Let's kill this week.好好地過這一周吧!
**Do what you love,做妳愛做的事
**So you can see my whole outfit, silly.傻傻,這樣妳才看得到我今天的穿著啊!
**My shoes are Adidas.鞋子是 Adidas 的牌子
**My jeans are Topshop.牛仔褲是在 Topshop 買的
不同語言中的顏色 (The surprising pattern behind color names around the world)
**paint 畫
**ask 問
**about 關於
**yellow 黃色
**theory 原理
**How about this one?這張呢?
**And this one?還有這張呢?
**You probably said blue, purple, and brown — but if your native language is Wobé from你大概會說它是藍色、紫色和咖啡色,但如果你的母語是
**So how do they do it?他們是怎麼知道的?
**that assumption.對這個假設提出質疑
【Anna Akana】記住別人的名字有障礙?教你超酷炫記名方法! (How to Remember Names)
**actually  (ad.)事實上
**advance  前進,
** ask  (vi.)問
**even  (ad.)甚至
**forget  (vt.)忘記
**Oh my god, me too. 歐我的天啊,我也是
**Yeah, watch. Uh, what's your name?對啊,你看,呃,你的名字是?
**Did you just imagine shooting me in the head?你剛剛是在想像朝我的頭開槍嗎
**I don't...know, that's kind of weird.我...不知道,這聽起來很怪
**Kind of psychotic sounding, to be honest.老實說,聽起來滿有病的
【Anna Akana】為什麼女生該勇敢追愛 (Why Girls Should Ask Guys Out)
**approach  (vt.)向…靠近
** break  中斷
**crush  壓碎
** ferret  白鼬
** ealier  較早的
**Aye boy, you wanna, you wanna, I got you a present.嘿,你想要交個朋友嗎? 我有個禮物要送你
**You good looking boy you wanna come home with me?小帥哥,你想跟我回家嗎?
**I was talking to a friend the other day,前幾天我跟一個朋友聊天,
**Come on! Hey, hey, come here!理我一下嘛!嘿,來我這裡!
**I have been trying to send him signals,我一直暗示他很久了,
致敬神曲Despacito!今夏最狂改編:我的小泳褲 (I Wear Speedos | DESPACITO PARODY (Luis Fonsi ft.Daddy Yankee)) (歌詞/lyrics)
** believe  (vt.)相信
**board  委員會
** build  (vt.)建設
**gawk  笨人
**gross  總數
**Beach is where I like to work on my sun-kissed skin沙灘,陽光熱吻我肌膚的好所在
**But I make sure I am evenly brown確保我每寸均勻膚色
**I'm confident in the skin that I'm in, and我在我的身體裡活得很自在
**I will wear what I want this summer because I今夏我穿我想要的,因為
**I am feeling fresh like I'm an ad for Mentos舒暢到底,我是曼陀珠的活動招牌
向美國人解釋「加拿大國慶日」到底有什麼好慶祝! (Neighbours: Explaining Canada Day to America)
**Hey neighbour.嘿,鄰居
**Oh, hi America.噢、嗨,美國
**What's with the decorations?那些裝飾是怎麼回事?
**It's Canada Day.今天是加拿大國慶日
**Yeah, but we do July 4th對,但我們會有七月四號
**We got eagles... and freedom...我們有老鷹⋯有自由⋯
**Did you just say你剛剛說
**What do WE have to celebrate?「我們有什麼好慶祝的」嗎?
**So, if you break your leg所以當你斷了一條腿
如果你不愛自己的身體 (What It’s Like To Not Love Your Body)
**saw  鋸子
**healthier  健康
**actually  (ad.)事實上
**arm  (v.)武裝
** cute  (a.)可愛
**Oh, this is so good. You should try it!喔,這超好吃。你應該要試試看!
**Oh, no thank you. I'm trying to eat healthier.喔不用了,謝謝。我想吃的健康一些
**Like, scary ripped.對阿,精壯的可怕
**Yeah dude. Seriously, like jacked.對阿,兄弟,真的超壯的
**Oh, here you go little guy.噢!讓我幫你,小傢伙
什麼!其實幸運籤餅是美國菜? (6 Foreign Foods Invented In USA)
**apparently  (ad.)表面上
**become  (vi.)變成
**fortune  財富,
**ingredient  成分
**origin  起源
**Two restaurants in Los Angeles claim ownership of creating the French Dip兩家位於洛杉磯的餐廳都聲稱自己是法式三明治的發明者
**which consists of roast beef on a French Baguette - dripped in au jus or beef juice.法式三明治是由烤牛肉和浸泡過牛肉原汁的法國麵包所組成
**Cole's Pacific Electric Buffet claims they invented it in 1908。Cole's Pacific Electric Buffet 這家餐廳聲稱這是他們於 1908 年發明的,
**German chocolate cake is named after American chocolate maker - Sam German.「德式」巧克力蛋糕的命名,是來自一位美國巧克力師傅 Sam German 的姓氏
**In 1852, German developed a dark baking chocolate and it was originally called 'German's chocolate cake' 1852 年, German 先生研發了烤黑巧克力,並命名為「German 的巧克力蛋糕」
閨蜜限定!那些只有你們兩人懂的專屬默契 (Things You Only Let Your BFF Do)
**frustrate  (vt.)挫敗
**kit  裝備
** child  孩子
**drum  鼓
**even  (ad.)甚至
**Is that my shirt?那件是我的衣服嗎?
**Looks good.妳穿起來好看
**You look like a child bride.對彼此講話超直白)妳看起來像個花童
**Take it off. Why do you keep trying to--脫掉啦,為什麼妳堅持要選這種⋯⋯
**I don't even know how much longer I can do this.我不知道我還可以撐很久
【TED-Ed】媽媽,我們是從哪裡蹦出來的?來看看哺乳類的三種生產法 (The three different ways mammals give birth - Kate Slabosky)
**associate  (vt.)使發生
**attach  (vt.)使…附屬於…
**bill  帳單
**break  中斷,
**define  (vt.)定義
**What do these animals have in common?這些動物有哪些共通點呢?
**More than you might think.可能比你想像中的還有多喔
**That includes warm blood,共同之處包含恆溫
**body hair or fur,身體有毛髮
**the ability to breathe using lungs,可用肺呼吸
魯了這麼久,終於在交友軟體配對成功!來深入聊聊天 (Meet My Tinder Date)
**everyone 每個人
**believe 相信
**Hey what's up everyone it's ya boy Motoki.嗨~大家好,我是 Motoki
**I have some big news for you today.今天有個消息要告訴大家
**I finally did it, I got a match on Tinder and a date, let's go.我終於做到了!我在 Tinder 上配對成功,要去約會了,走吧!
**That's right mom, you didn't think I could but I did.沒錯,媽!妳覺得我做不到,可是我做到了!
**and I wish I never had you"...「真希望我沒生過你」
【吉米秀】Kobe傻眼告白:女兒居然根本不想要自己教籃球?! (Kobe Bryant's Kids Ignore His Hall of Fame-Worthy Basketball Tips)
**break  中斷
**dwarf  矮子
**explorer  探險家,
** rebound  (vi.)彈回
**retire  隱居
**You have three little girls now?你有三個女兒是吧?
**We're both in the team no-sleep by now.我們現在都是不能睡覺的老爸
**Yeah, but all girls, too. There's no male figure in the house besides you?對啊,而且都是女兒,你們家除了你以外都沒有男生了嗎?
**A dog? A pet, anything?狗呢?寵物啊什麼的?
**Well, there's one dog, but he's a dwarf lab (labrador), so...噢,是有一隻狗,但是它是迷你拉拉(拉布拉多),所以...
小鮮肉教你數學定理:這堂數學課我心甘情願上!(Handsome Math Professor Pietro Boselli Explains Fermat's Last Theorem | GQ)
**acclaim  喝彩
**apart  (ad.)除去
** application  申請
** attempt  (vt.)努力
**become  (vi.)變成
**Hi everyone. I am Pietro Boselli. Dr. Pietro Boselli actually.大家好,我是皮特羅·伯塞利,其實是皮特羅·伯塞利博士
**Today we're gonna talk about Fermat's Last Theorem.今天我們來談談費馬最後定理
**He had a hobby. A passion for math.費馬對數學有極大的興趣與熱忱
**So he would go back home and write his theorems and conjectures.他會回家然後把他的定理跟推測寫下來
**Fermat's notebook had lots of conjectures.費馬的筆記本裡有非常多假設
10件成真的" 辛普森家庭 的梗 (10 Simpsons Jokes That Came True)
10件成真的" 辛普森家庭 的梗 (10 Simpsons Jokes That Came True)
第 29 行: 第 312 行:
**He even fed him a real life tomacco.他還請他吃了真正的菸茄
**He even fed him a real life tomacco.他還請他吃了真正的菸茄
**Looking at this dystopia, America has hit rock bottom at the hands of Trump, who has看看這個反烏托邦,美國在川普手中盪到了谷底,他
**Looking at this dystopia, America has hit rock bottom at the hands of Trump. 看看這個反烏托邦,美國在川普手中盪到了谷底。
**He even pulls Bart out of school to help with his new business venture.他甚至把霸子拉出學校來協助他的冒險事業
**He even pulls Bart out of school to help with his new business venture.他甚至把霸子拉出學校來協助他的冒險事業
**his kids be raised by the sleazy owner of the Springfield Zoo, Larry Kidkill.他的小孩交給春田動物園的黑心園長Larry Kidkill撫養
**His kids be raised by the sleazy owner of the Springfield Zoo, Larry Kidkill.他的小孩交給春田動物園的黑心園長Larry Kidkill撫養
**you can eat promotion.吃到飽的促銷活動
**But, feeling like he's suffered a huge injustice by not eating the Sea Captain out of business,但是,他覺得沒把 Sea Captain 吃到倒閉對他很不公平
**But sometimes fact can be funnier than fiction.但有時實際發生的事比故事內容更有趣

2018年4月17日 (二) 15:25的最新修訂版本


小天后的全球話題MV!泰勒絲-看看你的傑作 (Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do) (歌詞/lyrics)

  • 單字
    • annoy (vt.)使煩惱
    • edit (vt.)編輯
    • exclude (vt.)拒絕
    • victim 受害人
    • receipt 收據
  • 句子
    • I don't like your little games我討厭你的小把戲
    • Don't like your tilted stage討厭你傾斜在空中的舞台
    • I don't like your perfect crime我討厭你犯罪不留痕跡
    • How you laugh when you lie討厭你說謊時嘴邊總有一抹微笑
    • You said the gun was mine說我才是真正的幕後操手


超有感觸!你的父母一定也會做的事!(THINGS ASIAN PARENTS DO)

  • 單字
    • differently (ad.)不同地
    • subscribe (vt.)捐獻
    • always (ad.)永遠,
    • anything 什麼事
    • around 在…周圍
  • 句子
    • What's up guys?大家好嗎?
    • Dad was always at work.爸爸永遠都在工作。
    • Taking a shWait!要洗澡囉!
    • Wait! I have new shampoo!等等!我有新的洗髮精!
    • Here! Good bag.給你!這是個好袋子。
  • Galantis & ROZES - Girls on Boys翻譯


回顧韓國光州世大運:柯P完整英文致詞 (Gwangju Summer Universiade: Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je's Full English Speech)

  • 單字
    • authorize (vt.)授權與
    • behalf 代表,
    • build (vt.)建設
    • extend (vt.)延長
    • honor 榮譽
  • 句子
    • good evening!大家晚安!
    • You have demonstrated what excellence is all about.你們是最棒的主辦國
    • I am Wen-je Ko, mayor of Taipei City.我是臺北市長柯文哲。
    • I am here to receive the Universiade flag on behalf of Taipei.我代表臺北來接旗。
    • A big thank you to you, all the athletes:感謝所有的運動員

Wantaways - Relove Relax中文翻譯


「所以魚可以吃吧?」清點那些人們會對素食者講的話 (Things People Say to Vegetarians)

  • 單字
    • believe (vt.)相信;
    • license 執照
    • option 選擇
    • subscribe (vt.)捐獻
    • already (ad.)已經
  • 句子
    • Wait, you're vegetarian?等等,你吃素?
    • But where do you get your protein from?那你從哪裡取得蛋白質?
    • Wow, I could never do it.哇,我才做不來
    • So like, what do you eat?那你吃什麼?
    • How can you be a vegetarian?那你怎麼可能會是素食者?

R3hab - Hold Me 抱著我翻譯


【SMOSH】神中肯:1997年和2017年的差別 (1997 VS 2017)

  • 單字
    • download 下行裝載
    • load (vt.)裝載
    • tight (a.)緊的
    • band 樂隊
    • check 檢查
  • 單字
    • Hey guys! Hey guys! Watch this!嘿 各位 看清楚囉!
    • YEAH! That was hilarious! Way to go champ!耶耶,那真是太爆笑了!幹得好!
    • That was so good buddy!不錯喔 兄弟 你整到我了
    • It's unacceptable!完全無法接受!!
    • Is this yours?這是你的東西?


【TED-Ed】動物生殖器演化,比你想像得複雜多!(The evolution of animal genitalia - Menno Schilthuizen)

  • 單字
    • apparently (ad.)表面上,
    • appeal (vi.)呼籲,
    • ass 驢
    • assess (vt.)評價
    • attempt (vt.)努力
  • 單字
    • The evolutionary tango of animal genitalia.變化多端的動物生殖器演化
    • Can you guess what you're looking at?你能猜到這是什麼嗎?
    • If you answered "duck vagina," you'd be right.若你回答「鴨子陰道」,那你就對了
    • We see similarly unbelievable genitalia in insects,類似的奇特生殖器同樣存在於昆蟲
    • Apparently, no organs evolve faster and into more variable shapes很顯然比起其他器官,生殖器官演進速度更快


貓奴必看!貓咪的真心話竟然是… (What your cat really thinks of you.)

  • 單字
    • anything 什麼事
    • appreciate (vt.)欣賞
    • crazy (a.)瘋狂的
    • dead (a.)死的
    • enough 充足
  • 句子
    • Ok, you can pat my belly now, please. Thank you.好,你現在可以拍拍我的肚子了。謝啦!
    • No, you're doing it wrong. You're patting my belly wrong.不對!才不是這樣呢!不是這樣拍!
    • Can you please just...? Ok, stop, stop, stop!你可不可以…?好,停、停、停下來!
    • Why are you so bad at this?你怎麼那麼不專業啊?
    • I know. I know. It's crazy! Ok. I like dry food, but I'm not gonna just go for dry food every day.真的!真的!我快發瘋了!好,我喜歡乾糧,但我不想每天吃啊!


如果大家都跟Instagram發文一樣地講話? (If People Talked Like Their Instagram Captions)

  • 單字
    • week星期
    • whole 全部
    • jean 牛仔褲
    • adidas 阿迪達斯
    • freedom 自由
  • 句子
    • Let's kill this week.好好地過這一周吧!
    • Do what you love,做妳愛做的事
    • So you can see my whole outfit, silly.傻傻,這樣妳才看得到我今天的穿著啊!
    • My shoes are Adidas.鞋子是 Adidas 的牌子
    • My jeans are Topshop.牛仔褲是在 Topshop 買的


不同語言中的顏色 (The surprising pattern behind color names around the world)

  • 單字
    • paint 畫
    • ask 問
    • about 關於
    • yellow 黃色
    • theory 原理
  • 單字
    • How about this one?這張呢?
    • And this one?還有這張呢?
    • You probably said blue, purple, and brown — but if your native language is Wobé from你大概會說它是藍色、紫色和咖啡色,但如果你的母語是
    • So how do they do it?他們是怎麼知道的?
    • that assumption.對這個假設提出質疑


【Anna Akana】記住別人的名字有障礙?教你超酷炫記名方法! (How to Remember Names)

  • 單字
    • actually (ad.)事實上
    • advance 前進,
    • ask (vi.)問
    • even (ad.)甚至
    • forget (vt.)忘記
  • 單字
    • Oh my god, me too. 歐我的天啊,我也是
    • Yeah, watch. Uh, what's your name?對啊,你看,呃,你的名字是?
    • Did you just imagine shooting me in the head?你剛剛是在想像朝我的頭開槍嗎
    • I don't...know, that's kind of weird.我...不知道,這聽起來很怪
    • Kind of psychotic sounding, to be honest.老實說,聽起來滿有病的


【Anna Akana】為什麼女生該勇敢追愛 (Why Girls Should Ask Guys Out)

  • 單字
    • approach (vt.)向…靠近
    • break 中斷
    • crush 壓碎
    • ferret 白鼬
    • ealier 較早的
  • 句子
    • Aye boy, you wanna, you wanna, I got you a present.嘿,你想要交個朋友嗎? 我有個禮物要送你
    • You good looking boy you wanna come home with me?小帥哥,你想跟我回家嗎?
    • I was talking to a friend the other day,前幾天我跟一個朋友聊天,
    • Come on! Hey, hey, come here!理我一下嘛!嘿,來我這裡!
    • I have been trying to send him signals,我一直暗示他很久了,


致敬神曲Despacito!今夏最狂改編:我的小泳褲 (I Wear Speedos | DESPACITO PARODY (Luis Fonsi ft.Daddy Yankee)) (歌詞/lyrics)

  • 單字
    • believe (vt.)相信
    • board 委員會
    • build (vt.)建設
    • gawk 笨人
    • gross 總數
  • 句子
    • Beach is where I like to work on my sun-kissed skin沙灘,陽光熱吻我肌膚的好所在
    • But I make sure I am evenly brown確保我每寸均勻膚色
    • I'm confident in the skin that I'm in, and我在我的身體裡活得很自在
    • I will wear what I want this summer because I今夏我穿我想要的,因為
    • I am feeling fresh like I'm an ad for Mentos舒暢到底,我是曼陀珠的活動招牌


向美國人解釋「加拿大國慶日」到底有什麼好慶祝! (Neighbours: Explaining Canada Day to America)

  • 單字
    • Hey neighbour.嘿,鄰居
    • Oh, hi America.噢、嗨,美國
    • What's with the decorations?那些裝飾是怎麼回事?
    • It's Canada Day.今天是加拿大國慶日
  • 句子
    • Yeah, but we do July 4th對,但我們會有七月四號
    • We got eagles... and freedom...我們有老鷹⋯有自由⋯
    • Did you just say你剛剛說
    • What do WE have to celebrate?「我們有什麼好慶祝的」嗎?
    • So, if you break your leg所以當你斷了一條腿


如果你不愛自己的身體 (What It’s Like To Not Love Your Body)

  • 單字
    • saw 鋸子
    • healthier 健康
    • actually (ad.)事實上
    • arm (v.)武裝
    • cute (a.)可愛
  • 句子
    • Oh, this is so good. You should try it!喔,這超好吃。你應該要試試看!
    • Oh, no thank you. I'm trying to eat healthier.喔不用了,謝謝。我想吃的健康一些
    • Like, scary ripped.對阿,精壯的可怕
    • Yeah dude. Seriously, like jacked.對阿,兄弟,真的超壯的
    • Oh, here you go little guy.噢!讓我幫你,小傢伙


什麼!其實幸運籤餅是美國菜? (6 Foreign Foods Invented In USA)

  • 單字
    • apparently (ad.)表面上
    • become (vi.)變成
    • fortune 財富,
    • ingredient 成分
    • origin 起源
  • 句子
    • Two restaurants in Los Angeles claim ownership of creating the French Dip兩家位於洛杉磯的餐廳都聲稱自己是法式三明治的發明者
    • which consists of roast beef on a French Baguette - dripped in au jus or beef juice.法式三明治是由烤牛肉和浸泡過牛肉原汁的法國麵包所組成
    • Cole's Pacific Electric Buffet claims they invented it in 1908。Cole's Pacific Electric Buffet 這家餐廳聲稱這是他們於 1908 年發明的,
    • German chocolate cake is named after American chocolate maker - Sam German.「德式」巧克力蛋糕的命名,是來自一位美國巧克力師傅 Sam German 的姓氏
    • In 1852, German developed a dark baking chocolate and it was originally called 'German's chocolate cake' 1852 年, German 先生研發了烤黑巧克力,並命名為「German 的巧克力蛋糕」


閨蜜限定!那些只有你們兩人懂的專屬默契 (Things You Only Let Your BFF Do)

  • 單字
    • frustrate (vt.)挫敗
    • kit 裝備
    • child 孩子
    • drum 鼓
    • even (ad.)甚至
  • 句子
    • Is that my shirt?那件是我的衣服嗎?
    • Looks good.妳穿起來好看
    • You look like a child bride.對彼此講話超直白)妳看起來像個花童
    • Take it off. Why do you keep trying to--脫掉啦,為什麼妳堅持要選這種⋯⋯
    • I don't even know how much longer I can do this.我不知道我還可以撐很久


【TED-Ed】媽媽,我們是從哪裡蹦出來的?來看看哺乳類的三種生產法 (The three different ways mammals give birth - Kate Slabosky)

  • 單字
    • associate (vt.)使發生
    • attach (vt.)使…附屬於…
    • bill 帳單
    • break 中斷,
    • define (vt.)定義
  • 句子
    • What do these animals have in common?這些動物有哪些共通點呢?
    • More than you might think.可能比你想像中的還有多喔
    • That includes warm blood,共同之處包含恆溫
    • body hair or fur,身體有毛髮
    • the ability to breathe using lungs,可用肺呼吸


魯了這麼久,終於在交友軟體配對成功!來深入聊聊天 (Meet My Tinder Date)

  • 單字
    • everyone 每個人
    • believe 相信
    • ideal理想
    • obviously明顯地
    • overall全部的
  • 句子
    • Hey what's up everyone it's ya boy Motoki.嗨~大家好,我是 Motoki
    • I have some big news for you today.今天有個消息要告訴大家
    • I finally did it, I got a match on Tinder and a date, let's go.我終於做到了!我在 Tinder 上配對成功,要去約會了,走吧!
    • That's right mom, you didn't think I could but I did.沒錯,媽!妳覺得我做不到,可是我做到了!
    • and I wish I never had you"...「真希望我沒生過你」


【吉米秀】Kobe傻眼告白:女兒居然根本不想要自己教籃球?! (Kobe Bryant's Kids Ignore His Hall of Fame-Worthy Basketball Tips)

  • 單字
    • break 中斷
    • dwarf 矮子
    • explorer 探險家,
    • rebound (vi.)彈回
    • retire 隱居
  • 句子
    • You have three little girls now?你有三個女兒是吧?
    • We're both in the team no-sleep by now.我們現在都是不能睡覺的老爸
    • Yeah, but all girls, too. There's no male figure in the house besides you?對啊,而且都是女兒,你們家除了你以外都沒有男生了嗎?
    • A dog? A pet, anything?狗呢?寵物啊什麼的?
    • Well, there's one dog, but he's a dwarf lab (labrador), so...噢,是有一隻狗,但是它是迷你拉拉(拉布拉多),所以...


小鮮肉教你數學定理:這堂數學課我心甘情願上!(Handsome Math Professor Pietro Boselli Explains Fermat's Last Theorem | GQ)

  • 單字
    • acclaim 喝彩
    • apart (ad.)除去
    • application 申請
    • attempt (vt.)努力
    • become (vi.)變成
  • 句子
    • Hi everyone. I am Pietro Boselli. Dr. Pietro Boselli actually.大家好,我是皮特羅·伯塞利,其實是皮特羅·伯塞利博士
    • Today we're gonna talk about Fermat's Last Theorem.今天我們來談談費馬最後定理
    • He had a hobby. A passion for math.費馬對數學有極大的興趣與熱忱
    • So he would go back home and write his theorems and conjectures.他會回家然後把他的定理跟推測寫下來
    • Fermat's notebook had lots of conjectures.費馬的筆記本裡有非常多假設


10件成真的" 辛普森家庭 的梗 (10 Simpsons Jokes That Came True)

  • 單字
    • accord (v.)一致,
    • advertise (v.)做廣告
    • afford (vt.)提供
    • agency 媒介
    • agent 媒介
  • 句子
    • He even fed him a real life tomacco.他還請他吃了真正的菸茄
    • Looking at this dystopia, America has hit rock bottom at the hands of Trump. 看看這個反烏托邦,美國在川普手中盪到了谷底。
    • He even pulls Bart out of school to help with his new business venture.他甚至把霸子拉出學校來協助他的冒險事業
    • His kids be raised by the sleazy owner of the Springfield Zoo, Larry Kidkill.他的小孩交給春田動物園的黑心園長Larry Kidkill撫養
    • But, feeling like he's suffered a huge injustice by not eating the Sea Captain out of business,但是,他覺得沒把 Sea Captain 吃到倒閉對他很不公平
    • But sometimes fact can be funnier than fiction.但有時實際發生的事比故事內容更有趣