英文/2018.12.05/月考答案 未上課同學:修訂版本之間的差異

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(新頁面: 分類:英文 ===一、文意字彙=== #discount #attacked #express #exhibition #fine #wallet #receipt #against #refund #documents #purchases #lawyer #allowed ===二、認識字...)
第 15 行: 第 15 行:
第 29 行: 第 31 行:
#My backpack was stolen.
#Can I have the bill, please?
#I feel like throwing up.
#I am allergic to aspirin.
#Would you mind taking a photo of us?
#I’ll have a cup of tea with no sugar.
#I can’t find my size. Can you help me (to) find it out?
#Please show me how to fill in this form.
#Do you have the same pattern in other colors?

2018年12月7日 (五) 14:30的最新修訂版本


  1. discount
  2. attacked
  3. express
  4. exhibition
  5. fine
  6. wallet
  7. receipt
  8. against
  9. refund
  10. documents
  11. purchases
  12. lawyer
  13. allowed
  14. suit
  15. dizzy


  1. 保證
  2. 礦泉水
  3. 入場費
  4. 減去
  5. 物品
  6. 觀光景點
  7. 發生
  8. ok繃
  9. 腹瀉
  10. 飲料


  1. My backpack was stolen.
  2. Can I have the bill, please?
  3. I feel like throwing up.
  4. I am allergic to aspirin.
  5. Would you mind taking a photo of us?
  6. I’ll have a cup of tea with no sugar.
  7. I can’t find my size. Can you help me (to) find it out?
  8. Please show me how to fill in this form.
  9. Do you have the same pattern in other colors?


  1. 你被逮捕了。
  2. 請幫我打包。
  3. 這座皇宮除了公定假日以外,每天都開放。
  4. 這包含服務費嗎?
  5. 我要報一件搶案。我的錢包被搶了。
  6. 記得在博物館裡面不要用自拍棒。
  7. 我有點遲到了。這個可以外帶嗎?
  8. 發生了一場意外。請叫救護車。