
跳轉到: 導覽搜尋
第 1 行: 第 1 行:
*'''數字:''' {{unicode|¼ ½ ¾}} ¼ ½ ¾
*'''數字:''' ¼ ½ ¾ ¼ ½ ¾
*'''分數:'''½ ⅓ 7/9<nowiki>{{Fraction|1|2}} {{Fraction|1|3}} {{Fraction|7|9}}</nowiki>  
*'''分數:'''½ ⅓ 7/9<nowiki>{{Fraction|1|2 {{Fraction|1|3 {{Fraction|7|9</nowiki>  
*'''字形大小''': <big>x</big> <small>x</small> &emsp; <nowiki><big>x</big> <small>x</small> </nowiki>
*'''字形大小''': <big>x</big> <small>x</small> &emsp; <nowiki><big>x</big> <small>x</small> </nowiki>
*'''底線文字''' &emsp; <u>underline</u> {{overline|overline}}&emsp; <nowiki><u> underline </u> {{overline|overline}}</nowiki>
*'''底線文字''' &emsp; <u>underline</u> {{overline|overline&emsp; <nowiki><u> underline </u> {{overline|overline</nowiki>
*'''刪除線文字''' &emsp; <s>strikeout</s> &emsp; <nowiki><s> strikeout </s></nowiki>
*'''刪除線文字''' &emsp; <s>strikeout</s> &emsp; <nowiki><s> strikeout </s></nowiki>
*'''字形:'''&ensp;''italics''&ensp; '''bold''' &ensp;—&ensp;<big><nowiki>''</nowiki></big>italics<big><nowiki>''</nowiki></big> &ensp; <big><nowiki>'''</nowiki></big>bold<big><nowiki>'''</nowiki></big>
*'''字形:'''&ensp;''italics''&ensp; '''bold''' &ensp;—&ensp;<big><nowiki>''</nowiki></big>italics<big><nowiki>''</nowiki></big> &ensp; <big><nowiki>'''</nowiki></big>bold<big><nowiki>'''</nowiki></big>
*'''通用字形規範:''' <span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size:100%; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold;"> Φ (A) </span> &emsp; <<nowiki>span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size:100%; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold;"> Φ (A) <</nowiki>/span>;
*'''通用字形規範:''' <span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size:100%; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold;"> Φ (A) </span> &emsp; <<nowiki>span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size:100%; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold;"> Φ (A) <</nowiki>/span>;
*'''上標/下標符號:''' x<sup>2</sup> x<sub>3</sub> x{{su|p=2|b=1}}&emsp; <nowiki>x<sup>2</sup> x<sub>3</sub> x{{su|p=2|b=1}}</nowiki>;
*'''上標/下標符號:''' x<sup>2</sup> x<sub>3</sub> x{{su|p=2|b=1&emsp; <nowiki>x<sup>2</sup> x<sub>3</sub> x{{su|p=2|b=1</nowiki>;
*'''分析符號:''' {{unicode|&fnof; &part; &int; &sum; &prod; &radic; &infin; &nabla; &weierp; &image; &real;}} &amp;fnof; &amp;part; &amp;int; &amp;sum; &amp;prod; &amp;radic; &amp;infin; &amp;nabla; &amp;weierp; &amp;image; &amp;real;
*'''分析符號:''' &fnof; &part; &int; &sum; &prod; &radic; &infin; &nabla; &weierp; &image; &real; &amp;fnof; &amp;part; &amp;int; &amp;sum; &amp;prod; &amp;radic; &amp;infin; &amp;nabla; &amp;weierp; &amp;image; &amp;real;
*'''箭頭符號:''' {{unicode|&larr; &darr; &rarr; &uarr; &harr; &crarr; &lArr; &dArr; &rArr; &uArr; &hArr;}} &amp;larr; &amp;darr; &amp;rarr; &amp;uarr; &amp;harr; &amp;crarr; &amp;lArr; &amp;dArr; &amp;rArr; &amp;uArr; &amp;hArr;  
*'''箭頭符號:''' &larr; &darr; &rarr; &uarr; &harr; &crarr; &lArr; &dArr; &rArr; &uArr; &hArr; &amp;larr; &amp;darr; &amp;rarr; &amp;uarr; &amp;harr; &amp;crarr; &amp;lArr; &amp;dArr; &amp;rArr; &amp;uArr; &amp;hArr;  
*'''邏輯符號:''' {{unicode|&not; &and; &or; &exist; &forall;}} &amp;not; &amp;and; &amp;or; &amp;exist; &amp;forall;  
*'''邏輯符號:''' &not; &and; &or; &exist; &forall; &amp;not; &amp;and; &amp;or; &amp;exist; &amp;forall;  
*'''集合符號:''' {{unicode|&isin; &notin; &ni; &empty; &sube; &supe; &sup; &sub; &nsub; &cup; &cap; &alefsym;}} &amp;isin; &amp;notin; &amp;ni; &amp;empty; &amp;sube; &amp;supe; &amp;sup; &amp;sub; &amp;nsub; &amp;cup; &amp;cap; &amp;alefsym;  
*'''集合符號:''' &isin; &notin; &ni; &empty; &sube; &supe; &sup; &sub; &nsub; &cup; &cap; &alefsym; &amp;isin; &amp;notin; &amp;ni; &amp;empty; &amp;sube; &amp;supe; &amp;sup; &amp;sub; &amp;nsub; &amp;cup; &amp;cap; &amp;alefsym;  
*'''關聯符號:''' {{unicode|&ne; &le; &ge; &lt; &gt; &equiv; ≢ &sim; &cong; &asymp; &prop;}} &amp;ne; &amp;le; &amp;ge; &amp;lt; &amp;gt; &amp;equiv; &amp;nequiv; &amp;sim; &amp;cong; &amp;asymp; &amp;prop;  
*'''關聯符號:''' &ne; &le; &ge; &lt; &gt; &equiv; ≢ &sim; &cong; &asymp; &prop; &amp;ne; &amp;le; &amp;ge; &amp;lt; &amp;gt; &amp;equiv; &amp;nequiv; &amp;sim; &amp;cong; &amp;asymp; &amp;prop;  
*'''二進制運算元:''' {{unicode|&plusmn; &minus; &times; &divide; &frasl; &perp; &oplus; &otimes; &lowast;}} &amp;plusmn; &amp;minus; &amp;times; &amp;divide; &amp;frasl; &amp;perp; &amp;oplus; &amp;otimes; &amp;lowast;  
*'''二進制運算元:''' &plusmn; &minus; &times; &divide; &frasl; &perp; &oplus; &otimes; &lowast; &amp;plusmn; &amp;minus; &amp;times; &amp;divide; &amp;frasl; &amp;perp; &amp;oplus; &amp;otimes; &amp;lowast;  
*'''分隔符號:''' {{unicode|&lceil; &rceil; &lfloor; &rfloor; &lang; &rang; &laquo; &raquo;}} &amp;lceil; &amp;rceil; &amp;lfloor;&amp;rfloor; &amp;lang; &amp;rang; &amp;laquo; &amp;raquo;
*'''分隔符號:''' &lceil; &rceil; &lfloor; &rfloor; &lang; &rang; &laquo; &raquo; &amp;lceil; &amp;rceil; &amp;lfloor;&amp;rfloor; &amp;lang; &amp;rang; &amp;laquo; &amp;raquo;
*'''各式符號:''' {{unicode|&dagger; &Dagger; &brvbar; &ang; &there4; &loz; &bull; &spades; &clubs; &hearts; &diams;}} &amp;dagger; &amp;Dagger; &amp;brvbar; &amp;ang; &amp;there4; &amp;loz; &amp;bull; &amp;spades; &amp;clubs; &amp;hearts; &amp;diams;  
*'''各式符號:''' &dagger; &Dagger; &brvbar; &ang; &there4; &loz; &bull; &spades; &clubs; &hearts; &diams;  &amp;dagger; &amp;Dagger; &amp;brvbar; &amp;ang; &amp;there4; &amp;loz; &amp;bull; &amp;spades; &amp;clubs; &amp;hearts; &amp;diams;  
*'''標點符號:''' {{unicode|&prime; &Prime; &oline; &deg; &sdot; &middot; &hellip; &ndash; &mdash; &circ;}} &amp;prime; &amp;Prime; &amp;oline; &amp;deg; &amp;sdot; &amp;middot; &amp;hellip; &amp;ndash; &amp;mdash; &amp;circ;  
*'''標點符號:''' &prime; &Prime; &oline; &deg; &sdot; &middot; &hellip; &ndash; &mdash; &circ; &amp;prime; &amp;Prime; &amp;oline; &amp;deg; &amp;sdot; &amp;middot; &amp;hellip; &amp;ndash; &amp;mdash; &amp;circ;  
*'''空格表示符號:''' 窄空格 (&thinsp;), n-寬度空格 (&ensp;), m-寬度空格 (&emsp;), and [[不换行空格]] (&nbsp;). &amp;thinsp; &amp;ensp; &amp;emsp; &amp;nbsp;  
*'''空格表示符號:''' 窄空格 (&thinsp;), n-寬度空格 (&ensp;), m-寬度空格 (&emsp;), and [[不换行空格]] (&nbsp;). &amp;thinsp; &amp;ensp; &amp;emsp; &amp;nbsp;  
*'''希臘符號:''' &alpha; &beta; &gamma; &Alpha; &Beta; &Gamma; etc. &amp;alpha; &amp;beta; &amp;gamma; &amp;Alpha; &amp;Beta; &amp;Gamma; etc.
*'''希臘符號:''' &alpha; &beta; &gamma; &Alpha; &Beta; &Gamma; etc. &amp;alpha; &amp;beta; &amp;gamma; &amp;Alpha; &amp;Beta; &amp;Gamma; etc.

2016年9月6日 (二) 10:58的修訂版本


  • 數字: ¼ ½ ¾ &frac14; &frac12; &frac34;
  • 分數:½ ⅓ 7/9{{Fraction|1|2 {{Fraction|1|3 {{Fraction|7|9
  • 字形大小: x x   <big>x</big> <small>x</small>
  • 底線文字underline {{overline|overline  <u> underline </u> {{overline|overline
  • 刪除線文字strikeout   <s> strikeout </s>
  • 字形:italicsbold  — ''italics'''''bold'''
  • 通用字形規範: Φ (A)   <span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size:100%; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold;"> Φ (A) </span>;
  • 上標/下標符號: x2 x3 x{{su|p=2|b=1  x<sup>2</sup> x<sub>3</sub> x{{su|p=2|b=1;
  • 分析符號: ƒ ∂ ∫ ∑ ∏ √ ∞ ∇ ℘ ℑ ℜ &fnof; &part; &int; &sum; &prod; &radic; &infin; &nabla; &weierp; &image; &real;
  • 箭頭符號: ← ↓ → ↑ ↔ ↵ ⇐ ⇓ ⇒ ⇑ ⇔ &larr; &darr; &rarr; &uarr; &harr; &crarr; &lArr; &dArr; &rArr; &uArr; &hArr;
  • 邏輯符號: ¬ ∧ ∨ ∃ ∀ &not; &and; &or; &exist; &forall;
  • 集合符號: ∈ ∉ ∋ ∅ ⊆ ⊇ ⊃ ⊂ ⊄ ∪ ∩ ℵ &isin; &notin; &ni; &empty; &sube; &supe; &sup; &sub; &nsub; &cup; &cap; &alefsym;
  • 關聯符號: ≠ ≤ ≥ < > ≡ ≢ ∼ ≅ ≈ ∝ &ne; &le; &ge; &lt; &gt; &equiv; &nequiv; &sim; &cong; &asymp; &prop;
  • 二進制運算元: ± − × ÷ ⁄ ⊥ ⊕ ⊗ ∗ &plusmn; &minus; &times; &divide; &frasl; &perp; &oplus; &otimes; &lowast;
  • 分隔符號: ⌈ ⌉ ⌊ ⌋ 〈 〉 « » &lceil; &rceil; &lfloor;&rfloor; &lang; &rang; &laquo; &raquo;
  • 各式符號: † ‡ ¦ ∠ ∴ ◊ • ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ &dagger; &Dagger; &brvbar; &ang; &there4; &loz; &bull; &spades; &clubs; &hearts; &diams;
  • 標點符號: ′ ″ ‾ ° ⋅ · … – — ˆ &prime; &Prime; &oline; &deg; &sdot; &middot; &hellip; &ndash; &mdash; &circ;
  • 空格表示符號: 窄空格 ( ), n-寬度空格 ( ), m-寬度空格 ( ), and 不换行空格 ( ). &thinsp; &ensp; &emsp; &nbsp;
  • 希臘符號: α β γ Α Β Γ etc. &alpha; &beta; &gamma; &Alpha; &Beta; &Gamma; etc.
  • 萬國碼: 例如輸入 &#x22A2; 即可顯示萬國碼x22A2的 ⊢。提醒:有許多萬國碼字元可能無法在所有的網頁瀏覽器上正確顯示,這亦使頁面源代碼難以閱讀。

有時候直接複製符號可能比加入上述代碼簡單,例如萬國碼中的字母式符号就可以直接複製並加入頁面,像利用 ℝ 代替 &#8477;。點選編輯頁下方列出的符號亦可將符號直接加入頁面。