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The Soldier is a crazed, jingoistic patriot from America's heartland. Tough and well-armed, he is versatile, capable of both offense and defense, and a great starter class to get familiar with the game.
The Soldier is well known for his spectacular rocket jump. In defiance of all good sense and judgment, the Soldier can detonate a rocket at his feet and launch himself skyward at the cost of some health (which can be reduced by the Gunboats, or negated altogether by the Rocket Jumper). This ability allows the Soldier to appear from unexpected places and reach areas off-limits even to the Scout's double jump and Hype jumps.
Well-balanced and possessing both survivability and mobility, the Soldier is considered one of the most flexible classes in Team Fortress 2. Despite his low ground movement speed, he is capable of using rocket jumps to reach his destination quickly. His large health pool is second only to that of the Heavy, and his wide array of armaments and weaponry allow him to bring whatever weapon or equipment is best suited to the situation at hand.

2016年12月7日 (三) 14:19的修訂版本

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火箭兵(Soldier),他自稱無名氏先生),是一個來自美國的愛國神經病,亦是隊上最重要的突擊單位。雖然他的工作內容是所有職業中最好懂的,但這並不代表他很弱。事實上,如果玩得夠好的話,火箭兵可是會成為戰場上最危險的職業之一。有著火箭發射器和夠強壯的體魄,火箭兵無論是在進攻或是防守上都表現得可圈可點。 火箭兵最廣為人知的能力便是引人注目的火箭跳。火箭兵可以無視常理把火箭發射器往下瞄準並跳起來開火,這會使他稍微受點傷並飛向天際(雖然火箭兵表示「疼痛是將脆弱從身體逐出的最好證明」)。這項能力可以讓火箭兵待在意想不到或是一些按常理而言(包括擁有強大跳躍能力的偵察兵)到不了的地方進行伏擊。