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My Skills and Interests
第 1 行: 第 1 行:
*#cafe 咖啡廳
*# reservation 預約
*#Esprosso 義式濃縮咖啡
*# Strawberries and cream waffles 草莓奶油比利時鬆餅
*#Order 點餐
*#Appetizer 前菜
*#Main course 主菜
*#Dessert 甜點
*#Plates 盤子
*#Bill 帳單
*#table for two?
*#Do you have a reservation?
*#Under the name.
*#We have some specials today.
*#Would you like me to tell you the specials?
*#I’d like a….
*#Was everything okay?
*#Did you enjoy the food?
*#Could we have the bill,please?
===My Skills and Interests===
===My Skills and Interests===

2018年11月2日 (五) 10:51的修訂版本


  • 單字
    1. cafe 咖啡廳
    2. reservation 預約
    3. Esprosso 義式濃縮咖啡
    4. Strawberries and cream waffles 草莓奶油比利時鬆餅
    5. Order 點餐
    6. Appetizer 前菜
    7. Main course 主菜
    8. Dessert 甜點
    9. Plates 盤子
    10. Bill 帳單
  • 實用句型
    1. table for two?
    2. Do you have a reservation?
    3. Under the name.
    4. We have some specials today.
    5. Would you like me to tell you the specials?
    6. I’d like a….
    7. Was everything okay?
    8. Did you enjoy the food?
    9. Check,please.
    10. Could we have the bill,please?

My Skills and Interests