
在2017年1月3日 (二) 21:03由謝采容對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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week 35: 8/29-9/04

【吉米秀】超強分手八招 (Jimmy Fallon: Tonight Show Hashtags: #AwkwardBreakup)

  • 單字
    • aisle(走廊)
    • awesome(可怕的)
    • decline(下降)
  • 句子
    • You guys are on Twitter, right?你們有在用推特 對吧?
    • We got thousands of Tweets.我們收到上千則推特貼文
    • That's what makes me laugh.那就是讓我發笑的點
  • 遲交

week 36: 9/05-9/11

【艾倫秀】什麼?艾倫有私生雙胞胎? (Ellen's Twins)

  • 單字
    • couple夫婦
    • month月份
    • twins雙胞胎
  • 句子
    • a secret until it's born?都不和別人說孩子的性別
    • but guess what? I have them beat.不過,我更厲害
    • Oh, well, they're not fluent yet.但講話還沒辦法很流利啦
  • 遲交

week 37: 9/12-9/18

【電影預告】最壞英雄!自殺突擊隊 預告片 (Suicide Squad Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Jared Leto, Margot Robbie Movie HD)

  • 單字
    • somewhere 某處
    • seriously嚴肅地
    • assemble 裝配
  • 句子
    • He's a crocodile and he eats people他是鱷魚,他也吃人
    • Guy who shoots people.會開槍射人的傢伙
    • I should kill everyone and escape?我該殺了所有人然後跑掉?
  • 通過

week 38: 9/19-9/25

  • 還沒找老師念
  • 體驗假 iPhone 7...路人怎麼說?(First Look: iPhone 7)

  • 單字
    • subscribe捐獻
    • invisible看不見的
    • feature 特徵
    • brand 商標
    • unveil 揭開(真相只有一個WW
  • 句子
    • Whenever that one came out反正就是那隻手機上市的年份
    • Is it faster to you? - Yes 你覺得速度有變快嗎? - 有啊
    • and ask them how it sounds?然後問他們音質如何嗎?
    • It's exactly the same完全一樣
    • Brand new phone, in your old case全新的手機,裝在你的舊手機殼

week 39: 9/26-10/02

  • 冰雪奇緣該這樣結尾:艾莎公主原來跑錯棚? (How Frozen Should Have Ended - Reissued)
  • 單字
    • bother煩擾,迷惑
    • conceal 隱瞞
    • won't 將不
    • castle城堡
    • herself 她自己
  • 句子
    • This style of music doesn't fit...這種調調的音樂不合...
    • anywhere else in the movie!在電影裡的其他地方!
    • But makes you think Lion King!卻讓你覺得像獅子王!
    • Are you even listening?你到底有沒有在聽?
    • Oh my gosh! The answer is love! Okay?!喔我的天!答案是愛!好嗎?!

week 40: 10/03-10/09

【Buzzfeed】你認得出來你的女朋友的手嗎? (Do You Know Your GF By Touch?)

  • 單字
    • angle角
    • wrench扳手
    • knuckle指節
    • horribly可怕地
    • dump丟下
  • 句子
    • I won't dump him.我也不會甩了他
    • I'm pretty nervous right now.我現在真的好緊張
    • I thought I would've known!我以為我會知道的!
    • Oh, I don't want to see...She's mad.天啊,我不想看到... 她一定在生氣。
    • I'm just disappointed.我只是有點失望。

week 41: 10/10-10/16

  • 探險活寶:老皮跟阿寶遇到女鬼啦! (Blank Eyed Girl Situation | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network)
  • 單字
    • scratch 草稿
    • situation形勢
    • ahead向前
    • choose選擇
    • continue繼續
  • 句子
    • [ BOTH LAUGHING ][兩人哈哈大笑]
    • THAT WAS STUPID.這真是太蠢了
    • YEAH, LIKE...ICE KING, MAYBE.對,可能像是...寒冰國王
    • MUST BE SOMEONE ELSE.[一定有其他人在鬧]

week 42: 10/17-10/23

【米奇卡通】米奇米妮約會總有電燈泡? (Third Wheel | A Mickey Mouse Cartoon | Disney Shows)

  • 單字
    • mood 心情
    • patron 贊助人
    • along 沿著
    • date 日期
    • delicious 美味
  • 句子
    • This date is so romantic!這樣約會真浪漫~
    • What are you doing here?你在這裡幹麻?
    • You gotta keep it down, Mick!你要小聲點,小米!
    • I know what we need to set the mood!我知道我們要怎麼炒熱氣氛!
    • Dinner is served.為您送上餐點

week 43: 10/24-10/30

Avicii - The Nights (含中文歌詞)

  • 單字
    • shadows陰影
    • Learn學到
    • memory記憶
    • shining閃亮的
    • forsake背叛
  • 句子
    • Don't forsake this life of yours.別再浪費你的生命了
    • These are the nights that never die這些像就是永不消逝的夜晚
    • The animals inside came out to play心中的野獸彷彿掙脫枷鎖開始狂歡
    • Learned our lessons through the tears從眼淚中學到了無數教訓
    • Think of me if ever you're afraid."當你感到畏懼,請你想起我

week 44: 10/31-11/06

  • 11/03(四)檢查未放上維基。

【艾倫秀】Note7狂爆!艾倫對於三星議題怎麼說? (Samsung's Issues Are Heating Up)

  • 單字
    • backup後援
    • issue流出
    • loyal忠誠的
    • another另外的
    • explode屎爆炸了
  • 句子
    • You have, ma'am?小姐,你有買?
    • No, not any at all, I love it.完全沒有,我愛死它了!
    • Yeah, so you're a very loyal customer.妳真是個忠實顧客
    • I am, I even have the tablet.我確實是,我還買了他們的平板
    • But not all of them make the cut.但不是每個都合大眾口味

week 45: 11/07-11/13

最狂屁孩生日趴:奇異果博士會乖乖變魔術就好嗎? (Jimmy Kimmel Hires Dr. Strange for a Birthday Party)

  • 單字
    • possess 持有,
    • sponge 海綿
    • favorite 喜歡的事物
    • host 主人
    • kid 小孩
  • 句子
    • WHERE IS THIS GUY?他在哪?
    • I'M NOT PAYING FOR THE LAST HALF最後那30分鐘我不會付你錢的
    • THEY ATE, LIKE, 50 CUP CAKES.他們是吃了差不多50個杯子蛋糕
    • I'LL VANQUISH THEM.我來制伏他們

week 46: 11/14-11/20

【艾倫秀】艾倫訪問超可愛4歲自學舞王,跳舞真是太萌啦 (A Too Cute 4-Year-Old 'Juju on That Beat' Dancer)

  • 單字
    • anybody 任何人
    • anthem 頌歌
    • applause 鼓掌
    • challenge 挑戰
    • clown 小丑
  • 句子
    • And you've been dancing for how long?你跳舞跳很久了嗎?
    • I thought you were gonna count all我想你可能要全部都算在內
    • You wanna walk over there and dance?你想到那邊跳舞嗎?
    • That's not long or that's a long time in a row.沒有很久,還是說,就彩排而言很久了!
    • You just all by yourself,你全都靠自己來?

week 47: 11/21-11/27

【吉米秀】沒有人可以阻止吉米弄亂川普的頭髮 (Donald Trump Lets Jimmy Fallon Mess Up His Hair)

  • 單字
    • ahead向前
    • cheer 愉快
    • laugh笑
    • unite聯合
    • hope希望
  • 句子
    • Like what? This is...什麼?
    • I'm not liking the sound of this.我覺得有點不妙喔
    • Can I mess your hair up?我可以弄亂你的頭髮嗎?
    • I'll be gentle. I'll be gentle.輕輕的 輕輕的而已
    • Did you say yes?確定可以喔?

week 48: 11/28-12/04

怪獸過海關!箱子裡的怪獸到底過不過得了柯登這一關?('Fantastic Beasts' of the TSA w/ Eddie Redmayne)

  • 單字
    • destroy破壞
    • evidence根據
    • inspect檢查
    • original最初的
    • thorough徹底的
  • 句子
    • Uhh... Whose bag is this?呃⋯這是誰的行李?
    • Sir. Do not make me blow this whistle.先生,不要逼我吹哨子
    • Did you pack this bag yourself sir?你自己打包行李的嗎,先生?
    • Trying to get rid of the evidence are you?你是想要湮滅證據嗎?
    • This happens every time!你每次都這樣!

week 49: 12/05-12/11

魔力紅-地圖 (Maroon 5 - Maps [HQ Lyrics]) (歌詞/lyrics)

  • 單字
    • draw 拉
    • knee 膝
    • road 道路
    • search 搜尋
    • voice 聲音
  • 句子
    • I like to think that we had it all 我喜歡細細品味著與你相處的一切
    • We drew a map to a better place 我們畫了一張通往美好世界的地圖
    • Oh baby why did you run away?喔寶貝,為什麼你卻離開了?
    • So I’m following the map that leads to you所以我便跟隨著那張能引領到你身邊的地圖
    • Ain't nothing I can do我別無選擇

week 50: 12/12-12/18

「步入虎穴」惡作劇 (TIGER DESTROY'S CAR PRANK!!! | Prank Academy)

  • 單字
    • grocery雜貨
    • injure傷害
    • stray走失的家畜
    • van貨車
    • vehicle車輛
  • 句子
    • I have my cat in there.我的貓在車子裡
    • Could you open the door for me?你可以幫我開門嗎?
    • I'm not going that way,我不要往那邊去
    • She's hungry, come on.她餓了,快來嘛
    • Who's the wrangler? I am.誰是馴獸師?-就是我

week 51: 12/19-12/25

【廣告裁判精選】魔術師現身:這個搭機注意事項影片我看得完!(Turkish Airlines Safety Video with Zach King)

  • 單子
    • lady女士
    • safety安全
    • Carefully小心
    • smoke煙
    • impact沖擊
  • 句子
    • we've created one with a touch of magic我們添加了魔術元素
    • Keep it fastened and visible while seated就座後,請繫緊安全帶且使之隨時可見
    • Unplug them and stow them away拔掉插頭並且收好
    • Place it over your head and pull the straps tight將救生衣套入頸上並拉緊扣環束帶
    • You can release it as shown here when needed需要時可以這樣解開

week 52: 12/26-01/01

美國人試用超夯韓國面膜,結果會是...? (Americans Try Korean Face Masks)

  • 單字
    • bubble 泡沫
    • already 已經
    • area 區域
    • base 基礎
    • fruit 水果
  • 句子
    • I know nothing about Korean skin care.我對韓國人護膚一無所知
    • I've seen some K-pop stars.我看過一些韓流明星
    • I'm ready to look flawless.我的肌膚準備看起來無瑕了
    • I'm ready to be brightened.我準備好啦
    • I feel my skin is like drinking water.我覺得肌膚在吸取水分

week 01: 01/02-01/08

2016 年度最狂 YouTubers 大集合回顧,哈燒歌曲大串燒!(YouTube Rewind: The Ultimate 2016 Challenge | #YouTubeRewind) (歌詞/lyrics)

  • 單字
    • Bring帶來
    • Damn一點
    • Pineapple鳳梨
    • Rewind重繞
    • sequel繼續
  • 句子
    • Is it too late to say I’m sorry now現在才說抱歉也已經太遲
    • Yeah I know that I let you down我知道讓妳失望了
    • And I don’t need no explanation你不需要給我太多解釋
    • I know you’re always on that night shift我知道你總是在值夜班
    • I drank too much and that’s the issue我似乎喝得真的有點太多

week 02: 01/09-01/15

week 03: 01/16-01/22