
在2017年11月30日 (四) 14:25由郭麗熒對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  • She broke the dish ________________ just to show her anger.
  • It ________________ that I'll help you.
  • The audience ________________ the singer ________________ after her great show.
  • You can ________________ him.
  • He was________________ by his grandparents.
  • Many people would ________________ this new law.
  • I’ ________________the things I did to him.
  • I don’t know why you are so concerned. It’s not your business ________________.
  • In the past, news traveled by ________________.
  • The________________ spot is good for a picnic.

文意選填: 將單字填入適當的選項中

_________are beliefs unsupportable by science. They usually involve bringing good luck or warding off bad influences. Scandinavians knock on a wooden _________ when they wish for something good or want to keep bad luck at bay. South Koreans believe sleeping in a closed room with a fan on will kill you. The Turks warn each other not to _________ gum at night. Why? It will turn into human flesh! Westerners sometimes carry a rabbit's foot for good luck. Asian hotels and hospitals seldom have a 4th floor because "4" in most Chinese dialects sounds similar to the word for "death."
Central Asians and Middle Easterners are no strangers to superstitions, either. A commonly held belief in this part of the world is the _________ "evil eye." People can look at others in a _________, envious, or even hateful way. This negative energy can produce harm in the form of bad luck, such as injury, ill health, or loss of fortune, according to this superstition. To prevent any negative_________, for more than 3,000 years, people have made round amulets called "nazar." Made of glass in a circular shape, these talismans are usually _________ as necklaces or carried in wallets but are also found hanging in homes, offices, cars, and even on trees. They feature _________ blue circles outside and smaller white and yellow circles nearer the middle, in which a black or blue dot, representing an eye, is located. _________ , the nazar looks back at any evil eye and neutralizes it.
Though frowned on by Muslim scholars, nazars are found_________ from Egypt to Iran and from southeast Europe to Afghanistan. It seems superstitious thinking will continue to be with us well into the future.

(A) abundantly (B) so-called (C) chew (D) disapproving (E) concentric (F)Superstition (G) surface (H) outcome (I) Apparently (J) hung


  • They usually involve bringing good luck or warding -off bad influences. 請解釋warding off的意思,並寫出整句的翻譯。

  • Central Asians and Middle Easterners are no strangers to superstitions, either. 請解釋are no strangers的意思,並寫出整句的翻譯。

  • This negative energy can produce harm in the form of bad luck, such as injury, ill health, or loss of fortune, according to this superstition. 請解釋in the form of的意思,並寫出整句的翻譯。

  • Though frowned on by Muslim scholars, nazars are found _________ from Egypt to Iran and from southeast Europe to Afghanistan. It seems superstitious thinking will continue to be with us well into the future. 請根據第三大題填入的答案,翻譯此段內容。

  • What are examples of superstitious beliefs? Please write down three examples.


  • The human body is a fascinating structure. The skeleton is made up of 206 bones. Holding all those bones together are the muscles and joints. Did you know that the average body has about 3.6 kilograms of skin? It’s the body the largest organ and surrounds our internal organs such as the heart and lungs to protect them.

  • As a guest in Asia, it’s very common to be asked to remove your shoes before entering a home. Sippers are offered to you instead. Just store your shoes in the nearby shoe cabinet. If you have an umbrella, it can be placed inside the umbrella stand, and your coat can be quickly hung up on the coat rack until you’re ready to leave.


There’s a circus in town. Sam, and I want to go! I heard this one has some sideshows, like a strongman and a woman with a beard. Oh, and of course it will have some acrobats and trapeze artists, and plenty of clowns. What I’m really looking forward to seeing, though, is the lion jump through the ring of fire under the big top!
  • circus
  • sideshows
  • strongman
  • beard
  • acrobats
  • trapeze artists
  • clowns
  • look forward to
  • ring of fire
  • big top
Plastic surgery is quite popular. One of most requested surgeries is a nose job. Sometimes, the patient feels their nostrils are too large, or that their nasal bridge is too wide. In Asia, it’s trendy to have your eyelids changed to appear more Western-like. Even ears are pinned back to make them lay flatter against the head. It seems that everyone is seeking perfection
  • plastic surgery
  • nose job
  • nostrils
  • nasal bridge
  • trendy
  • eyelids
  • Western-like
  • pin
  • against
  • perfection


  • 我沒有行李要托運。
  • 我的行李有多重?
  • 行李超重要收多少錢?
  • 托運行李的限重是多少?
  • 你需要重新打包行李。


The more than 600 million residents of Southeast Asia are among the most diverse the world has to offer. From the steaming jungles of Malaysia to the thousands of islands of the Philippines, many small ethnic groups abound in out-of-the-way places. Among these, none are more amazing than the long-necked women of the Karen tribe. Also called the Kayan tribe, they live on the Thai-Burmese border. The women of this group are famous for stacking thick, brass necklaces around their necks to help stretch them. Or so it would seem. Actually, the neck bones are not lengthened. Instead, the collarbones are pushed down by the weight of the accumulating brass, resulting in the appearance of a long neck. These necklaces are also referred to as brass coils or neck rings. Why do these women allow their bodies to become deformed in this way? Likewise, why do women in developed countries undergo body waxing, eyebrow plucking, and liposuction? The answer most frequently given by the Karen women is beauty. People around the world have altered their looks for other reasons such as identity and artistic freedom, but beauty is usually the main thing they are concerned about. Some neighboring groups refer to Karen women as giraffe women, also under the mistaken impression that their necks are elongated. This unusual sight has served as an economic benefit to the Karen. Tourists pay to see them in their native villages. In some cases, money earned from tourists allows them to continue their traditional ways self-sufficiently. If you don't believe this, visit the Karen tribe for yourself, but bring enough money to pay the entrance fee.

  • What are the women of Kayan tribe famous for?

  • Why do Karen women allow their bodies to become deformed in this way?

  • Where do Kayan tribe live?