
在2016年10月19日 (三) 13:37由許皓程對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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week 35: 8/29-9/04

  • count on me
    1. stuck卡住
    2. middle中間
    3. sail帆
    4. guide指南
    5. cause原因
    6. supposed應該
    7. asleep睡著
    8. remind提醒

week 36: 9/05-9/11

  • Take a bow
  • Ohh, how about a round of applause,

喔~ 被掌聲圍繞著感覺如何

  • Yeah, standing ovation,

耶 全場都起身為你鼓掌

  • Ooh ohh yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah.

喔~ 喔~ 耶 耶 耶 耶 耶

  • You look so dumb right now,


  • Standin' outside my house,


  • Tryin' to apologize,


  • You're so ugly when you cry,


  • Please, just cut it out.

拜託 可以停了吧

  • Don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not,

不要跟我說你很抱歉 因為你根本不這麼覺得

  • Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught,

寶貝 當我明白你只是為了你被抓包而感到抱歉

  • But you put on quite a show (oh),


  • You really had me goin',


  • But now it's time to go (oh),


  • Curtain's finally closin',


  • That was quite a show (oh),


  • Very entertainin',


  • But it's over now (but it's over now),

但現在一切都結束了 (但現在都結束了)

  • Go on and take a bow, ohh ohh.

上台去 下台一鞠躬吧 喔~ 喔~

  • Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone),


  • You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on),


  • Talkin' 'bout girl, I love you, you're the one,

嘴上說著:女孩我愛妳 妳是我的唯一

  • This just looks like the re-run,


  • Please, what else is on.

拜託 來點新的戲吧

  • And don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not (mmm),

不要跟我說你很抱歉 因為你根本不這麼覺得(嗯)

  • Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught (mmm),

寶貝 當我明白你只是為了你被抓包而感到抱歉(嗯)

  • But you put on quite a show (oh),


  • You really had me goin',


  • But now it's time to go (oh),


  • Curtain's finally closin',


  • That was quite a show (oh),


  • Very entertainin',


  • But it's over now (but it's over now),


  • Go on and take a bow, ohh.

上台去 下台一鞠躬吧 喔~

  • And the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you),

史上最大的騙子獎 得獎的是你 (你得了這個獎)

  • For makin' me believe that you could be faithful to me,


  • Let's hear your speech out,


  • How about a round of applause,


  • A standin' novation.


  • But you put on quite a show (oh),


  • You really had me goin',


  • But now it's time to go (oh),


  • Curtain's finally closin',


  • That was quite a show (oh),


  • Very entertainin',


  • But it's over now (but it's over now),


  • Go on and take a bow.

上台去 下台一鞠躬吧

  • But it's over now.


week 37: 9/12-9/18

  • My Way
    1. least 最小
    2. awake 甦醒
    3. faced面對
    4. removed 去除
    5. way 辦法
    6. far 遠

week 38: 9/19-9/25

  • Clocer
    1. issue 問題
    2. broke 打破
    3. closer接近

week 39: 9/26-10/02

  • We Don't Talk Anymore
  • heard 聽說
  • been 是
  • would 將
  • cause 原因
  • easily 容易
  • dress 打扮

week 40: 10/03-10/09

  • Say You Won't Let Go
  • met 遇見
  • though 雖然
  • enough 不足
  • shoulder 肩膀
  • chest 胸部
  • scared 害怕
  • held 保持
  • lit 發光

week 41: 10/10-10/16

  • sugar
  • I'm hurting baby,

我飽受傷害 寶貝

  • I'm broken down


  • I need your loving, loving

需要你的熱愛 你的呵護

  • I need it now


  • When I'm without you


  • I'm something weak

渾身彷彿不對勁 失去元氣

  • You got me begging, begging


  • I'm on my knees


  • I don't wanna be needing your love

我不想要 讓愛你只是需求

  • I just wanna be deep in your love

我只想要 愛你深切入心

  • And it's killing me when you're away

你不在時 感覺生不如死啊

  • Ooh baby, 'cause a bullet don't care where you are

噢寶貝 我是個硬漢 我才不介意你去哪裡

  • I just wanna be there where you are

反正妳去哪兒 我就跟到那兒

  • And I gotta get one little taste

而我想要 來點

  • Sugar


  • Yes please

是的 拜託

  • Won't you come and put in down on me

何不來我懷抱 撲上我吧

  • Oh right here, 'cause I need

直接來吧 因為我好缺

  • Little love and little sympathy


  • Yeah you show me good loving

你讓我見識 何謂真愛

  • Make it alright

讓一切 完美無缺

  • Need a little sweetness in my life

人生就是需要一點 甜蜜情趣

  • Sugar


  • Yes please

是的 拜託

  • Won't you come and put in down on me

何不來我懷抱 撲上我吧

  • My broken pieces


  • You pick them up


  • Don't leave me hanging, hanging

你不會 離我而去 晾我一人吧??

  • Come give me some


  • When I'm without ya


  • I'm so insecure


  • You are the one thing, one thing

你就是唯一目標 唯一要素

  • I'm living for


  • I don't wanna be needing your love

我不想要 讓愛你只是需求

  • I just wanna be deep in your love

我只想要 愛你深切入心

  • And it's killing me when you're away

你不在時 感覺生不如死啊

  • Ooh baby, 'cause a bullet don't care where you are

噢寶貝 我是個硬漢 我才不介意你去哪裡

  • I just wanna be there where you are

反正妳去哪兒 我就跟到那兒

  • And I gotta get one little taste

而我想要 來點

  • Sugar


  • Yes please

是的 拜託

  • Won't you come and put in down on me

何不來我懷抱 撲上我吧

  • Oh right here, 'cause I need

直接來吧 因為我好缺

  • Little love and little sympathy


  • Yeah you show me good loving

你讓我見識 何謂真愛

  • Make it alright

讓一切 完美無缺

  • Need a little sweetness in my life

人生就是需要一點 甜蜜情趣

  • Sugar


  • Yes please

是的 拜託

  • Won't you come and put in down on me

何不來我懷抱 撲上我吧

  • Yeah, I want that red velvet

想要 紅絲絨的高貴柔軟

  • I want that sugar sweet

渴望 糖果的甜蜜甘美

  • Don't let nobody touch it


  • Unless that somebody is me

除非那個任何人 是我

  • I gotta be a man

我想要成為 真正的男人

  • There ain't no other way

成為的途徑 別無他條 就是占有你

  • 'Cause girl you're hotter than southern California bae

因為女孩你阿 比加州南部的任何妹都還要火辣

  • I don't wanna play no games

我才不要 毫無花樣把戲

  • I don't gotta be afraid

我才不會 畏懼退縮

  • Don't give all that shy shit

別給我來 害羞那招

  • No make up on


  • That's my


week 42: 10/17-10/23

  • light
  • I had a way then

曾經 有條光明大道

  • losing it all on my own

但在人生道路上 迷失自我

  • I had a heart then

曾經 我有顆善良之心

  • but the queen has been overthrown

但那顆心 早已陷入黑暗

  • And I'm not sleeping now


  • the dark is too hard to beat

彌漫的黑暗 使我無法抵抗 And I'm not keeping now

  • 現在我無以為繼
  • the strength I need to push me


  • You show the lights that stop me turn to stone

是你給我希望之光 讓我不會變成行屍走肉

  • You shine It when I'm alone

當我我孤立無援 是你在閃耀

  • And so I tell myself that I'll be strong

我暗自告訴自己 一定要堅強起來

  • And dreaming when they're gone


  • 'Cause they're calling, calling, calling me home

因為它們一直催促我 呼喚我回家

  • Calling, calling, calling home

呼喚我 招喚我回家

  • You show the lights that stop me turn to stone

是你給我希望之光 讓我不會變成行屍走肉

  • You shine It when I'm alone

當我我孤立無援 是你在閃耀

  • Noises, I play within my head

喧囂 充斥腦海之中

  • Touch my own skin


  • and hope that I'm still breathing


  • And I think back to when my brother and my sister slept

回想當初 我的兄弟姊妹安然入睡的日子裡

  • In an unlocked place the only time I feel safe

那裡無拘無束 在那裡我最安心的活著

  • You show the lights that stop me turn to stone

是你給我希望之光 讓我不會變成行屍走肉

  • You shine It when I'm alone

當我我孤立無援 是你在閃耀

  • And so I tell myself that I'll be strong

我暗自告訴自己 一定要堅強起來

  • And dreaming when they're gone


  • 'Cause they're calling, calling, calling me home

因為它們一直催促我 呼喚我回家

  • Calling, calling, calling home

呼喚我 招喚我回家

  • You show the lights that stop me turn to stone

是你給我希望之光 讓我不會變成行屍走肉

  • You shine It when I'm alone

當我我孤立無援 是你在閃耀

  • You show the lights that stop me turn to stone

是你給我希望之光 讓我不會變成行屍走肉

  • You shine It when I'm alone

當我我孤立無援 是你在閃耀

  • And so I tell myself that I'll be strong

我暗自告訴自己 一定要堅強起來

  • And dreaming when they're gone


  • 'Cause they're calling, calling, calling me home

因為它們一直催促我 呼喚我回家

  • Calling, calling, calling home

呼喚我 招喚我回家

  • You show the lights that stop me turn to stone

是你給我希望之光 讓我不會變成行屍走肉

  • You shine It when I'm alone

當我我孤立無援 是你在閃耀

week 43: 10/24-10/30

week 44: 10/31-11/06

week 45: 11/07-11/13

week 46: 11/14-11/20

week 47: 11/21-11/27

week 48: 11/28-12/04

week 49: 12/05-12/11

week 50: 12/19-12/25

week 51: 12/26-01/01

week 01: 01/02-01/08

week 02: 01/09-01/15

week 03: 01/16-01/22