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  1. 主題:BattleField Hardline
  2. 英文:The Lenco BearCat (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck), sometimes referred to as an Armored Rescue Vehicle, is an armored personnel carrier designed for military and law enforcement use.


  1. 主題:BattleField Hardline
  2. 英文:Armored Surveillance Vehicles are heavily armored trucks used by Law Enforcement agencies for overt surveillance purposes. They are deployed in public areas to record and monitor local activity, serving as a deterrent to keep criminals out of an area and prevent suspicious activity.


  1. 主題:BattleField Hardline
  2. 英文:The Ford Mustang is a civilian car that has been manufactured by the Ford Motor Company since 1964 to the present. It is used by Law Enforcement primarily for interstate speeding enforcement and is well-renowned as a fast and powerful muscle car.


  1. 主題:BattleField Hardline
  2. 英文:The Dodge Charger Pursuit is an American Sedan specially designed for Law Enforcement use. The Pursuit model is mostly identical to the civilian model Charger, but features an improved suspension system for holding police equipment and is equipped with police lights, sirens, a ram bar, and a PA system. With 370 horsepower, the Pursuit reaches 60 mph in 5.2 seconds and has a maximum speed of 150 mph.


  1. 主題:BattleField Hardline
  2. 英文:Special purpose SUVs in use with some SWAT forces and law enforcement agencies are outfitted with a machine gun turret for situations when greater firepower is required. Due to police rules of engagement, they are rarely used, though they are well-maintained.


  1. 主題:BattleField Hardline
  2. 英文:The UH-60 Black Hawk is a four-bladed, twin-engine, medium-lift utility helicopter manufactured by Sikorsky Aircraft. Originally known as the Sikorsky S-70, it won a contest to be designated the UH-60 Black Hawk and spawning a large family in U.S. military service.


  1. 主題:BattleField Hardline
  2. 英文:The TASER X26 CEW (Conducted Electrical Weapon) is an electroshock weapon sold by Taser International for law enforcement officers. It uses electrical current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles. Tasers were introduced as non-lethal weapons to be used by police to subdue fleeing


  1. 主題: Company of Heroes
  2. 英文:The Engineer Squad, also known as "Combat Engineers", are the primary repair and construction unit for the American army in Company of Heroes. Though small and ill-equipped for combat, this 3-man squad is essential for all American logistical operations - including maintenance to units and buildings as well as the construction of Defensive Structures to protect American assets. This squad can serve several additional support roles on the battlefield, including demolitions and mine-sweeping.
  3. 中文:工程師小隊,也被稱為戰鬥工兵,他們在英雄連隊裡面是擔任美軍主要維修及建設方面的單位.雖然他們人數少且戰鬥裝備不足,但對所有美軍的後勤業務這方面這三人小組是非常必要的,包括包括維修單位和建築物,以及建造防禦設施來保護美軍的資產.這支小隊可以在戰場上提供額外的支援作用,包括拆彈和掃雷.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The Riflemen Squad is the core infantry unit for the Americans in Company of Heroes. Comprised of 6 men and initially carrying only semi-automatic rifles, this unit's primary advantages are its size and its low reinforcement costs. Like other core infantry units, the Riflemen Squad can receive several upgrades (all purchased at the Barracks) to enhance its combat capabilities, and eventually become a good general-purpose infantry squad.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The M1917 Browning Heavy Machine Gun Team, or HMG Team for short, is a powerful anti-infantry Weapon Team fielded by the American army in Company of Heroes. Consisting of only 3 men, this team can unleash deadly firepower on enemy infantry units, destroying them rapidly and suppressing any survivors. Additionally, it can cause serious damage to enemy light Vehicles, especially when told to use Armor Piercing ammunition. It is used in conjunction with other infantry units to form a strong infantry-based assault force.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The M2 60mm Mortar Team (or just Mortar Team for short) is a 3-man light artillery infantry squad, fielded by the American Army in Company of Heroes. With its long range and explosive shells, the Mortar Team can provide support fire for offensive operations, easily destroying enemy infantry hiding behind cover or inside buildings, causing damage to vehicles, and reducing Defensive Structures to rubble. This unit is not meant to engage the enemy in face-to-face combat, as it will surely lose such engagements.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:he Sniper is a one-man infantry scout unit fielded by the American army in Company of Heroes. Armed with an extremely accurate rifle, the Sniper can kill a single enemy infantryman with each shot he makes. He has the ability to camouflage himself, becoming invisible to enemy units, which allows him to scout deep into enemy territory and look for exposed targets. Unfortunately, as a single man, he is quite easily lost if not used carefully.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The M1 57mm Anti Tank Gun, or 57mm AT Gun for short, is a 3-man Weapon Team operating a powerful foot-mobile Anti-Tank cannon. It is fielded by the American army in Company of Heroes. While a heavy-hitting gun, the 57mm AT Gun may have some trouble piercing the front armor of enemy tanks, which is why it is often used in ambushes. It can make up for this by loading expensive but useful armor-piercing shells. More vulnerable than a tank destroyer, the gun can still be used successfully as a defensive weapon to counter enemy vehicle assaults. The Airborne Company can paradrop these to any visible point on the map.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The Willys MB Jeep, or just Jeep in-game, is a light reconnaissance vehicle fielded by the American army in Company of Heroes. Fast, though fragile, the Jeep's primary feature is an extremely extended sight-range (one of the longest in the game) which allows it to spot enemy units well before being detected by them. The Jeep also has the ability to detect camouflaged units at a good range. On the other hand, it is very lightly armed, and will not survive combat with most enemy units.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The Carrier, Personnel Half-Track M3, or M3 Halftrack, is a medium infantry-transport Vehicle fielded by the American army in Company of Heroes. It is capable of ferrying infantry across the battlefield with haste, and can stick around to provide mobile reinforcement to infantry squads. With its Quadmount upgrade, the M3 Halftrack turns into a completely different vehicle, trading in its infantry-transport ability for a set of powerful anti-aircraft guns capable of shredding apart infantry and light vehicles.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The M8 "Greyhound" Armored Car, or M8 Greyhound, is a medium general-purpose scout fielded by the American army in Company of Heroes. With fast movement and armor thick enough to protect it from small-arms and machine-gun fire, the M8 Greyhound can easily patrol your territory to attack enemy infantry and light vehicles. It is also a good support vehicle for protecting the flanks of an armored advance. It can be further upgraded with extra anti-infantry firepower and increased survivability. The Armor Company uses these for quick hit-and-run sector seizures.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The M10 Tank Destroyer, nicknamed "Wolverine" by the British, is an anti-tank vehicle fielded by the American army in Company of Heroes. Clad in good medium armor and sporting a large armor-piercing cannon, the M10 Tank Destroyer uses its surprising speed to flank and destroy enemy tanks. Though less sturdy than an M4 Sherman, it is still a medium tank capable of withstanding some firepower, and is better than the Sherman at knocking enemy tanks out, especially by attacking their rear armor. M10 Tank Destroyers can provide a mobile anti-vehicle defense, but are better used making powerful offensive strikes against the enemy as part of an armored assault group.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The M4 Sherman (or "Sherman Tank") is the core medium tank fielded by the American army in Company of Heroes. Armed with a strong general-purpose cannon and clad in thick layers of armor, this tank can lead the American armored offensive and engage almost any enemy unit in combat. M4 Shermans often operate in large groups, with or without support from other American Sherman variants. The M4 Sherman is also bristling with machine guns, and can be upgraded with a Crab Mine Flail to safely clear mines in its path.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The M4 "Crocodile" Sherman is a specialized Infantry-Support tank fielded by the Americans in Company of Heroes. Based on the chassis of an M4 Sherman, this tank's cannon is only a dummy - instead it has a powerful flamethrower mounted on its turret, which can quickly and easily burn infantry, buildings, and infantry garrisoned inside buildings. The Crocodile Sherman is used to assist either infantry or armored assaults against enemy light troops, and is as tough as any Sherman tank. It can be upgraded with a Bulldozer, which allows it to easily break through almost any obstacle.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The Ranger Squad is a 6-man elite heavy-infantry unit fielded by the American Infantry Company in Company of Heroes. The strength of the unit comes primarily from its equipment: It carries two M9 Bazooka anti-tank launchers on creation, and can then be further upgraded with M1 Thompson SMGs to add powerful close-combat anti-infantry capabilities; it is the only squad in the game which carries both dedicated anti-tank and anti-infantry weapons by default. The unit also has two useful combat abilities, and is significantly more survivable than other infantry units.


  1. 主題:Company Of Heroes
  2. 英文:The Airborne Squad (also known as Paratroopers) is a 6-man air-dropped elite infantry squad, fielded by the American Airborne Company in Company of Heroes. Initially armed for infantry combat, Airborne Squads have several useful combat abilities which enable them to cause a lot of destruction behind enemy lines. They can even be outfitted with powerful anti-tank launchers to harass and destroy enemy vehicles. Airborne Squads can reinforce anywhere on the map, making it possible for them to hold distant positions against enemy retaliation until help can arrive.