
在2019年2月6日 (三) 23:06由丁禾對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  1. In an Ancient Nun’s Teeth, Blue Paint — and Clues to Medieval Life
  2. ‘Disgusting to Say, but It’s the Truth’: German Winemakers See Boon in Climate Change
  3. More Than 100 Migrants Die at Sea in Wreck Off Libya, Survivors Say
  4. Rise of the Golden Jackal
  5. 5 Takeaways From the Ancient DNA Research Story
  6. In the Heart of Beijing, a Taiwanese Pop Idol Makes Fans Swoon
  7. Scientist Who Edited Babies’ Genes Is Likely to Face Charges in China
  8. Oceans Are Getting Louder, Posing Potential Threats to Marine Life
  9. Shutdown, Supreme Court, Oscars: Your Tuesday Evening Briefing
  10. How to Make Sex Scenes Natural and Nonthreatening? Cue the ‘Intimacy Coordinator’
  11. The Horrors of Auschwitz at a Museum in New York
  12. 6 Ways to Be an Effective Parent in 2019
  13. Roger Stone, Nancy Pelosi, Venezuela: Your Friday Briefing
  14. A Nuclear Site Guard Accused Colleagues of Sexual Assault. Then She Was Fired.
  15. Government Shutdown, Roger Stone, Ironman: Your Friday Evening Briefing
  16. On the Way to Auschwitz, I Found ‘Heil Hitler’ Signs For Sale
  17. Abortion, Newly Legal in Ireland, Faces Old Roadblocks
  18. Afghan Women Fear Peace With Taliban May Mean War on Them
  19. Another Side of #MeToo: Male Managers Fearful of Mentoring Women
  20. ‘World’s Loneliest Duck’ Dies on Tiny Pacific Island That Loved Him
  21. Huawei, Apple, Polar Vortex: Your Tuesday Briefing
  22. Pakistani Woman Accused of Blasphemy Will Remain Free, Supreme Court Rules
  23. Pope Calls Child Sex Abuse ‘a Human Problem,’ Tamping Down Summit Expectations
  24. ‘The Nation Has Stood Up’: Indigenous Clans in Canada Battle Pipeline Project
  25. ‘Along the Main Road You See the Graves’: U.N. Says Hundreds Killed in Congo
  26. |Trump Administration’s Asylum-Seeker Policy Takes Effect
  27. More Bark Than Bite in Iran’s Ban on Walking Dogs
  28. India’s Leader Is Accused of Hiding Unemployment Data Before Vote
  29. 29 Syrian Children Die During Freezing Escape From the Islamic State
  30. Donald Trump, Cory Booker, Super Bowl: Your Friday Evening Briefing
  31. Japan’s Working Mothers: Record Responsibilities, Little Help From Dads
  32. Sex Crime Reports Are Up in France. Officials See a #MeToo Effect
  33. Did a Seal Eat Your Vacation Photos? A New Zealand Scientist Is Looking for You.
  34. Pope Acknowledges Nuns Were Sexually Abused by Priests and Bishops
  35. Apps and Services to Help You Get Around on Your Next Trip
  36. State of the Union, Pope, Hummingbirds: Your Wednesday Briefing


  1. The demise of guys?
  2. Inside OKCupid: The math of online dating
  3. Biodiesel: The afterlife of oil - Natascia Radice
  4. What Would It Take For Earth To Explode?
  5. Where do math symbols come from? - John David Walters
  6. How do cancer cells behave differently from healthy ones? - George Zaidan
  7. How does anesthesia work? - Steven Zheng
  8. What happens during a heart attack? - Krishna Sudhir
  9. How does cancer spread through the body? - Ivan Seah Yu Jun
  10. Why is there a "b" in doubt?
  11. The ruralities of autism
  12. The three different ways mammals give birth - Kate Slabosky
  13. Why Megalodon (Definitely) Went Extinct
  14. What really happened to the Library of Alexandria? - Elizabeth Cox
  15. Light seconds, light years, light centuries: How to measure extreme distances - Yuan-Sen Ting
  16. What is entropy? - Jeff Phillips
  17. How squids outsmart their predators - Carly Anne York
  18. The Deadliest Being on Planet Earth – The Bacteriophage
  19. How did Dracula become the world s most famous vampire? - Stanley Stepanic
  20. The Horrible Life of an Average Roman Empire Slave
  21. Here s What Happens In Your Body When You Swallow Gum
  22. Why Cockroaches Are So Hard To Kill
  23. What causes heartburn? - Rusha Modi
  24. Why incompetent people think they re amazing - David Dunning
  25. What causes headaches? - Dan Kwartler
  26. History vs. Christopher Columbus - Alex Gendler
  27. Cell vs. virus: A battle for health - Shannon Stiles