
在2015年4月6日 (一) 00:04由蔡依緁對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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Part A

  • ex:My house is big. Your house is small.
    • My house is _______________ than yours.
    • 空格應填:bigger
  1. My house is big. Your house is small.
    • Your house is _______________ than mine.
  2. The color of my clothes is bright. The color of your clothes is dark.
    • My clothes is _______________ than yours.
    • Your clothes is _______________ than mine.
  3. John’s body is weak. Mary’s body is strong.
    • John’s body is _______________ than Mary’s.
    • Mary’s body is _______________ than John’s.
  4. The speed of an air plane is fast. The speed of a bicycle is slow.
    • An air plane is _______________ than a bicycle.
    • 7.A bicycle is _______________ than an air plane.
  5. This tree is beautiful. That tree is not beautiful.
    • 8.This tree is _______________ than that tree.
  6. This test is very important. That test is not importat.
    • 9.This test is _______________ than that test.
    • 10.That test is _______________ than this test.

Part B

  • 單字:sign / break / throw / forget / divide / finish / design / abandon / fix / nominate
  • ex:The teacher divided our class into four groups.
    • 修改成被動語態: Our class was divided into four groups by the teacher.
    1. I signed the form. ______________________________________
    2. He broke the window. ______________________________________
    3. I forgot my keys. ______________________________________
    4. Mary threw out the trash. ______________________________________
    5. Mr.Smith finished the tea. ______________________________________
    6. He designed this house. ______________________________________
    7. The crew abandoned the ship. ______________________________________
    8. They fixed the election. ______________________________________
    9. They nominated John as group leader. ______________________________________

Part C

Chuangtse and Hueitse had strolled onto the bridge over the Hao, when the former observed,

"See how the small fish are darting about! That is the happiness of the fish."

"You not a fish yourself," said Hueitse, "how can you know the happiness of the fish?"

"And you not being I," retorted Chuangtse, "how can you know that I do not know?"

"If I, not being you, cannot know what you know," urged Hueitse, "it follows that you,

not being a fish, cannot know the happiness of the fish."

"Let us go back to your original question," said Chuangtse.

"You asked me how I knew the happiness of the fish. Your very question shows that you knew that I knew.

I knew it (from my own feelings ) on this bridge."

Part D

  1. photograph:__________________
  2. children:__________________
  3. promise:__________________
  4. grandson:__________________
  5. grandmother:__________________
  6. identical:__________________
  7. marriage:__________________
  8. actually:__________________
  9. stupid:__________________
  10. understand:__________________
  11. licence:__________________
  12. investigate:__________________
  13. coffee:__________________
  14. luck:__________________
  15. blink:__________________
  16. doorbell:__________________
  17. exact:__________________
  18. absolutely:__________________
  19. useless:__________________
  20. London:__________________

Part E

  • note / tape / five / pine / wake / huge / late / cute / smile / robe / time / game / race / price / hope / trace / lake / bake / name / dice
  • 動手玩創意:士賢
    1. 實作題目
      • 請同學設計一個遊戲或裝置,利用三個感測器與二個物理原理,把旗子升起。
    2. 請依圖示,寫出下列腳位的功用或物品名稱
 角位    功用或物品名稱    角位    功用或物品名稱  
A0 滑桿可變電阻 D7 連續旋轉伺服馬達
A1 光感測元件 D8 角度伺服馬達
A2 麥克風 D9 蜂鳴器
D2 按鈕開關 D10 紅色LED燈
D4 連續旋轉伺服馬達 D11 綠色LED燈

S4A Q1.png


    1. 請列舉出你所栽種的春季作物三種,並寫出其播種方式。
    2. 水耕栽培又稱養液栽培:主要分為有介質栽培與無介質栽培
      • 介質栽培:植物根系固持於砂、礫、真珠石、垤石、發泡煉石等介質中。
      • 無介質栽培:植物根系則曝露於濕空氣中或浸潤於培養液中。
    3. 植物生長所需的主要元素?
      • 氮、磷、鉀、鈣、鎂、硫、碳、氫、氧


    1. 文章內容三元素:重點、觀點與賣點
    2. 文章結構:
      • who(關於我)
      • what(說明)
      • why(動機、緣起)
      • how(過程)
      • impact or effect(影響或衝擊)
  • 禪繞畫:實作一幅,主題不拘
  • 戲劇:
    1. 簡述灰姑娘劇本
    2. 寫出這次戲劇演出你所扮演的角色與負責的工作。
  • 鳳梨酥:雅敏,熱量計算、材料、做法改良配方
    1. 鳳梨酥的材料有七種,請舉出其中四種?
      • 土鳳梨餡;奶油;糖粉;低筋麵粉;奶粉;起司粉;蛋
    2. 寫出一個鳳梨酥改良的例子?
      • 低糖減油鳳梨酥;米穀粉來代替麵粉;桂圓紅棗
    3. 一個265g的鳳梨酥熱量有多少卡?
      • 熱量計算公式:每克脂肪*9+每克蛋白質*4+每克醣類(碳水化合物)*4
      • 熱量 膽固醇 粗蛋白 粗脂肪 碳水化合物
        ? 6mg 4.2g 28.8g 57.6g 59mg 39mg 0.7mg