
跳轉到: 導覽搜尋
05.I believe in you
第 846 行: 第 846 行:
*I believe, I believe, I believe 我相信,我相信,我相信
*I believe, I believe, I believe 我相信,我相信,我相信
*In you. 你
*In you. 你
====[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA4iX5D9Z64 06.We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together]====
*I remember when we broke up the first time
*Saying, 'This is it, I've had enough,' 'cause like
*We hadn't seen each other in a month
*When you said you needed space. What?
*Then you come around again and say
*'Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change
*Trust me, remember how that lasted for a day'
*I say, 'I hate you, we break up,' you call me, 'I love you'
*Oooh we called it off again last night
*But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
*We are never ever ever getting back together
*We are never ever ever getting back together
*You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
*But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
*Like ever...
*I'm really gonna miss you picking fights
*And me, falling for it screaming that I'm right
*And you, would hide away and find your piece of mind
*With some indie record that's much cooler than mine
*Oooh, you called me up again tonight
*But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
*We are never ever ever getting back together
*We are never ever ever getting back together
*You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me)
*But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
*I used to think that we were forever ever ever
*And I used to say never say never
*Huh, so he calls me up and he's like, 'I still love you'
*And I'm like, 'I just, I mean this is exhausting, you know
*We are never getting back together, like ever'
*We are never ever ever getting back together
*We are never ever ever getting back together
*You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
*But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
*We are not getting back together,
*We oh, not getting back together
*You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
*But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

2013年11月19日 (二) 22:22的修訂版本





01-Secret of my heart

  • どんな 言(こと)葉(ば)に変(か)えて


  • 君(きみ)に 伝(つた)えられるだろう


  • あれから いくつもの季(き)節(せつ)が


  • 通(とお)り過(す)ぎたけれど


  • いつも 傍(そば)で笑(わら)ってる


  • 私(わたし)にも言(い)えないことが まだ


  • ひとつだけある


  • Secret of my heart 疑(うたが)ってもないね

Secret of my heart 毫無疑問地

  • いつだって少(すこ)しの未(み)来(らい)があれば


  • 真(しん)実(じつ)は 手(て)に入(い)れられるはず


  • I can’t say もう少(すこ)しだけ

I can't say 只要再一些

  • I’m waiting for a chance

I’m waiting for a chance

  • こんな 穏(おだ)やかな時(と)間(き)


  • もっと 繋(つな)がっていたい


  • 全(すべ)てを見(み)せるのが 怖(こわ)くて


  • 少(すこ)し離(はな)れて歩(ある)く


  • 君(きみ)の横(よこ)顔(かお)がなぜか


  • 壊(こわ)れそうで 守(まも)りたい

破壞它 保護它 

  • もっと近(ちか)づきたいよ


  • Secret of my heart

Secret of my heart

  • 理(わ)解(か)ってくれるよね


  • 誰(だれ)だって 逃(に)げたい時(とき)もあるけど


  • それだけじゃ 何(なに)も始(はじ)まらない


  • I can’t say きっと必(かなら)ず

I can't stay 絕對的

  • I’m waiting for a chance

I'm calling for a chance

  • Can I tell the truth? その言(こと)葉(ば)言(い)えず

Can I tell the truth? 那句話所說的 感到空轉的唇

  • 空(から)回(まわ)りする唇(くちびる)に
  • Feeling in my heart 隠(かく)せない

Feeling in my heart 無法隱藏 

  • これ以(い)上(じょう) ‘Cause I love you

這就是全部 'Cause I love you

  • I will be with you Wherever you are

I will be with you Whenever you are

  • Can you feel my heart?

Can you feel my heart

  • Can’t you see, you’re my dream

Can't you see, you're my dream

  • 失(うしな)いたくないよ


  • 大(たい)切(せつ)な 君(きみ)と過(す)ごすこの時(じ)間(かん)


  • あきらめる位(くらい)なら 信(しん)じて


  • I just wanna say もう迷(まよ)わない

I just wanna say 再也不迷惑

  • Can’t you see, you’re my heart

Can't you see, you're my heart

  • どんな作(つく)り物(もの)も


  • 簡(かん)単(たん)に壊(こわ)れてしまう 日(ひ)が来(く)る

輕易就壞了 當那天來到

  • だけどまだ いつまでも

雖然還沒到 無論何時

  • 変(か)わらない


  • Secret of my heart Out future is forever

Secret of my heart Our future is forever


  • 生きてる限り 石コロだらけでも

只要活著 就算滿身石礫

  • 大きな声でがんばれ!がんばれ!(がんばれ!)

也要大聲說加油!加油! (加油!)

  • 止まることない ウチらのジンセー

我們的人生 不會停下腳步

  • だから終わらない歌を歌おう


  • 我が道を突きすすめ


  • デタラメなキャラでもいい


  • ロクデナシでも愛してるんだ マイダーリン

就算沒有高人一等也愛著喔My Darling

  • バカヤロ!ホントのじぶん


  • 言いたいこと言ってやれ


  • はみだしてくんだよ 近づいてくんだよ 夢に

慢慢成形 慢慢接近 朝著夢想

  • コノヤロ!ホントのじぶん


  • 出て来いよ 隠れてないで OH YEAH 今すぐ

展現吧!不要隱藏 OH YEAH 現在就

  • 弱気なオレがいやな日もあるけど


  • それで他人(アイツ)の気持ちがわかるんだ(わかる)


  • かっこつけるオレ引いちゃうけれど


  • だから負けずにまた頑張れるんだ


  • 土砂降りも晴れもある

傾盆大雨也好 晴空萬里也好

  • ちっちゃなコト気にすんな


  • でっかい明日のために キスしてあげたい

爲了宏大的明天 想給你一個吻

  • バカヤロ!ホントのじぶん


  • やりたいことやってやれ


  • 飛びだしてくんだよ 飛びこえてくんだよ 夢に


  • コノヤロ!ホントのじぶん


  • 大丈夫さ こわがらないで OH YEAH 今すぐ

沒問題的 不要害怕OH YEAH 現在就

  • 何にも無い場所から何かが始まる


  • 抱きしめたいんだろ 駆けだしたいんだろ 夢へ

會想緊抱吧 會想前往吧 朝向夢想

  • バカヤロ!ホントのじぶん


  • 言いたいこといってやれ


  • はみだしてくんだよ 近づいてくんだよ 夢に

慢慢成形 慢慢接近 朝著夢想

  • コノヤロ!ホントのじぶん


  • 出て来いよ 隠れてないで OH YEAH 今すぐ

展現吧!不要隱藏 OH YEAH 現在就

03-Eternal Wind

  • まるで悲(かな)しみのかけらだわ
  • 街(まち)をとざす ガラス色(しょく)の雪(ゆき)
  • 明日(あした)をさがす瞳(ひとみ)さえも
  • くもらせてゆくの 闇(やみ)のかなた
  • 見知(みし)らぬ力(ちから)に流(なが)されて 心(こころ)がどこかへはぐれてく
  • はりさけそうな胸(むね)の奥(おく)で 鼓動(こどう)だけが たしかに生(い)きている
  • 光(ひか)る風(かぜ)の中(なか) 聞(き)こえてくる あなたの声(こえ)
  • 「Pray don't break a peace forever」
  • その輝(かがや)きを信(しん)じてる
  • 青(あお)くけむる水平(すいへい)線(せん)を
  • この目(め)はまだ おぼえているから
  • まぶたを閉(と)じれば帰(かえ)れるの
  • 暖(あたた)かな時間(じかん)… 思(おも)い出(で)たち…
  • くりかえすあやまちがいつも おろかな生(い)き物(もの)に変(か)えてく
  • 傷(きず)つくだけの生(い)き方(かた)でも 涙(なみだ)はそうよ 決(けっ)して見(み)せないわ
  • 光(ひか)る風(かぜ)の中(なか) ほほえんでる あなたがいる
  • 「Pray don't break a peace forever」
  • そのまぶしさを 見(み)つめてる
  • はげしい痛(いた)みは誰(だれ)のため?
  • それがやっと わかる気(き)がするわ
  • めぐり逢(あ)いはそう奇跡(きせき)なの
  • 幾億(いくおく)の星(ほし)が さまよう宇宙(そら)
  • さよならが教(おし)えてくれたの あなたの本当(ほんとう)のやさしさ
  • 誰(だれ)よりも大事(だいじ)な人(ひと)だと 胸(むね)をはって言(い)えるわ いつの日(ひ)も
  • 光(ひか)る風(かぜ)の中(なか) ほほえんでる あなたがいる
  • 「Pray don't break a peace forever」
  • そのまぶしさを 見(み)つめてる
  • 「Pray don't break a peace forever」
  • 熱(あつ)い瞳(ひとみ)に やきつけて

04-Love Somebody

  • 毎日つぶやいてる 何か足りない

每天只會發牢騷 那算是什麼

  • せめてときめきは Keepしたいね


  • 理想は遠くて 現実は近くて

理想是遙遠的 現實是接近的

  • 風も強いけれど 笑ってる自分を

雖然吹著大風 把面帶笑容的你

  • ギュッと抱きしめて 絶対 強くなる

緊緊摟抱著 絕對 變得堅強

  • きっと Love Somebody いつの日にか

一定 Love Somebody 在哪一天

  • 見つけてみせる Take My Chance

讓我找尋到 Take My Chance

  • 世界中 時を止めて 天使になりたい

整個世界 時間停止 好想變成天使

  • きっと Love Somebody 出会えるはず

一定 Love Somebody 會遇到的

  • かけがえのない人に


  • 情熱は止まらないよ 明日に飛びこもう

壓抑不了對他的熱情 飛往明天

  • ひとりで見てる夢も 二人の方が

一個人做的夢 兩個人的時候

  • たぶん何倍も ステキに見える


  • 途方に暮れてる 暇なんかないから

無可奈何 因為沒有空閒

  • いつも元気だして


  • 迷ってはいけない グット前向きにしっかりしなくちゃね

別迷惑 只向著好的方向振作起來

  • きっと Love Somebody いつの日にも

一定 Love Somebody 哪一天也行

  • 信じているよ Get My Chance

相信著 Get My Chance

  • 運命のベルが鳴れば 扉は開くよ

命運的鐘聲響起時 心扉將會敞開

  • きっと Love Somebody めぐり会える

一定 Love Somebody 有緣相會

  • 捜し続けた人に 太陽も輝いてる 奇跡は嘘じゃない

不停找尋的那個人 比太陽更閃亮 不是說謊

  • きっと Love Somebody いつの日にか

一定 Love Somebody 在哪一天

  • 見つけてみせる Take My Chance

讓我找尋到 Take My Chance

  • 世界中 時を止めて 天使になりたい

整個世界 時間停止 好想變成天使

  • きっと Love Somebody 出会えるはず

一定 Love Somebody 會遇到的

  • かけがえのない人に


  • 情熱は止まらないよ 明日に飛びこもう

壓抑不了對他的熱情 飛往明天

  • きっと Love Somebody めぐり会える

一定 Love Somebody 有緣相會

  • 捜し続けた人に


  • 太陽も輝いてる 今すぐ駆け出そう

比太陽更閃亮 馬上去找尋他吧


  • 大丈夫(だいじょぶ)、いつもちゃんと笑(わら)ってるよ

Da I jou bu I tsu mo chan to wa ra tte ru yo 我不要緊 我一直都有保持著笑容

  • でも 誰(だれ)といても何(なん)か足(た)りない

De mo da re to I te mo na n ka ta ri na I 但是 無論跟誰在一起 心裡仍無法感到滿足

  • 今(いま) あなたがここに来(く)る訳(わけ)ないのに

I ma a na ta ga ko ko ni ku ru wa ke na no ni 雖然明知道此刻你不可能來這裡

  • 開(あ)けた窓(まど)から見(み)えた満月(まんげつ)

A ke ta ma do ka ra mi e ta ma n ge tsu 透過敞開的窗戶看到那一輪滿月

  • 鈴虫(すずむし)の声(こえ)が寂(さび)しさ誘(さそ)うから

Su zu mu shi no ko e ga sa bi shi sa sa so u ka ra 蟋蟀的鳴叫聲引來了孤單寂寞

  • 抑(おさ)えた気持(きも)ち また騒(さわ)ぎだす

o sa e ta ki mo chi ma ta sa wa gi da su 讓無法壓抑的感情 又再次騷動起來

  • あなたに逢(あ)いたくて苦(くる)しくなる夜(よる)は はりさけそうだよ

A ta ta ni a I ta ku te ku kru shi ku na ru yo ru wa ha ri sa ke so u da yo 在想見你想到難受的夜晚 心就像要撕裂般

  • 誰(だれ)かを思(おも)うってこんな気持(きも)ちなんだ

Da re ka wo o mo u tte ko n na ki mo chi na n da 原來心裡思念著某個人是這樣的心情

  • そばにいてほしい

So ba ni I te ho shi I 真希望你能在我身邊

  • 違(ちが)う、そんなことが言(い)いたいんじゃない

Chi ga u so n na ko to ga I I ta I n ja na I 不對 我想説的並不是這些

  • 素直(すなお)になれずに悔(くや)しくなる

Su na o ni na re zu ni ku ya shi ku na ru 因為自己無法坦然免對而感到懊悔

  • 本当(ほんとう)は寂(さび)しいだけだと気付(きず)いて

Ho n to u wa sa bi shi I da ke da to ki zu I te 這才發覺其實我只是太寂寞了

  • 強(つよ)がりすぎて うまくいかない

Tsu yo ga ri su gi te u ma ku I ka na I 因為太過逞強 才會無法好好的表達

  • たったひとり運命(うんめい)の人(ひと)がいるなら あなたがいいのに

Ta tta hi to ri u n me I no hi to ga I ru na ra a na ta ga I I no ni 如果有一個屬於我命中注定的人的話 真希望那個人就是你

  • あなたほど好(す)きになれた人(ひと)はいないの

A na ta ho do su ki ni na re ta hi to wa I na I no 因為在也沒有人比我更喜歡你了

  • ねぇ、見抜(みぬ)いてほしい

Nee mi nu I te ho shi I 只希望你能看穿這一點

  • あなたが一緒(いしょ)にいたいのは誰(だれ)ですか

A na ta ga I ssho ni I ta I no wa da re de su ka 你想和他在一起的人是誰

  • 寂(さび)しげな背中(せなか)を思(おも)い出(だ)すと切(せつ)なくて

Sa bi shi ge na se na ka wo o mo I da su to se tsu na ku te 每當想起那落寞的背影便會感到心痛

  • あなたに逢(あ)いたくて苦(くる)しくなる夜(よる)は はりさけそうだよ

A na ta ni a I ta ku te ku ru shi ku na ru yo ru wa ha ri sa ke so u da yo 在想見你想到難受的夜晚 心就像要撕裂般

  • 誰(だれ)かを思(おも)うってこんな気持(きも)ちなんだ

Da re ka wo o mo u tte ko n na ki mo chi na n da 原來心裡思念著某個人是這樣的心情

  • そばにいてほしい

So ba ni I te ho shi I 真希望你能在我身邊

  • あなたほど好(す)きになれた人(ひと)はいないの

A na ta ho do su ki ni na re ta hi to wa I na I no 因為在也沒有人比我更喜歡你了

  • どんな未来(みらい)だとしてもあなたが私(わたし)の運命(うんめい)の人(ひと)

Do n na mi ra I da to shi te mo a na ta ga wa ta shi no u n me I no hi to 無論未來如何 你都是我命中注定的那個人


  • やさしい日(ひ)だまりに チャイムがディレイする

陽光慵懶的午后 上課鈴放慢了腳步

  • ほほをなでるかぜ いぶきふかくなってく

微風拂過臉龐 呼吸也漸漸不再急促

  • とお)まわりのなみだ なまえつけたあした

嘗過曲折的淚珠 想過明天的稱呼

  • かさなるみらいいろのライン

當未來的輪廓線 漸漸與你同步

  • あどけないこんなきもちも


  • はじけとぶほどわらいあ)えたひも


  • たいせつにそだてていけるように


  • とぎれとぎれのときをこえて


  • たくさんのはじめてをくれた


  • つながってゆけ とどけ

只想將這份心意 告訴你

  • ほうかごのゆうやみ わらうきみのせなか

放學后的黃昏下 望著前面談笑的你

  • ひそかなささやき ふれたことのないおもいのなか

我默默自語 品味著從未體會的心情

  • ぼくのなかのきみと きみのなかのぼくで

在我心中的你 與你心中的我之間

  • からまるみらいいろのライン

當未來的輪廓線 漸漸纏在一起

  • あめあがりのまちのにおいと


  • ゆめみたいなひみつをむねにだいて


  • なんどもなきそうになってまたわらう


  • かんがえるよりずっとはやく


  • そのむねにとび込こめたらいい


  • つながってゆけ とどけ

只想將這份心意 告訴你

  • なによりもだいじなきみのまえで


  • きずつかないようにだいじにしてたのは そうじぶん


  • そのひとことがもしもサヨナラのかわりになってしまっても


  • ありのまま すべて

我也要說出 心中的一切

  • あどけないこんなきもちも


  • はじけとぶほどわらいあえたひも


  • たいせつにそだてていけるように


  • ほんのすこしおとなになってく


  • きみになりたいぼくをこえて


  • つながってゆけ


  • いますぐきみに


  • とどけ


07.Only Human(一公升的眼淚)

08.レミオロメン 3月9日(一公升的眼淚)



01.The One That Got Away(翻唱)

  • Summer after high school, when we first met
  • We'd make out in your Mustang to Radiohead
  • And on my 18th Birthday
  • We got matching tattoos

  • Grabbed a bunch of blankets
  • And climbed to the roof
  • We'd talk about our future
  • like we had a clue
  • Never planned that one day
  • I'd be loosing you

  • And in another life,
  • I would be your girl
  • We'd keep for our promises
  • Be us against the world

  • And in other life,
  • I would make you stay
  • So I don't have to say
  • You were the one that got away
  • The one that got away

  • I was June and you were my Johnny Cash
  • Never one without the other
  • We made a pact
  • Sometimes when I miss you,
  • I put those records on

  • Someone said you had your tattoo removed
  • I saw you downtown singing the blues
  • Its time to face the music
  • I'm no longer your muse

  • And in another life
  • You would be my girl
  • We'd keep full our promises
  • Be us against the world

  • And in another life,
  • I would make you stay
  • So I don't have to say
  • You were the one that got away
  • the one that got away

  • The one (X3)
  • that got away

  • All this money can't buy me a time machine (Noo)
  • Can't replace you with a million rings (Noo)
  • Shoulda told you what you meant to me (Whoa)
  • Cause now I pay the price

  • And in another life,
  • I would be your girl (You would be my girl)
  • We'd keep for our promises
  • Be us against the world

  • And in another life,
  • I would make you stay
  • So I don't have to say
  • You were the one that got away
  • The one that got away
  • The one (away)
  • The one
  • The one
  • The one that got away

02.Gotta Go My Own Way

  • Troy, listen

  • I gotta say what's on my mind
  • Something about us
  • Doesn't seem right these days

  • Life keeps getting in the way
  • Whenever we try, somehow the plan
  • Is always rearranged

  • It's so hard to say
  • But I've gotta do what's best for me
  • You'll be okay

  • I've go to move on and be who I am
  • I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
  • We might find a place in this world someday
  • But at least for now, I gotta go my own away

  • Don't wanna leave it all behind
  • But I get my hopes up
  • And I watch them fall every time

  • Another color turns to gray
  • And it's just too hard to watch it all
  • Slowly fade away

  • I'm leaving today
  • 'Cause I gotta do what's best for me
  • You'll be okay

  • I've got to move on and be who I am
  • I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
  • We might find a place in this world someday
  • But at least for now, I gotta go my own way

  • What about us?
  • What about everything we've been through?
  • What about trust?
  • You know I never wanted to hurt you

  • And what about me?
  • What am I supposed to do?
  • I gotta leave but I'll miss you

  • So, I've got to move on and be who I am
  • (Why do you have to go?)
  • I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
  • (I'm trying to understand)

  • We might find a place in this world someday
  • But at least for now
  • (I want you to stay)
  • I wanna go my own way

  • I've got to move on and be who I am
  • (What about us?)
  • I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
  • (I'm trying to understand)

  • We might find a place in this world someday
  • But at least for now, I gotta go my own away
  • I gotta go my own way
  • I gotta go my own way

03.Call Me Maybe (LYRICS)

  • I threw a wish in the well,
  • Don't ask me, I'll never tell
  • I looked to you as it fell,
  • and now you're in my way

  • I trade my soul for a wish,
  • pennies and dimes for a kiss
  • I wasn't looking for this,
  • but now you're in my way

  • Your stare was holding, Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
  • Hot night, wind was blowin'
  • Where you think you're going, baby?

  • Hey, I just met you,
  • and this is crazy,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • It's hard to look right,
  • at you baby,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • Hey, I just met you,
  • and this is crazy,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • And all the other boys,
  • try to chase me,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • You took your time with the call,
  • I took no time with the fall
  • You gave me nothing at all,
  • but still, you're in my way

  • I beg, and borrow and steal
  • At first sight and it's real
  • I didn't know I would feel it,
  • but it's in my way

  • Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
  • Hot night, wind was blowin'
  • Where you think you're going, baby?
  • Hey, I just met you,
  • and this is crazy,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • It's hard to look right,
  • at you baby,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • Hey, I just met you,
  • and this is crazy,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • And all the other boys,
  • try to chase me,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • Before you came into my life
  • I missed you so bad
  • I missed you so bad
  • I missed you so, so bad

  • Before you came into my life
  • I missed you so bad
  • And you should know that
  • I missed you so, so bad

  • It's hard to look right,
  • at you baby,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • Hey, I just met you,
  • and this is crazy,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • And all the other boys,
  • try to chase me,
  • but here's my number,
  • so call me, maybe?

  • Before you came into my life
  • I missed you so bad
  • I missed you so bad
  • I missed you so so bad

  • Before you came into my life
  • I missed you so bad
  • And you should know that

  • So call me, maybe?


  • I haven't got much time to waste
  • It's time to make my way
  • I'm not afraid I'll face
  • But I'm afraid to stay

  • I'm going down my own road
  • And I can make it alone
  • All work and no fighting
  • I'll find a place of my own

  • Are you ready to jump?
  • Get ready to jump
  • Don't ever look back, oh baby
  • Yes, I'm ready to jump
  • Just take my hands
  • Get ready to jump

  • We learned our lesson from the start,
  • my sisters and me
  • The only thing you can
  • depend on is your family

  • And life's gonna drop you down
  • like the limbs of a tree
  • It sways and it swings and it bends
  • until it makes you see

  • Are you ready to jump?
  • Get ready to jump
  • Don't ever look back, oh baby
  • Yes, I'm ready to jump
  • Just take my hands
  • Get ready to, are you ready?

  • All work and no fighting,
  • I'll find a place of my own
  • It sways and it swings and it bends
  • until you make it your own
  • I can make alone

  • Are you ready to jump?
  • Get ready to jump
  • Don't ever look back, oh baby
  • Yes, I'm ready to jump
  • Just take my hands
  • Get ready to jump

  • Are you ready to jump?
  • Get ready to jump
  • Don't ever look back, oh baby
  • Yes, I'm ready to jump
  • Just take my hands
  • Get ready to, are you ready?

05.I believe in you

  • Lonely 孤獨
  • The path you have chosen 你所選擇的路
  • A restless road 一條無止盡的路
  • No turning back 不能回頭
  • One day you 總有一天
  • Will find you light again 你將再次找到你的曙光
  • Don′t you know 難道你不知道
  • Don′t let go 不要放手
  • Be strong 要堅強
  • Follow you heart 隨著你的真心
  • Let you love lead through the darkness 讓愛帶你穿越黑暗
  • Back to a place you once knew 回到你曾經知道的地方
  • I believe, I believe, I believe 我相信,我相信,我相信
  • In you 你
  • Follow your dreams 跟隨你的夢
  • Be yourself, an angel of kindness 做你自己 慈愛的天使
  • There′s nothing that you can not do 沒有什麼是你做不到的
  • I believe, I believe, I believe 我相信,我相信,我相信
  • In you. 你
  • Tout seul 孤獨一個人
  • Tu t′en iras tout seul 你會一個人自己走
  • Coeur ouvert
  • A L′univers
  • Poursuis ta quete 在宇宙中開啟你的心
  • Sans regarder derriere 繼續你的行程
  • N′attends pas 不要往回看
  • Que le jour
  • Se leve 也不要等到你醒來的那一天
  • Suis ton etoile 是你的星星
  • Va jusqu′ou ton reve t′emporte
  • Un jour tu le toucheras 一直走 直到醒悟把你帶走
  • Si tu croix si tu croix si tu croix 有一天你將觸碰到它
  • En toi
  • Suis la lumiere 是那個燈光
  • N′eneins pas la flamme que tu portes 不只是你帶著的閃耀而已
  • Au fonds de toi souviens-toi 在記憶的最底處
  • Que je croix que je croix que je croix
  • Que je croix
  • En toi 我相信,我相信,我相信你
  • Someday I′ll find you 會有這一天我將找到你
  • Someday you′ll find me too 這一天你也會找到我
  • And when I hold you close 而當我緊緊擁你入懷時
  • I′ll know that is true 我就會知道這是真實的
  • Follow your heart 隨著你的真心
  • Let you love lead through the darkness 讓愛帶你穿越黑暗
  • Back to a place you once knew 回到你曾經知道的地方
  • I believe, I believe, I believe in you 我相信,我相信,我相信你
  • Follow your dreams 跟隨你的夢
  • Be yourself, an angel of kindness 做你自己 慈愛的天使
  • There′s nothing that you can not do 沒有什麼是你做不到的
  • I believe, I believe, I believe 我相信,我相信,我相信
  • In you. 你

06.We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

  • I remember when we broke up the first time
  • Saying, 'This is it, I've had enough,' 'cause like
  • We hadn't seen each other in a month
  • When you said you needed space. What?
  • Then you come around again and say
  • 'Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change
  • Trust me, remember how that lasted for a day'
  • I say, 'I hate you, we break up,' you call me, 'I love you'
  • Oooh we called it off again last night
  • But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
  • We are never ever ever getting back together
  • We are never ever ever getting back together
  • You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
  • But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
  • Like ever...
  • I'm really gonna miss you picking fights
  • And me, falling for it screaming that I'm right
  • And you, would hide away and find your piece of mind
  • With some indie record that's much cooler than mine
  • Oooh, you called me up again tonight
  • But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
  • We are never ever ever getting back together
  • We are never ever ever getting back together
  • You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me)
  • But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
  • I used to think that we were forever ever ever
  • And I used to say never say never
  • Huh, so he calls me up and he's like, 'I still love you'
  • And I'm like, 'I just, I mean this is exhausting, you know
  • We are never getting back together, like ever'
  • We are never ever ever getting back together
  • We are never ever ever getting back together
  • You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
  • But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
  • We are not getting back together,
  • We oh, not getting back together
  • You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
  • But we are never ever ever ever getting back together