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第 135 行: 第 135 行:
#*The boys of the class are writing their workbooks as carefully as the girls.
#*The boys of the class are writing their workbooks as carefully as the girls.
#more important.
#more delicious.
#more serious.
#more difficult.
#more careful.
#more interesting.

2014年4月30日 (三) 22:29的修訂版本



  • frog(s)


    1. Frog singing in the pond.
    2. 青蛙在池塘邊唱歌
  • toad(s)


    1. Toad in the river fishing.
    2. 蟾蜍在河邊釣魚
  • porch(es)


    1. A man sitting on the porch where.
    2. 有個人坐在門廊那裡
  • river(s)


    1. There is a very long and wide river
    2. 有一條很長又寬的河流
  • star(s)


    1. Particularly bright stars in the sky darker
    2. 天空越黑星星特別亮
  • cup(s)

Sardi-edible-coffee-cup 1-e1343934489381.jpg

    1. Boss made ​​a cup with biscuit
    2. 老闆用餅乾做成了一個杯子



  • behind
    1. A man and a woman behind me.
    2. 我背後有個男人和女人
  • both
    1. Both SpongeBob and Patrick are eating hamburger.
    2. 海綿寶寶和派大星兩者正在吃漢堡
  • calabash

Tall clay calabash pot.jpg

    1. The color of the calabash is very white.
    2. 這葫蘆的顏色很白
  • carried
    1. Tomorrow you should carry carried rain boots to school.
    2. 明天必須攜帶雨鞋到學校
  • delicious
    1. French fries are the most delicious food.
    2. 炸薯條是最美味的食物
  • dug
    1. Children love drgging dut and playing in the dirt.
    2. 孩子最愛挖泥土,玩泥巴
  • found
    1. I finally found a long-lost painting.
    2. 我終於找到了多年失散的圖畫
  • gobble
    1. Large waves gobble up a boat.
    2. 大海浪吞沒了一艘船
  • peeled
    1. Mom is peeling the apple.
    2. 媽媽正在把蘋果去皮
  • piece
    1. I have a huge a huge piece of pizza.
    2. 我有一片巨大的披薩
  • sailing
    1. I want to have a beautiful sailing.
    2. 我想要有一艘漂亮的帆船
  • stewed chicken


    1. Cute chicks into a stewed chicken.
    2. 可愛的小雞變成了紅燒燉雞
  • spade


    1. There was a spade inserted in the grass.
    2. 有一隻鏟子插在草地上
  • thought
    1. Everything must be done to thought.
    2. 做每件事情都要思考
  • tree root

下載 (1).jpg

    1. These tree root is very scary
    2. 這些樹根是很可怕



2014-03-30 2024.png



  • shout
    1. 單字詞性:動詞= v. =verb
    2. 中文翻譯:喊
    3. 出現在文章哪裡:在第4頁的第三行"“Toad, Toad,” shouted Frog, “wake up. It is spring!”" 在第35頁的第四行"“That is not my button!” shouted Toad."
  • thin
    1. 單字詞性:形容詞= adj. =adjective
    2. 中文翻譯:薄
    3. 出現在文章哪裡:在第35頁倒數第二行"That button is thin." 在第36頁的第一行"Toad put the thin button in his pocket."
  • thick
    1. 單字詞性:形容詞= adj. =adjective
    2. 中文翻譯:厚
    3. 出現在文章哪裡:在第35頁最後一行"My button was thick." 在第37頁的第一段"Toad ran home and slammed the door. There, on the floor, he saw his white, four-holed, big, round, thick button."
  • angry
    1. 單字詞性:形容詞= adj. =adjective
    2. 中文翻譯:憤怒
    3. 出現在文章哪裡:在第36頁的第二行"He was very angry."



  1. behind
    • Where is the dog? The dog is behind the door.
  2. between
    • Where is the pig? The pig is between cows.
  3. beside
    • Where is the hamster? The hamster is beside the Computer.
  4. in
    • Where is the fish? The fish is in the Aquarium.
  5. in front of
    • Where is the man? The man is in front of the TV set(television).
  6. inside
    • Where is the lion? The lion is inside the cage.
  7. on
    • Where is the frog? The frog is on the stone.
  8. outside
    • Where is the bicycle? The bicycle is outside the house.
  9. under
    • Where is the bird? The bird is under the tree.



  • 想想看一
  1. 這件洋裝和那件一樣好。
    • This dress as well as that.
  2. 你的房間和她的一樣乾淨。
    • Your bedroom as clean as hers.
  • 想想看二
  1. 我們今天和爸爸一樣早起。
    • We got up as early as Father today.
  2. 這個班上的男孩和女孩,都一樣小心翼翼地正寫著他們的習作。
    • The boys of the class are writing their workbooks as carefully as the girls.
  • 想想看三
  1. hotter.
  2. thinner.
  3. more important.
  4. longer.
  5. older.
  6. heavier.
  7. more delicious.
  8. smaller.
  9. busier.
  10. easier.
  11. cheaper.
  12. more serious.
  13. colder.
  14. more difficult.
  15. earlier.
  16. younger.
  17. bigger.
  18. more careful.
  19. faster.
  20. cooler.
  21. warmer.
  22. harder.
  23. more interesting.
  24. sadder.
  • 想想看四
  1. 台北比台中溫暖。
    • Taipei is warmer than Taichung.
  2. 林先生比王先生瘦。
    • Mr. Lin is thinner than Mr. Wang.
  3. 看籃球賽比聽音樂要來得刺激。
    • Watching basketball games is more exciting than listening to music.
  • 想想看五
  1. 天氣變得愈來愈熱。
    • The weather is getting hotter and hotter.
  2. 她變得愈來愈美麗了。
    • She is becomes more beautiful.
  • 想想看六
  1. 我們今天比爸爸還要早起。
    • We got up earlier than Father today.
  2. 這個班上的男孩比女孩更小心翼翼地寫著他們的習作。
    • The boys of the class are writing their workbooks more carefully than the girls.