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第 227 行: 第 227 行:
*go to sleep片語;睡覺
*go to sleep片語;睡覺
#What did Toad do after Frog got into Toad's bed?
#What did Frog like to do while he was resting?
#What did Toad do to help him to think of a story?
#What happened to Toad after he did those things to help him to think of a story?
#In your words, what's Frog's story about?
#What did Toad do after Frog finished his story?

2014年3月4日 (二) 15:20的修訂版本


  1. serious
    • 中或英文解釋:嚴重的
    • 照片
    • 英文造句:He's a composer of serious music
    • 翻譯:他是一位正統音樂作曲家
  2. mortar
    • 中或英文翻譯:砂漿
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:This is a mortar
    • 翻譯:這是一個砂漿
  3. pestle
    • 中或英文翻譯:杵
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:This is a pestle
    • 翻譯:這是一個杵
  4. saddle
    • 中或英文翻譯:鞍
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:This is a saddle
    • 翻譯: 這是一個鞍
  5. maple
    • 中或英文翻譯:楓
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:We have several maples in our garden
    • 翻譯:我們花園有幾棵楓樹
  6. woodpile
    • 中或英文翻譯:柴堆
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:This is a woodpile
    • 翻譯:這是一個柴堆
  7. squaw
    • 中或英文翻譯:斯闊
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:She is a squaw
    • 翻譯:她是一位斯闊
  8. stride
    • 中或英文翻譯:邁
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:He strode out of the room
    • 翻譯:他大步走出房間


  1. prayers
    • 中或英文翻譯:祈禱
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:She says her prayers every night before she goes to bed.
    • 翻譯:她每晚就寢前念禱文。
  2. furs
    • 中或英文翻譯:皮草
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:Many people wear furs in winter.
    • 翻譯:冬天許多人穿毛皮衣服。
  3. moccasin
    • 中或英文翻譯:鹿皮鞋
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:I bought a pair of moccasins as a souvenir.
    • 翻譯:我買了一雙鹿皮鞋作為紀念。
  4. signal
    • 中或英文翻譯:信號
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:A red lamp is used as a danger signal.
    • 翻譯:紅燈用作危險信號。
  5. Great River
    • 中或英文翻譯:大川
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:This is a great river.
    • 翻譯:這是一個大川
  6. Wisconsin
    • 中或英文翻譯:美國威斯康辛州
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:That is a wisconsin.
    • 翻譯:那是美國威斯康辛州
  7. disturbance
    • 中或英文翻譯:打擾
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:We can work here without disturbance.
    • 翻譯:我們可以在這裡不受干擾地工作。
  8. dew
    • 中或英文翻譯:露水
    • 照片
    • 英文句子:Beads of dew still clung to the roses.
    • 翻譯:玫瑰花上仍然掛著露珠。

Sarah Noble 102/12/27期末報告

This book is a true story about Sarah Noble. Sarah was only eight years old. she and her father left home for a better life. Then went to New Milford, Connecticut to build a new house for their family. when Sarah saw Indians, she was afraid of them. but in the end, she made friend with Indians. she even lived with her friend, Tall John‘s family. they took good care of Sarah, while her father was away to bring the family. when she met her family again, she thought she has become a woman,for in this long, hard journey, she always kept up her courage to face her fear.


  • Spring:春天
  • Blink:閃亮
  • Porch:入口處
  • Count:計算
  • Been:是、有、在
  • Half:一半
  • Lonely:單獨的
  • Calendar:日曆
  • Climb:攀登
  • World:世界
  • Summer:夏天
  • Rest:休息
  • Toad:癩蛤蟆
  • Stood:站立
  • Could:可以
  • Pour:倒、灌、注
  • More:更多的
  • If:如果
  • Meadow:草地
  • Raccoon:浣熊
  • Mine:礦山
  • Trouble:麻煩
  • Sewed:縫上
  • Shelf:架子
  • Evening:晚上
  • Bathing suit:游泳裝
  • Crawl:爬行
  • Catch a cold:感冒
  • Drip:滴下
  • Lizard:蜥蜴
  • Mouse:老鼠
  • Clothes:外套
  • Unhappy:痛苦的
  • Letter:信
  • Mail:郵件
  • Envelop:包住
  • Please:拜託



  1. frog(s)
    • 中或英文翻譯:青蛙
    • 照片:
    • 英文句子:This is a frog.
    • 翻譯:這是一隻青蛙。
  2. toad(s)
    • 中或英文翻譯:蟾蜍
    • 照片:
    • 英文句子:This is a toad.
    • 翻譯:這是一隻蟾蜍。
  3. porch(es)
    • 中或英文翻譯:門廊
    • 照片:
    • 英文句子:We waited in the porch until it stopped raining.
    • 翻譯:我們在門廊等待直到雨停。
  4. river(s)
    • 中或英文翻譯:(1)河
    • 中或英文翻譯:(2)大量
    • 照片:
    • (1)英文句子:We swam to a large rock in the middle of the river.
    • (1)翻譯:我們游到河心的一塊大石頭那裡。
    • (2)英文句子:He drinks rivers of tea every day.
    • (2)翻譯:他每天喝大量茶水。
  5. star(s)
    • 中或英文翻譯:(1)星星
    • 中或英文翻譯:(2)星級
    • 照片:
    • (1)英文句子:I lay on my back and looked up at the stars.
    • (1)翻譯:我仰面躺着看天上的星星。
    • (2)英文句子:While in Taipei she stayed at a four-star hotel.
    • (2)翻譯:她在臺北停留期間住在一家四星級飯店。
  6. cup(s)
    • 中或英文翻譯:杯子
    • 照片:
    • 英文句子:I'd like to have a cup of tea.
    • 翻譯:我想喝杯茶。


One morning, Toad sat up in bed. “I have many things to do”, he said. “I will write them all write down on the list so that I can written them.” Toad wrote on a piece of paper A lot of things to do today Then he wrote Wake up. Wake up. “I’ve done that,” said toad. And he crossed out Wake up. Then Toad wrote other things on the things. Eat breakfast get dre Go to Frog’s house take walk with Frog Eat lunch take a nap play games with Frog Eat super go to sleep “Blah,” said Toad. “Now my day is all write down.” He got out of the bed and had in to eat. Then Toad crossed out Eat breakfast. Toad took a piece of clothes out of the cupboard and put them on. Then he crossed out Get dressed. Toad crossed the list get his dresses . He opened the door and walked out into the morning. Soon Toad was take a walk the Frog’s front door and he crossed out Go to frog house.

  • take a walk 動詞片語;散步
  • written 動詞;寫的過去分詞
  • into 介係詞;
  • took 動詞;拿的過去式
  • morning 名詞;早晨
  • paper 名詞;紙
  • in 介係詞;在…裡
  • supper 名詞;晚餐 (英式用語)
  • remember 動詞;記得
  • piece 名詞;一張
  • list 名詞;明細表
  • write … down 片語;寫下…
  • something 代名詞;某物
  • take a nap片語;睡午覺;小睡一會兒
  • get dressed片語;著衣
  • crossed …out片語;刪掉
  • put動詞;放
  • in介係詞;在…裡面
  • play games with…片語;和…玩遊戲
  • pocket名詞;口袋
  • go to sleep片語;睡覺
  • things名詞;東西的複數型



  1. What did Toad do after Frog got into Toad's bed?
    • A:
  2. What did Frog like to do while he was resting?
    • A:
  3. What did Toad do to help him to think of a story?
    • A:
  4. What happened to Toad after he did those things to help him to think of a story?
    • A:
  5. In your words, what's Frog's story about?
    • A:
  6. What did Toad do after Frog finished his story?
    • A: