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(新頁面: ===作業=== ==2014/2/20== *#frog(s) #The frog is singing. #青蛙在唱歌 *#)
第 1 行: 第 1 行:
#The frog is singing.
*#Frog singing in the pond.
*#Toad in the river fishing.
*#A man sitting on the porch where.
*#There is a very long and wide river
*#Particularly bright stars in the sky darker
*#Boss made ​​a cup with biscuit

2014年2月25日 (二) 22:06的修訂版本



  • frog(s)
    1. Frog singing in the pond.
    2. 青蛙在池塘邊唱歌
  • toad(s)
    1. Toad in the river fishing.
    2. 蟾蜍在河邊釣魚
  • porch(es)
    1. A man sitting on the porch where.
    2. 有個人坐在門廊那裡
  • river(s)
    1. There is a very long and wide river
    2. 有一條很長又寬的河流
  • star(s)
    1. Particularly bright stars in the sky darker
    2. 天空越黑星星特別亮
  • cup(s)
    1. Boss made ​​a cup with biscuit
    2. 老闆用餅乾做成了一個杯子