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第 202 行: 第 202 行:
#She usually <u>spends</u> fifty minutes practicing yoga every day.
#She usually <u>spends</u> fifty minutes practicing yoga every day.
#Finding a parking space in the city usually <u>takes</u> a lot of time.
#Finding a parking space in the city usually <u>takes</u> a lot of time.
#Jim: How much does the car< u>cost</u>? Frank: About 600,000 dollars.
#Jim: How much does the car< u>cost</u> ? Frank: About 600,000 dollars.
:<b>E. 將句子錯誤的地方圈起來,寫出正確的句子。</b>
:<b>E. 將句子錯誤的地方圈起來,寫出正確的句子。</b>

2015年11月26日 (四) 16:42的修訂版本

  1. 攝影、電影、動畫(子宜、酲洊、又甄)
    • photo 的希臘文是什麼意思?照片、光線
    • 一張照片的主要構成元素有:主題、光線、色彩、情感、距離、構圖、角度
    • 什麼叫逆光?逆光拍片會怎樣?拍攝物物體的背後、如果沒補光會呈現暗面或剪影狀
    • 大腦中的視覺暫留而可以繼續留存約多少秒?1/16秒
    • 第一部電影?工廠下班
    • 第一部有聲電影?爵士歌手
    • 第一部彩色電影?浮華世界
    • 第一部有聲卡通片?汽船威利號
    • 第一部彩色動畫?白雪公主
    • 從白雪公主到小美人魚再到美女與野獸、風中奇緣、冰雪奇緣迪士尼動畫故事有些什麼轉變?從一開始女性意識薄弱,到最後女性權利甚至大於男性。
    • 宮崎駿電影中的女主角,通常有些什麼特質?試舉例說明。堅強而獨立,例如:風之谷、神隱少女、魔法公主
    • 皮克斯動畫工作室的動畫有些什麼特點?故事創新有趣
    • 夢工廠動畫有些什麼特點?追求真實的描寫
  2. 食:布朗尼蛋糕(書桓)
    • 高筋、中筋、低筋分別是指麵粉中什麼成分的多寡?各自適合用來製作哪些食品?
    • 有鹽奶油跟無鹽奶油的差別何在?做糕點適合用哪一種?
    • 布朗尼蛋糕的下層放什麼?主要成份為何?上層放什麼?主要成份為何?
  3. 衣:服裝(昀羲)
    • 什麼是服裝?
    • 服裝有什麼功用?(請寫出三種)
    • 服裝的基本形式有哪些?
    • 時尚界以哪些城市為主要中心?
    • 服裝的價格最主要受什麼因素影響?這是刺激人的「想要」,還是用來滿足人的「需要」?
  4. 育:羽球(英文)
    • 一顆羽球有幾根毛?
    • 羽球是用哪兩種動物的毛所組成的?
    • 「羽球拍」擊球部位的演變,歷經那三個階段?
    • 什麼是「甜區」?甜區有什麼特性?
    • 現在羽球賽一局要打到幾分?整場比賽以局論要幾戰幾勝?
  5. 樂:魔術方塊(京典)
    • 魔術方塊,是由哪一國人於哪一年發明的?
    • 目前復原魔術方塊的最快紀錄是幾秒?
  6. 演化論(丁禾)
    • 寫出演化論的四大重點:
      1. 共同起源:所有生命皆來自於共同祖先。
      2. 基因控制的性狀代代相傳:父母的性狀可由基因傳給後代,但後天產生的能力無法遺傳。
      3. 物競天擇,適者生存:生物繁衍眾多,但環境只能養活其中一部份,天擇壓力便會產生。
      4. 隔離衍生物種:一個物種會分離成兩個物種是因為隔離(包括食物、地理...等)。
  7. 家貓(思諭)
    • 家貓屬於哪一界,哪一門,哪一綱,哪一科,哪一屬,哪一種,哪一個亞種?
  8. 動物界/脊索動物門/哺乳綱/貓科/貓屬/斑貓種/家貓亞種
    • 斑貓種有哪六種亞種?
  9. 歐洲野貓
  10. 亞洲野貓
  11. 中國野貓
  12. 非洲野貓
  13. 南非野貓
  14. 家中馴養的家貓
    • 什麼是同種生物?英國短毛貓、歐洲短毛貓、英國短毛貓、緬甸貓和波斯貓是同種生物嗎?
  15. 屬名與種小名相同。牠們是同種生物。
    • 貓咪不能吃的東西有哪幾種?(至少寫五種,要寫原因)
  16. 可可,巧克力:裡面含有貓跟狗無法代謝的成分。
  17. 洋蔥:會破壞紅血球。
  18. 酪梨:對貓是有毒性的。
  19. 生蛋白:會耗盡貓體內維生素的物質。
  20. 咖啡因:很容易引起貓腹瀉或多尿。
    • 人類馴養家貓是在多久以前?大約和人類哪一種生產方式改變相關?
  21. 一萬多年前
  22. 發展農業儲存穀物。
    • 貓咪一般的體重跟壽命各為多少?
  23. 體重:4~5.5公斤
  24. 壽命:12年
    • 英國為什麼禁止繁殖蘇格蘭摺耳貓?
  25. 人類不應該為了自己玩樂的樂趣讓貓一生飽受痛苦。
  26. 紐西蘭(國安)
    • 紐西蘭的面積台灣的幾倍?台灣的人口是紐西蘭的幾倍?台灣的人口密度是紐西蘭的幾倍?
    • 紐西蘭的季節為什麼和台灣相反?
    • 紐西蘭毛利人的祖先來自於哪裡?
    • 紐西蘭教育的核心價值是什麼?中小學教育有哪三大特色?
    • 紐西蘭地形主要分為哪兩大部分?兩者中間的海峽叫什麼海峽?
    • 鷸鴕(Kiwi),又譯為幾維鳥、奇異鳥、奇威鳥,可以在紐西蘭以外的地方找到原生種嗎?為什麼?
  27. 百品報告/美國亞利桑那州克洛維斯矛頭(欣妤)、墨西哥石製球賽儀式腰帶討論:墨西哥石製球賽儀式腰帶
    • 現代智人七萬年前由哪一個海峽離開非洲?
    • 現代智人約在幾萬年前,由哪一個海峽進入美洲?當時該海峽為什麼人可以通過?
    • 畫出現代智人散布到美洲的路線圖。
    • 美洲的大型哺乳動物(如猛獁象)為什麼會消失?
    • 克洛維斯矛靠什麼特色殺死大型動物?
    • 美洲原住民建立了哪三個文明?最早的是哪一個文明,位於哪裡?此文明向北發展出什麼帝國?向南發展出什麼帝國?
    • 瑪雅古代的球賽,輸球會怎樣?為什麼要舉辦球賽?
  28. 百品報告/巴布亞紐幾內亞鳥形杵(麗熒)
    • 紐幾內亞的農業是由外地傳入還是自行發展出來的?作物是什麼?
    • 鳥形杵的功能是做什麼的?
    • 紐幾內亞古代人類遺骸中,發現成年女性的膝蓋、踝骨及髖骨都有受損的情形,這可能是因為什麼原因?
    • 用火烹調食物,對人類有什麼好處?
  29. 百品報告/蘇美人烏爾王族局戲(智懷)
    • 兩河流域的兩河是哪兩河?
    • 兩河流域簡史
      1. 蘇美人城邦,烏爾建立第一王朝:發明楔形文字
      2. 阿卡德帝國征服蘇美,並以烏爾第二王朝為傀儡
      3. 烏爾納木復興建立烏爾第三王朝,其子頒行《烏爾納木法典》,最早的法典
      4. 巴比倫滅烏爾第三王朝,頒行《漢摩拉比法典》
      5. 西台滅巴比倫,用鐵器
      6. 亞述滅西台,稱霸兩河流域 600 年,併吞埃及,建尼尼微圖書館
      7. 加爾底亞(新巴比倫)滅亞述,建空中花園,創星期制度,發明星座
      8. 波斯滅加爾底亞
  30. 百品報告/埃及簡史埃及木乃伊棺槨(皓程)、埃及拉美西斯二世雕像(彥廷)
    • 寫出古埃及在被羅馬併吞前的五個歷史分期(中間期不算)
    • 簡述奧賽里斯、伊西斯、塞特、荷魯斯之間的神話故事。
    • 阿努比斯在埃及是什麼神,造型上有什麼特徵?
    • 埃及人為什麼要做木乃伊?木乃伊為什麼要層層包裹亞麻布?
    • 拉美西斯二世是埃及那一個時期的法老?他和哪一個鄰國作戰並簽訂和約?他有哪三件事是埃及眾法老的最高紀錄保持人?
  31. 百品報告/亞歷山大大帝錢幣(書桓)
    • 亞歷山大幾歲即位?花了多少時間建立了橫跨歐亞非的帝國?
    • 亞歷山大帝國的希臘化運動使得希臘的雕塑藝術東傳,請舉出一個例子說明亞洲受希臘雕塑藝術的影響。
    • 亞歷山大死後帝國分裂為三塊,其中統治非洲的是什麼王朝,其最後一任女王,分別與凱撒與安東尼結盟的叫什麼名字?
    • 所謂希臘化運動並不是以同化被征服者為手段,那麼亞歷山大帝是怎麼做的?
  32. 百品報告/羅馬簡史奧古斯都大理石頭像(玟淇)、羅馬密斯拉神雕(丁禾)、英格蘭霍克森胡椒罐(申晴)
    • 寫出羅馬簡史以下等十個時期:
      1. 起源
      2. 王政時期
      3. 共和時期
      4. 轉為帝制(共和時期晚期的軍閥爭霸)
        • 羅馬和平
        • 三世紀危機(西元193年—284年)
        • 四帝共治
      5. 東西羅馬帝國分裂
        • 西羅馬帝國滅亡
        • 東羅馬帝國滅亡
    • 奧古斯都是羅馬元老院授與誰的尊號,他為羅馬開創兩百年的盛世史稱什麼?
    • 羅馬和平時期羅馬擁有地中海周圍,伊朗高原是安息帝國,中亞至印度北部是貴霜帝國,東方是漢朝,漢朝北方是匈奴。
    • 為什麼只有羅馬統治英格蘭的三四百年之間,古代英格蘭才吃得到胡椒?
  33. 面山教育與台灣百岳
    • 請簡述台灣百岳決定的標準?
    • 百岳是由登山界的聞人決定的,山必須海拔3000公尺以上,有三角點的山優先錄取。
    • 三角點是用來繪製甚麼圖?是不是三角形的柱子?
    • 地形圖,不是
    • 三角點分為幾等?哪一等視野最開闊,高度最高?
    • 一等、二等、三等和四等
    • 一等
    • 百岳排名第一是哪一座山?
    • 玉山
    • 「上帝遺失在人間之藍寶石」、「天使的眼淚」是指哪裡?
    • 嘉明湖
    • 要去爬「猴山岳」怎麼前往登山口?
    • 請列舉5項登山時會需要用的裝備,並說明用途。
      1. 參考資料
    • 何謂「登山休息步」?
      1. 長時間的上坡路,也會造成大腿肌肉的疲累,若將後腿打直以腳骨撐住身體重量,讓前腳略微休息,再交互上登,放慢速度,縮小步幅,確定後腳確實打直後,再提腳向前踏出。
    • 登山常會遇到之危險有哪些?並舉例說明
      1. 骨折、高山症、失溫、蜂蛇咬、落石、抽筋。
  34. 統計與機率
    • 已發 10 題練習的衍生題,考平均數、中數、眾數、全距、棋盤方格算機率、百分比與真實數字換算。
    • 算骰子點數期望值,彩券獎金期望值
    • 用棋盤方格算子女血型機率;生男、生女機率


A. 單字(請同學自行從講義找答案)
  1. 二壘手: _______________________________
  2. 三壘手: _______________________________
  3. 一壘手: _______________________________
  4. 捕手: _______________________________
  5. 投手丘: _______________________________
  6. 棒球衣: _______________________________
  7. 內野: _______________________________
  8. 打擊位置: _______________________________ 
  9. 打擊手: _______________________________
  10. 球棒: _______________________________
  11. 雲霄飛車: _______________________________
  12. 咖啡杯: _______________________________
  13. 自由落體設施: _______________________________
  14. 套圈圈遊戲: _______________________________
  15. 打靶場: _______________________________
  16. 海盜船: _______________________________
  17. 旋轉木馬: _______________________________
  18. 涼亭: _______________________________
  19. 兒童賽車: _______________________________
  20. 摩天輪: _______________________________ 
B: 不定詞與動名詞
  1. I really don’t mind your borrowing (borrow) my book.
  2. We all like (like) good news, not bad news.
  3. John: How about going on a picnic this weekend? Ann: Sorry, I need to clean (clean) the house this weekend.
  4. You should keep reading (read) Chinese stories.
  5. We would like to visit(visit) your hometown.
  6. They practice playing (play) tennis every day.
  7. Dora: What would you like to have(have) for dinner? Molly: I'd like beef noodles, please.
  8. We will have a party for Ricky. Can you help us invite his friends to come (come).
  9. To say (say) goodbye to my family is a difficult job.
  10. Good learners enjoy learning (learn) English.
  • 1.她花了三個鐘頭看電視。

She spends(spent) three hours (in) watching TV.

  • 2.她花很多錢在漫畫書上。

She spends(spent) a lot of money on comic books.

  • 3.家庭作業花了我一整天才做完。

The homework took me a whole day to finish.

  • 4.我花一個小時才走到那裡。

It took me an hour to walk there.

  • 5.這金錶價值五萬元。

This gold watch cost fifty thousand dollars.

D. 填入cost, spend, take,注意句子變化。
  1. The car cost a lot of money.
  2. It cost him much money to take a trip.
  3. I spent one hundred dollars buying a pen.
  4. She usually spends fifty minutes practicing yoga every day.
  5. Finding a parking space in the city usually takes a lot of time.
  6. Jim: How much does the car< u>cost</u> ? Frank: About 600,000 dollars.
E. 將句子錯誤的地方圈起來,寫出正確的句子。
  • 1.Ice cream and cake are my favorite dessert.


  • 2.He wanted bought a gift for his mom.


  • 3.The girl which called you is my friend.


  • 4.Our ability to use language is one of the things that sets us apart from animals.


  • 5.It is said bananas, who are very common in Taiwan, are expensive in Japan.


  • 6.Whom did he think had stolen the money?


  • 7.I enjoy reading the book which I bought it last week.


  • 8.The only thing whom is constant is change.


F. 合併句子:請用關係代詞,將下列兩個短句,合併成一個長的句子。

*1.Tina lost the shirt.
The shirt cost her a lot of money.

*2.We like to eat the fruit.

Mother bought the fruit last night.

*3.The nurse always comes to the office very early.

The nurse wears a white jacket.

*4.The workers live in Hualien.

Mr. Brown works with the workers every day.

*5. Everyone loves to read the book.

Helen Jones wrote the book.


G. 寫出句子大意
  • 1.Many couples wish to carry on the long-established wedding culture of their ancestors, whether or not they reside in the country where it originated. Varying customs and traditions can take place during, before, and/or after the blessed event.


  • 2.In Western culture, it's conventional for the bride to wear a white dress and face veil, the dress symbolizing purity and the veil symbolizing virginity. The groom wears a formal suit, bow tie, and boutonniere. Numerous societies, many European, have adopted this “white wedding.” Also, it's considered to be good luck for the bride to wear “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a penny in her shoe.”



A.單字 (請同學自行從講義找答案)

  1. 裁判: _____________________________
  2. 講台: _____________________________
  3. 左外野手: _____________________________
  4. 安打: _____________________________
  5. 游擊手: _____________________________
  6. 中堅手: _____________________________
  7. 黑板: _____________________________
  8. 鞋櫃: _____________________________
  9. 手套: _____________________________
  10. 壘: _____________________________
  11. 二壘手: _______________________________
  12. 三壘手: _______________________________
  13. 風琴: _______________________________
  14. 捕手: _______________________________
  15. 投手丘: _______________________________
  16. 棒球衣: _______________________________
  17. 內野: _______________________________
  18. 背號: _______________________________ 
  19. 打擊手: ______________________________
  20. 球棒: _______________________________

B. 請填入合適的介系詞。

  1. There is a mountain in front of my house. (我家前面)
  2. A fly flies above my head. (在頭上方)
  3. A student is standing under the tree. (在樹底下)
  4. Alice sits between Mr. Wang and Rex. (在Mr. Wang和Rex 之間)
  5. The dog is near the house. (房子附近)
  6. There is a swimming pool below the building. (大樓底下)
  7. Mary lives across from Jack’s house. ( Jack家的對面)
  8. Jim lives above Lins. (在林家的上方)
  9. The toy store is next the library. ( 在圖書館旁邊)
  10. There is a cat under the table. (在桌子下面)

C. 填入in, on, at,並注意正確大小寫。

  1. Susan is waiting for the bus at the bus stop.
  2. My cousin lives in Taipei.
  3. Lawrence’s house is at Xinhai Road.
  4. You can see a teddy bear on my bed.
  5. I study English at school.
  6. We eat lunch at noon.
  7. I see a bird on the tree.
  8. He was born on June 4th.
  9. They watch TV in the evening.
  10. I see Max is on the bus.

D. 在句尾加上too, 改成較短的句子。

  • 1. Joy is strong, and Denny is strong.

Joy is strong, and Denny is, too.

  • 2. Mr. Wu can fish, and his wife can fish.

Mr. Wu can fish, and his wife can, too.

  • 3. Karen likes to read comic books, and I like to read comic books.

Karen likes to read comic books, and I do,too.

  • 4. Cathy wears glasses, and her sister wears glasses.

Cathy wears glasses, and her sister does, too.

  • 5. Mary has three hot dogs and an ice cream and I have three hot dogs and an ice cream cone.

Mary has three hot dogs and an ice cream, and I do, too.

E. 填入too, 或either

  1. I have some cookies and some tea, too .
  2. You don’t smoke, and my father doesn’t, either.
  3. There are no tests today, and there will not be tomorrow, either.
  4. The math class is too boring.
  5. There are too many people in the park.
  6. The box is too heavy. I can’t move it.
  7. I have a great birthday party, and many presents, too.
  8. Helen can’t see, can’t hear, and can’t speak, either.

F. 過去進行式中翻英

  • 1.昨天早上七點我們沒在睡覺

We were not sleeping at 7:00 A.M. yesterday. We were not sleeping at 7:00 yesterday morning.

  • 2.昨晚你回家時,你哥哥正在寫功課。

When you came home last night, your brother was doing his homework.

  • 3.當你打電話給我的時候,我正在刷牙。

I was brushing my teeth when you called me.

  • 4.當他們在看電視的時候,我正在彈吉他。

When they watched TV, I was playing the guitar.


  • 1.What were you doing an hour ago? (學習)

I was studying an hour ago.

  • 2.What is he doing now? (打籃球)

He is playing basketball now.

  • 3.What is she doing now? (煮)

She is cooking now.

  • 4.What were they doing two hours ago? (跳舞)

They were dancing two hours ago.

H. 填入when 或 while, 注意大小寫。

  1. While he was talking on the phone, I was watching TV.
  2. He was cancelling his flight when we called him.
  3. I was overtaking a truck when I heard a loud thump.
  4. We were watching a movie when the screen went blank.
  5. While she was packing the bags, I was looking for our passports.
  6. We were complaining about the weather when the sun broke through the clouds.
  7. Sandra was washing the dishes when a plate fell off the shelf.
  8. Do not disturb me while I'm listening to music!

I. 依據下列對話回答問題。 Take a break situation:After a day of shopping, Mary and her friend Rose are taking a break at a coffee shop.
Mary:Oh, I can't go any further.
Rose:Shall we take a break?
Mary:Good idea.
Rose:Would you care for a cup of coffee?
Mary:I would prefer a cup of tea.
Rose:OK. There's a little coffee shop down this road. Let's go.
Mary:Is it far?
Rose:No, it's quite near -- just around this corner.
Mary:OK. Let's go. I'm very thirsty.
---:(in the shop)
Mary:An Irish coffee for you?
Rose:Not at this time of the day.
Rose: Just an ordinary one.
Mary: With sugar and cream?
Rose: Yes, thank you. (會話選自Live ABC 網站: http://ppt.cc/xFsbW)

  • 1.Where do Mary and her friend Rose go?

They go to a coffee shop

  • 2.Is Mary thirsty?

Yes, she is thirsty.

  • 3.Does Rose order an Irish coffee?

No, she doesn't order an Irish coffee .

  • 4.What does Mary like? Tea or coffee?


J. 寫出大意

  • 1.Once upon a time there was a little girl.

Her name was Goldilocks. She had golden hair. One day Goldilocks was walking in the forest.
She saw a house and knocked on the door. She went inside. Nobody was there.

  • 2.Something very strange happened last month. A naughty, young giant moved all the world’s famous landmarks.

People around the world were very confused. He put the Pyramids in Paris.“And on your left the … pyramids?”


  • 凌煙 Xmind
  • 製作一個心智圖需具備以下東西:
  1. 三個主要分枝
  2. 每個主要分枝底下要有三個小分枝
  3. 至少要放一個超連結
  4. 至少要放一張圖片
  5. 至少要放一個圖標