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"Zombie Deer Disease" Spreading in US Canada
第 6 行: 第 6 行:
世界衛生組織在五月時宣布,他們要在2023年前努力清除國際食品供應中的人造反式脂肪。禁止的原因是因為用於烹飪的產品中含有的反式脂肪會對健康造成威脅,例如人造黃油和某些植物油。根據全球統計數據顯示,人造反式脂肪每年導致約50萬人死於心髒病。開發中國家由於獲取資源的機會有限以及廉價加工食品的普及處於最高風險。Resolve to Save Lives是一項和世衛組織合作的倡議活動,領導者Dr. Thomas R. Frieden跟紐約時報說:「如果世界取代掉反式脂肪,人們就嚐不出差異,食物花費也不會更高,但你的心臟會知道差異。」
世界衛生組織在五月時宣布,他們要在2023年前努力清除國際食品供應中的人造反式脂肪。禁止的原因是因為用於烹飪的產品中含有的反式脂肪會對健康造成威脅,例如人造黃油和某些植物油。根據全球統計數據顯示,人造反式脂肪每年導致約50萬人死於心髒病。開發中國家由於獲取資源的機會有限以及廉價加工食品的普及處於最高風險。Resolve to Save Lives是一項和世衛組織合作的倡議活動,領導者Dr. Thomas R. Frieden跟紐約時報說:「如果世界取代掉反式脂肪,人們就嚐不出差異,食物花費也不會更高,但你的心臟會知道差異。」
====Japanese Farmers Create Banana With Edible Peel====
====Japanese Farmers Create Banana With Edible Peel====
第 17 行: 第 18 行:
===="Zombie Deer Disease" Spreading in US Canada====
===="Zombie Deer Disease" Spreading in US Canada====
第 26 行: 第 28 行:
====The Inspiring Story of Lizzie Velasquez====
====The Inspiring Story of Lizzie Velasquez====
Lizzie Velasquez was born with a rare genetic disorder thatprevents her from gaining weight and weakens her immune system. Excited with anticipation, Lizzie didn't know she looked different when she entered first grade. Other kids pointed and stared. None of them wanted to be near her. Not knowing why, she felt hurt and confused. Lizzie's parents, school, and church officials told her that she wasn't differant, just smaller.
Lizzie Velasquez was born with a rare genetic disorder that prevents her from gaining weight and weakens her immune system. Excited with anticipation, Lizzie didn't know she looked different when she entered first grade. Other kids pointed and stared. None of them wanted to be near her. Not knowing why, she felt hurt and confused. Lizzie's parents, school, and church officials told her that she wasn't differant, just smaller.
Thanks to her upbeat personality, she eventually made friends, wrote for her high school newspaper,and joined the cheerleading squad. Then,Lizzie came across a YouTube Video entitled "The World's Ugliest Woman." This old footage of her drew thousands of nasty, hurtful comments. Lizzie read them all; not one supported her. It hit her like a ton of bricks, and even though her father said forgiveness was the best response, accepting the idea took some time. She decided to use this painful experience to take back her self-esteem and help as many people a as she could.  
Thanks to her upbeat personality, she eventually made friends, wrote for her high school newspaper,and joined the cheerleading squad. Then,Lizzie came across a YouTube Video entitled "The World's Ugliest Woman." This old footage of her drew thousands of nasty, hurtful comments. Lizzie read them all; not one supported her. It hit her like a ton of bricks, and even though her father said forgiveness was the best response, accepting the idea took some time. She decided to use this painful experience to take back her self-esteem and help as many people a as she could.  
第 35 行: 第 40 行:
On her way to becoming a motivational speaker, she earned a bachelor's degree in communications. Her first TED talk was recorded in 2013 and now has 11 over million views. The documentary film, A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velasquez Story played at film festivals around the world. Lizzie's nationwide campaign to combat bullying online, offline, and at school focuses on lobbying for federal anti-bullying laws to be passed. While Lizzie's story stands out, the pain of feeling victimized' by other people is something everyone can relate to. Lizzie's true beauty lies in her selfless efforts to support victims, while working to prevent abusive behavior from happening to anyone.
On her way to becoming a motivational speaker, she earned a bachelor's degree in communications. Her first TED talk was recorded in 2013 and now has 11 over million views. The documentary film, A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velasquez Story played at film festivals around the world. Lizzie's nationwide campaign to combat bullying online, offline, and at school focuses on lobbying for federal anti-bullying laws to be passed. While Lizzie's story stands out, the pain of feeling victimized' by other people is something everyone can relate to. Lizzie's true beauty lies in her selfless efforts to support victims, while working to prevent abusive behavior from happening to anyone.
Lizzie Velasquez出生時,患了會讓他體重沒辦法增加並讓她的免疫系統削弱的一種罕見遺傳疾病。Lizzie興奮地期待著進入一年級時,她並不知道自己看起來和別人有所不同。其他孩子指著並盯著她看。沒有人想要靠近她。她並不知道為什麼,但她感到受傷和困惑。Lizzie的父母、學校和教堂的人告訴她,她沒有什麼不同,只是比較小一點而已。
多虧她樂觀的個性,她最後還是交到了朋友,為她的高中寫報紙,並加入了啦啦隊。然後,Lizzie看到一個叫「世界上最醜陋的女人」的YouTube視頻。她的舊影片吸引了成千上萬惡意的、傷人的評論, Lizzie看完所有的評論,沒有一個支持她的人。她像被一堆磚頭擊中一樣,即使她的父親說寬恕是最好的回應,要接受這個想法還是花了一些時間。她決定利用這種痛苦的經歷來拿回她的自尊心,盡可能地幫助更多的人。
在成為勵志演講者的路上,她獲得了傳播學士學位。她2013年在TED的第一次演講被錄下來,現在有超過一千一百萬次觀看。紀錄片「一個勇敢的心:Lizzie Velasquez的故事」在世界各地的電影節上播放。Lizzie對抗在線上、離線和學校霸凌行為的全國活動,重點在遊說通過反霸凌聯邦法律。Lizzie的故事脫穎而出,且每個人都可以感受到被他人傷害的痛苦。Lizzie真正的美在於她支持受害者的無私努力,同時努力防止會發生在任何人身上的虐待行為。
====Get Cozy in an Igloo Bar====
Seeing the sky lit up by the northern or southern lights from the comfort of a warm bed is a rare experience if you don't live anywhere near the Arctic or Antarctic Circles. While stargazers travel to igloo hotels in the polar regions for these celestial wonder, like Iceland's 5 Million Star Hotel, the rest of us will have to make do. Igloo bars offering spectacular views of city skylines are a worthy alternative.
While the word igloo makes most people think of icy, dome snow shelters, igloo bars look more like large dome-shaped tents. In late 2016, the Coppa Club in London opened igloo bars overlooking the Tower Bridge along the Thames. Decorated with dangling ivy, furry blankets, candles, speakers, heating, and a holiday menu, the domes quickly became popular. Anyone who steps foot inside the igloo feels like they are traveling into another world, like the world in so many fantasy stories.
The enchanting bubbles returned to the Thames for the winter months of 2017, even springing up in other parts of London. For example, Coppa Club opened some on the rooftop of Heathrow Airport. Other cities, like New York, Sydney, and Budapest, quickly followed suit with their own igloo bars. With their rising popularity, let's hope you can find them in a city near you next winter.
Fearsome crocodiles are one predator not to be messed with in the wild. But that's just what Matt Wright, the host of Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail, and his adventurous Aussie mates intend to do. National Geographic is there for every second of the action, as they get up close and personal with saltwater crocodiles in the Northern Territory of Australia. Tracking and trapping crocodiles as a conservationist, Wright tangles with the deadly reptiles in order to save their lives.
His mission is to protect the crocodiles from dangerous encounters with humans, and vice versa, by moving them to other areas instead of killing them. When an animal attacks, it is usually put to death. The increasing saltwater croc population Down Under has led to a growing need for intervention. National Geographic follows Wright as he works with local experts, farmers, and authorities to safely relocate wildlife. Every episode features Wright traveling to a remote location to save the day with his compassionate problemsolving and hands-on expertise.
In Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail, Wright and the crew travel to Mount Keppler, just south of Darwin, Australia. Tales of a monstrous crocodile have spread there for decades. According to the stories, the croc got so big from feeding off scraps from a slaughterhouse. Will Wright and 2-fingered Tommy Nichols from Parks & Wildlife be able to catch the croc and release it back into the wild? Tune in to National Geographic for a chance to see the men build a trap and catch one of the largest crocodiles ever on Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail !
可怕的鱷魚是在野外時最好不要去惹的一種捕食者,但這就是 Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail節目主持人Matt Wright,和他的富有冒險精神的澳洲夥伴打算要去做的事。他們在澳洲的北領地和鹽水鱷近距離接觸,每一個動作都被國家地理記錄下來了。Wright像一個保育人士一樣跟蹤、誘捕鱷魚,去招惹這些致命的爬蟲類動物是為了要救他們的性命。
在 Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail,Wright和一群人去澳洲達爾文南邊的克普勒山。數十年,一直有流傳有一隻巨大鱷魚的傳說。根據傳說,那隻鱷魚以屠宰場的碎片為食,而長的這麼大。Wright和從公園和野外動物來的2指Tommy Nichols能夠抓到鱷魚並且把它放回
野外嗎?轉到國家地理,就有機會看到那些男人製造陷阱和捕捉「 Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail」中最大的鱷魚之一!
Walking along any beach in Taiwan, you can't help but be struck by the huge amount of trash washed up on rocky or sandy beaches. It doesn't belong there. The problem is that we humans put it there. This garbage is not only unnatural and unsightly; it is also deadly to marine life.
In December last year, two sea turtles were found washed up on the beaches of Penghu, an archipelago county of Taiwan. One was dead; the other was found puking up blood before it died. On later inspection, both turtles' stomachs were full of plastic, such as bottles and straws. Another turtle was entangle in fishing nets. It survived and was released back into the sea.
Pollution is a continuing problem everywhere. Earth's skies, land, and even oceans are filling up with poisonous gases and debris. One artist, Benjamin Von Wong, decided to do something about the polluting of our oceans.
With the help of other volunteer artists, a friend who owned a warehouse, and a trucking company, Von Wong borrowed 10,000 plastic bottles from a recycling center. The trucking company offered to transport the bottles, which filled the bottom of a 50-foot truck. He then used the warehouse to stage a fake beach and asked a model to wear a costume and pose for pictures showing a dead mermaid engulfed by plastic trash. You can see the results for yourself in photos with the hashtag #MermaidsHatePlastic.
Von Wong's hope is that seeing his shocking photos will encourage people to take the problem of trash in our oceans seriously. The solution is simple: we should properly dispose of any garbage we produce. Start today, and you will help save marine creatures—and maybe even a mermaid.
汙染對於任何地方都是持續不斷的問題。地球的天空、陸地、甚至是海洋都充滿著有毒氣體和廢棄物。一個藝術家Benjamin Von Wong,決定要為海洋汙染做些什麼事。
在其他自願的藝術家、一個有倉庫的朋友、和一個卡車公司的幫忙下,Von Wong向回收中心借10000個塑膠瓶子。卡車公司提意要運送裝滿50英尺長卡車的寶特瓶。後來他把倉庫裝扮成假海灘然後叫模特兒穿上服裝,百好姿勢拍照,展示出在塑膠垃圾包圍裡死掉的美人魚照片。你可以自己找標籤#MermaidsHatePlastic來看照片成果。
Von Wong希望看到這些震驚的照片的人們,能夠因受到鼓勵嚴肅地去看待海洋垃圾的問題。解決辦法很簡單:我們應改要確實的處理掉我們製造出來的任何垃圾。今天開始,你將幫助救那些海洋生物 ,或甚至是一隻美人魚。
If you're in search of a travel destination that's a bit off the beaten track, Sarawak is an ideal spot to explore. Located on the northwestern coast of the island of Borneo in Malaysia, Sarawak is a vast wilderness filled with spectacular natural scenery. It's also famous for its friendly locals, who are eager to show tourists their way of life.
The best way to begin any trip to Sarawak is to book a stay at the Sarawak Cultural Village. The village has been nicknamed "the living museum" because it offers a window into Sarawak's present and past. The village stretches across 17 acres and is home to approximately 150 people. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to interact with the diverse groups of people residing in Sarawak.
One such tribe is the Melanau, who comprise roughly 6% of Sarawak's population. The Melanau have always lived by the sea, which in the past put them in constant danger from pirate raids. In order to protect themselves, they built towering houses that stood up to 12 meters high. An example of this unique architectural style is the Melanau Tall House. Inside, you can feast on a traditional meal of sago pearls and biscuits. In the evenings, a resident storyteller will entertain guests with old ghost stories.
Nearby are the Penan group who live at the Penan Hut. They are the last of Sarawak's hunter-gatherers. The members of this nomadic tribe have a reputation for being brave warriors and experts at using blowpipes. Visitors can observe as they create these dangerous weapons by hand and even get a lesson on how to shoot them in the forest.

2018年8月25日 (六) 22:55的最新修訂版本


WHO Plans to Ban Trans Fats in food by 2023

In May, the World Health Organization(WHO) announced their efforts to get rid of artificial trans fats from international food supplies by the year 2023. Health risks caused by trans fats in products used for cooking, like margarine and certain kinds of vegetable oil, are the reason for the ban. Global statistics show that artificial trans fats contributed to an estimated half-million deaths annually from heart disease. Developing countries are most at risk because of their limited access to resources and the prevalence of cheap processed food. Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, president of Resolve to Save Lives, an initiative that is working with the WHO, told The New York Times, "If the world replaces trans fats, people won't taste the difference, food won't cost more, but your heart will know the difference."

世界衛生組織在五月時宣布,他們要在2023年前努力清除國際食品供應中的人造反式脂肪。禁止的原因是因為用於烹飪的產品中含有的反式脂肪會對健康造成威脅,例如人造黃油和某些植物油。根據全球統計數據顯示,人造反式脂肪每年導致約50萬人死於心髒病。開發中國家由於獲取資源的機會有限以及廉價加工食品的普及處於最高風險。Resolve to Save Lives是一項和世衛組織合作的倡議活動,領導者Dr. Thomas R. Frieden跟紐約時報說:「如果世界取代掉反式脂肪,人們就嚐不出差異,食物花費也不會更高,但你的心臟會知道差異。」



Japanese Farmers Create Banana With Edible Peel

According to National Geographic, scientists at D&T Farm in Japan's Okayama Prefecture announced their most recent development of a banana with some properties that have made it a viral story. They successfully grew a banana fruit with a peel that people can eat. It took months of experimenting with a freezing-and-thawing method, which keeps the banana tree at extremely cold temperatures of -60 degrees Celsius followed by a dramatic heat increase to around 26 degrees. The result is soft and thin skin that hasn't fully developed.

The scientists' method mimics plant growth during ice ages or other long freezes. Cold temperatures slow plants metabolism; a sudden burst of sun and heat tends to lead to dramatic growth. In the banana's case, the fruit-which holds the seed-matures before the skin can catch up.





"Zombie Deer Disease" Spreading in US Canada

Chronicto wasting disease (CWD), also known as "zombie deer disease," was found in deer from 22 states and two Canadian provinces last winter, according to a report by the Daily Mail. The infection attacks the brain, spinal cord, and other tissues in deer, elk, and moose, resulting in dramatic weight loss, lack of coordination, and even aggression before they eventually die.

While it's not yet known to be transmissible to humans, a recent study showed that macaques could get CWD after consuming infected meat. It sounds very much like Mad Cow disease, which hit the UK in the mid-1980s after cattle ate bone meal of sheep infected with a similar virus. The disease then made the jump to people through infected beef products. This has sparked fears about a variant of CWD that could affect humans.





The Inspiring Story of Lizzie Velasquez

Lizzie Velasquez was born with a rare genetic disorder that prevents her from gaining weight and weakens her immune system. Excited with anticipation, Lizzie didn't know she looked different when she entered first grade. Other kids pointed and stared. None of them wanted to be near her. Not knowing why, she felt hurt and confused. Lizzie's parents, school, and church officials told her that she wasn't differant, just smaller.

Thanks to her upbeat personality, she eventually made friends, wrote for her high school newspaper,and joined the cheerleading squad. Then,Lizzie came across a YouTube Video entitled "The World's Ugliest Woman." This old footage of her drew thousands of nasty, hurtful comments. Lizzie read them all; not one supported her. It hit her like a ton of bricks, and even though her father said forgiveness was the best response, accepting the idea took some time. She decided to use this painful experience to take back her self-esteem and help as many people a as she could.

On her way to becoming a motivational speaker, she earned a bachelor's degree in communications. Her first TED talk was recorded in 2013 and now has 11 over million views. The documentary film, A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velasquez Story played at film festivals around the world. Lizzie's nationwide campaign to combat bullying online, offline, and at school focuses on lobbying for federal anti-bullying laws to be passed. While Lizzie's story stands out, the pain of feeling victimized' by other people is something everyone can relate to. Lizzie's true beauty lies in her selfless efforts to support victims, while working to prevent abusive behavior from happening to anyone.

Lizzie Velasquez出生時,患了會讓他體重沒辦法增加並讓她的免疫系統削弱的一種罕見遺傳疾病。Lizzie興奮地期待著進入一年級時,她並不知道自己看起來和別人有所不同。其他孩子指著並盯著她看。沒有人想要靠近她。她並不知道為什麼,但她感到受傷和困惑。Lizzie的父母、學校和教堂的人告訴她,她沒有什麼不同,只是比較小一點而已。

多虧她樂觀的個性,她最後還是交到了朋友,為她的高中寫報紙,並加入了啦啦隊。然後,Lizzie看到一個叫「世界上最醜陋的女人」的YouTube視頻。她的舊影片吸引了成千上萬惡意的、傷人的評論, Lizzie看完所有的評論,沒有一個支持她的人。她像被一堆磚頭擊中一樣,即使她的父親說寬恕是最好的回應,要接受這個想法還是花了一些時間。她決定利用這種痛苦的經歷來拿回她的自尊心,盡可能地幫助更多的人。

在成為勵志演講者的路上,她獲得了傳播學士學位。她2013年在TED的第一次演講被錄下來,現在有超過一千一百萬次觀看。紀錄片「一個勇敢的心:Lizzie Velasquez的故事」在世界各地的電影節上播放。Lizzie對抗在線上、離線和學校霸凌行為的全國活動,重點在遊說通過反霸凌聯邦法律。Lizzie的故事脫穎而出,且每個人都可以感受到被他人傷害的痛苦。Lizzie真正的美在於她支持受害者的無私努力,同時努力防止會發生在任何人身上的虐待行為。



Get Cozy in an Igloo Bar

Seeing the sky lit up by the northern or southern lights from the comfort of a warm bed is a rare experience if you don't live anywhere near the Arctic or Antarctic Circles. While stargazers travel to igloo hotels in the polar regions for these celestial wonder, like Iceland's 5 Million Star Hotel, the rest of us will have to make do. Igloo bars offering spectacular views of city skylines are a worthy alternative.

While the word igloo makes most people think of icy, dome snow shelters, igloo bars look more like large dome-shaped tents. In late 2016, the Coppa Club in London opened igloo bars overlooking the Tower Bridge along the Thames. Decorated with dangling ivy, furry blankets, candles, speakers, heating, and a holiday menu, the domes quickly became popular. Anyone who steps foot inside the igloo feels like they are traveling into another world, like the world in so many fantasy stories.

The enchanting bubbles returned to the Thames for the winter months of 2017, even springing up in other parts of London. For example, Coppa Club opened some on the rooftop of Heathrow Airport. Other cities, like New York, Sydney, and Budapest, quickly followed suit with their own igloo bars. With their rising popularity, let's hope you can find them in a city near you next winter.







Fearsome crocodiles are one predator not to be messed with in the wild. But that's just what Matt Wright, the host of Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail, and his adventurous Aussie mates intend to do. National Geographic is there for every second of the action, as they get up close and personal with saltwater crocodiles in the Northern Territory of Australia. Tracking and trapping crocodiles as a conservationist, Wright tangles with the deadly reptiles in order to save their lives.

His mission is to protect the crocodiles from dangerous encounters with humans, and vice versa, by moving them to other areas instead of killing them. When an animal attacks, it is usually put to death. The increasing saltwater croc population Down Under has led to a growing need for intervention. National Geographic follows Wright as he works with local experts, farmers, and authorities to safely relocate wildlife. Every episode features Wright traveling to a remote location to save the day with his compassionate problemsolving and hands-on expertise.

In Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail, Wright and the crew travel to Mount Keppler, just south of Darwin, Australia. Tales of a monstrous crocodile have spread there for decades. According to the stories, the croc got so big from feeding off scraps from a slaughterhouse. Will Wright and 2-fingered Tommy Nichols from Parks & Wildlife be able to catch the croc and release it back into the wild? Tune in to National Geographic for a chance to see the men build a trap and catch one of the largest crocodiles ever on Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail !

可怕的鱷魚是在野外時最好不要去惹的一種捕食者,但這就是 Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail節目主持人Matt Wright,和他的富有冒險精神的澳洲夥伴打算要去做的事。他們在澳洲的北領地和鹽水鱷近距離接觸,每一個動作都被國家地理記錄下來了。Wright像一個保育人士一樣跟蹤、誘捕鱷魚,去招惹這些致命的爬蟲類動物是為了要救他們的性命。


在 Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail,Wright和一群人去澳洲達爾文南邊的克普勒山。數十年,一直有流傳有一隻巨大鱷魚的傳說。根據傳說,那隻鱷魚以屠宰場的碎片為食,而長的這麼大。Wright和從公園和野外動物來的2指Tommy Nichols能夠抓到鱷魚並且把它放回 野外嗎?轉到國家地理,就有機會看到那些男人製造陷阱和捕捉「 Monster Croc Wrangler—A Crocodile's Tail」中最大的鱷魚之一!




Walking along any beach in Taiwan, you can't help but be struck by the huge amount of trash washed up on rocky or sandy beaches. It doesn't belong there. The problem is that we humans put it there. This garbage is not only unnatural and unsightly; it is also deadly to marine life.

In December last year, two sea turtles were found washed up on the beaches of Penghu, an archipelago county of Taiwan. One was dead; the other was found puking up blood before it died. On later inspection, both turtles' stomachs were full of plastic, such as bottles and straws. Another turtle was entangle in fishing nets. It survived and was released back into the sea.

Pollution is a continuing problem everywhere. Earth's skies, land, and even oceans are filling up with poisonous gases and debris. One artist, Benjamin Von Wong, decided to do something about the polluting of our oceans.

With the help of other volunteer artists, a friend who owned a warehouse, and a trucking company, Von Wong borrowed 10,000 plastic bottles from a recycling center. The trucking company offered to transport the bottles, which filled the bottom of a 50-foot truck. He then used the warehouse to stage a fake beach and asked a model to wear a costume and pose for pictures showing a dead mermaid engulfed by plastic trash. You can see the results for yourself in photos with the hashtag #MermaidsHatePlastic.

Von Wong's hope is that seeing his shocking photos will encourage people to take the problem of trash in our oceans seriously. The solution is simple: we should properly dispose of any garbage we produce. Start today, and you will help save marine creatures—and maybe even a mermaid.



汙染對於任何地方都是持續不斷的問題。地球的天空、陸地、甚至是海洋都充滿著有毒氣體和廢棄物。一個藝術家Benjamin Von Wong,決定要為海洋汙染做些什麼事。

在其他自願的藝術家、一個有倉庫的朋友、和一個卡車公司的幫忙下,Von Wong向回收中心借10000個塑膠瓶子。卡車公司提意要運送裝滿50英尺長卡車的寶特瓶。後來他把倉庫裝扮成假海灘然後叫模特兒穿上服裝,百好姿勢拍照,展示出在塑膠垃圾包圍裡死掉的美人魚照片。你可以自己找標籤#MermaidsHatePlastic來看照片成果。

Von Wong希望看到這些震驚的照片的人們,能夠因受到鼓勵嚴肅地去看待海洋垃圾的問題。解決辦法很簡單:我們應改要確實的處理掉我們製造出來的任何垃圾。今天開始,你將幫助救那些海洋生物 ,或甚至是一隻美人魚。




If you're in search of a travel destination that's a bit off the beaten track, Sarawak is an ideal spot to explore. Located on the northwestern coast of the island of Borneo in Malaysia, Sarawak is a vast wilderness filled with spectacular natural scenery. It's also famous for its friendly locals, who are eager to show tourists their way of life.

The best way to begin any trip to Sarawak is to book a stay at the Sarawak Cultural Village. The village has been nicknamed "the living museum" because it offers a window into Sarawak's present and past. The village stretches across 17 acres and is home to approximately 150 people. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to interact with the diverse groups of people residing in Sarawak.

One such tribe is the Melanau, who comprise roughly 6% of Sarawak's population. The Melanau have always lived by the sea, which in the past put them in constant danger from pirate raids. In order to protect themselves, they built towering houses that stood up to 12 meters high. An example of this unique architectural style is the Melanau Tall House. Inside, you can feast on a traditional meal of sago pearls and biscuits. In the evenings, a resident storyteller will entertain guests with old ghost stories.

Nearby are the Penan group who live at the Penan Hut. They are the last of Sarawak's hunter-gatherers. The members of this nomadic tribe have a reputation for being brave warriors and experts at using blowpipes. Visitors can observe as they create these dangerous weapons by hand and even get a lesson on how to shoot them in the forest.



